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To: Damian Hinds MP

Save Our Village of Bentley from Massive Solar Farm Installation in Historic River Valley

Support our campaign to stop Solstice Renewables from installing a massive industrial solar 'park' on land that forms part of the bucolic River valley of the Wey and borders the South Downs National Park. The picture you see will be centrally filled up with solar panels.

Why is this important?

The government and the national planning framework and many influential organisations such as Nature England have provided clear guidelines on what are the most suitable sites for large scale Solar panel installations. The Energy Minister has quoted that such installations should preferably be on brownfield sites. Many in the community believe that Solstice Renewables are giving very little consideration to these guidelines with this proposal - and this has angered many who value the community they live in. If this goes ahead, we believe this beautiful village landscape, which adjoins the South Downs National Park, will be ruined for atleast the next 25 years. Solstice have acknowledged that they should be seeking more brownfield sites for such developments, but then are entering into deals with landowners to convert perfectly decent agricultural land to solar Installations, in the heart of communities and bringing misery to residents who love their views and their countryside. The Localism Act 2011 is giving communities more say about their local environment. We don't accept what this company is doing, do not believe it has considered fully the planning guidelines set out and are campaigning to get the proposal refused. We believe that these companies must focus much more on the sites they should be focusing on: brownfield sites, rooftops and land that is well hidden from communities, not on top of them. We petition our MP Damian Hinds to bring pressure to bear on this company to do the right thing and find a more suitable location.
" We are not against renewable energy - far from it. Bentley already has a large solar farm identical to this proposal and has already done its share of combating global warming. 5 MW for 430 houses in the parish works out at 12 kW a house. This is far more electricity than we use. If every other community did the same we would soon solve the energy crisis."

How it will be delivered

We wish to deliver the signatures in person, via our local Conservative Councillor.

Bentley GU105JY

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2015-08-01 09:17:52 +0100

Keep in touch everyone. We are coming together as a community and can make a difference. Ongoing support is needed and we need everyone to write in to object to this planning application. Thank you.

2015-07-24 14:50:32 +0100

Have you seen the petition to campaign for legislation to mandate commercial rooftop solar?
Check it out and sign up!

2015-07-24 10:51:42 +0100

Damian is coming to our village very soon to listen to our concerns and we will be telling him all about your support for this campaign. We will be giving him questions to take back to parliament, so your views really count!

2015-06-20 09:46:08 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-06-18 21:25:55 +0100

This petition will be handed to Damian Hinds but we need as many signatures as possible! Well done to all of you who have already signed up to support our campaign.
Press releases this week - so watch out for Farnham and Alton Herald.

2015-06-17 12:14:26 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-06-17 09:07:36 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-06-17 07:37:41 +0100

10 signatures reached

2015-06-17 00:16:26 +0100

We have issued statements to the local press and made a stand at the local pre planning exhibition.
We are organising a petition to issue to Damian Hinds as soon as we can. Spread the word, get signed up if you don't want this Solar Industrial Park to be a reality in our community.