To: The Welsh Assembly Government and Gwynedd County Council

Save the Barmouth Bridge

Keep the funding in place to keep the footpath/Cycle path open on this iconic route over the Mawddach estuary.

Why is this important?

The bridge is shared with the railway line and the path takes walkers and cyclists and even people who are on a short walk over the bridge.
When you reach the middle of the bridge you can experience one of, if not THE best view in Britain. If the Council close the path it means that the cycle trail becomes irrelevant and we, like many families, used the trail to take our children on their first 'long' cycle ride as there is no traffic, only walkers and other cyclists.
Without the bridge there will be an eighteen mile detour on the main road into Barmouth.
This bridge is part of our heritage and should have protected status
Barmouth, Gwynedd

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