To: The Department for Education

Scrap Compulsory PE during KS4

Photo by Peter Glaser on Unsplash
A law should be enforced where during KS4, PE Lessons should be run at the same time as revision clubs and/or an IT facility be opened to students.

Why is this important?

As students move up into KS4, there will be far more on their minds than spending 4% of their lesson time per week doing sports. While Year 10 students can be using this time to prepare for important assessments or even their mock exams, Year 11 students can be using this time to revise for their official exams which will completely shape their future. Considering there are approximately 39 weeks in each UK school year, 2 hours of PE per week would add up to 78 hours of wasted time in school. 78 hours can make a massive difference to academic achievement and boost possibilities for students.
