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To: Kent County Council

Save the Pavilion Youth and Community Cafe!

The Pavilion Youth and Community Cafe in St. Peter's Recreation Ground, Broadstairs, is a vital part of our community catering for everyone from Mums, Dads, grandparents and carers with little ones to the elderly who call in for tea, coffee and cake, but importantly for company.

At its core are, however, its youth activities, its after-school club bridging the gap between school and home, helping those who need mental health support, who wish to be involved with Art and craft, who aspire to do the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, be involved with sport or just meet friends in a safe, secure environment.

All this is under threat because Kent County Council proposes cutting the funding to youth activities. This would be devastating for those young people as it means so much to so many.

We call upon Kent County Council to reconsider and keep this vital facility funded.

The building in what was a derelict cricket pavilion was refurbished largely by volunteers at minimal expense in 2017 and since then has become so important to so many in our community.

Why is this important?

Please support our campaign and send a strong message to KCC! We need KCC to continue funding its share of this vital facility! The facility receives other grants but KCC's funding is crucial.

Contact our Kent County Councillors and tell them how strongly we feel about this situation. Without adequate funding, much of the good work done at the Pavilion will stop.

Email [email protected] and [email protected].

Also include our MP, Craig Mackinlay on

How it will be delivered

It will be printed off and sent to KCC at Maidstone.

Broadstairs and St. Peters, Broadstairs, UK

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2023-08-29 01:40:50 +0100

100 signatures reached

2023-08-28 19:34:20 +0100

50 signatures reached

2023-08-28 17:51:42 +0100

25 signatures reached

2023-08-28 17:09:46 +0100

10 signatures reached