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To: Jack Scott, Cabinet Member for Transport and Development

Safe School Streets for Sheffield

Close roads at school entrances to motorised traffic during drop off and pick up times to protect children from traffic and traffic related air pollution.

Why is this important?

School Streets are roads next to schools where traffic is restricted during the times of the day when children are arriving or leaving school.

Sheffield has 25 schools in areas of high, sometimes illegal, air pollution. High air pollution levels exacerbate respiratory illnesses like asthma and recent studies have shown that children exposed to high pollution levels have reduced lung capacity that can affect them for the rest of their lives. Sheffield has a clean air strategy that already recognises the need to take action on poor air quality, especially around schools. 20mph and anti-idling initiatives are great but will not make enough of a difference.

Edinburgh, Southwark, Hackney and Solihull have already implemented School Streets to protect children from traffic and traffic related pollution at the school gate. School Streets encourages active travel, improves air quality in the classroom, and reduces traffic congestion for everyone.

How it will be delivered

In person to a meeting of Sheffield Council.


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2018-11-22 22:17:09 +0000

100 signatures reached

2018-11-22 13:31:08 +0000

4 days in and we've got 88 signatures. I know that there are more people than this in Sheffield that are frustrated about inconsiderate driving and parking around their schools. School Streets has been implemented by other councils and it works. It eliminates school traffic outside schools and reduces morning traffic in the area of a school where 1/4 of the traffic is school traffic. What I am learning is that where this works, where it happens, is where the schools have asked for it. Parents, students and school staff all want to arrive, study and work in a safe environment. If your school is interested in campaigning for School Streets please do send me an email. Thanks!

2018-11-19 15:40:18 +0000

It's great to have had such a good response so far. 58 responses in less than 24 hours is more than I hoped for. And not just people blindly clicking on a link but people who understand the issue and also know that there are no easy solutions to this problem. I believe though that if this can work in bigger more congested cities that this can work here but it will take the cooperation of residents, schools and of course Sheffield Council to pull this off. I'm currently working on building an alliance of other interested groups who have subject knowledge in the areas of campaigning, pollution, transport, accessibility and equality. Please get in touch with me if you have expertise in any of these areas. Thanks!

2018-11-19 12:00:16 +0000

50 signatures reached

2018-11-19 08:01:15 +0000

25 signatures reached

2018-11-18 22:23:13 +0000

10 signatures reached