10 signatures reached
To: Powys County Council
Save Welshpool Library

Save Welshpool Library
Why is this important?
The County Council wish to relocate the library to the museum, which is half the size and result in the downgrading of both services.
Welshpool Library is purpose built in a central location which is convenient for all. It has parking spaces and is instantly recognisable.
In the proposed location, it would house less than half the current bookstock, and there is very little space for children's storytimes and activities. The Museum would be squeezed into an upstairs space and jobs would be lost.
Welshpool Library is purpose built in a central location which is convenient for all. It has parking spaces and is instantly recognisable.
In the proposed location, it would house less than half the current bookstock, and there is very little space for children's storytimes and activities. The Museum would be squeezed into an upstairs space and jobs would be lost.