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To: Theresa May, Home Secretary

Save Sherdil, Shafiq, Izatullah And Others From Horrific Deportation to Afghanistan

*UPDATE* on 10th March 2015 the Home Office devastatingly went ahead with the deportation of 32 people to Afghanistan. However- the amazing news is that 20 people were taken off the flight, including Sherdil, Shafiq and Izatullah!

Save Sherdil, Shafiq, Izatullah and others from horrific deportations to Afghanistan.

Why is this important?

UPDATE 10th March 2015 the Home Office sadly went ahead with the deportation of 32 people to Afghanistan. HOWEVER 20 people were taken off the flight though, including Sherdil, Shafiq and Izatullah.

We would like to continue collecting signatures to show opposition to further deportations whilst Afghanistan remains unsafe. We have more time now to really build our opposition- if we collect 100,000 signatures, the issue will have to be discussed in Parliament.


An Afghan government minister, Mr. Hussain Alami Balkhi, has stated that returned refugees will not be accepted and will be turned away at the airport.

Despite this warning, the UK government is still willing to waste thousands of taxpayers money, with an average charter flight costing £218,617, and the government having spent nearly £4m on deportations to Afghanistan in 2011/2.




2015-11-30 13:11:05 +0000

Petition is successful with 1,471 signatures

2015-03-13 09:54:05 +0000

Petition is successful with 1,418 signatures

2015-03-12 23:56:33 +0000

Petition is successful with 1,414 signatures

2015-03-12 17:51:46 +0000

Petition is successful with 1,396 signatures

2015-03-09 23:17:29 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2015-03-09 15:03:02 +0000

500 signatures reached

2015-03-07 22:53:28 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-03-06 20:05:43 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-03-06 18:15:38 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-03-06 16:13:40 +0000

10 signatures reached