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To: The PM following the General Election

Scrap Trident and its replacement

Please scrap Trident and it's successor.

Why is this important?

An amount of £100billion has been touted to replace the UK's Trident Nuclear deterrent.

It is important to scrap this for two reasons:

1) The amount of money involved is vast and can be spent in other much more needed areas, such as schools and hospitals. More importantly this money can be used to fund the British Armed Forces and buy much needed equipment.

2) We no longer need a nuclear deterrent. Wars and battles are not fought with nuclear weapons but with men and modern equipment. Any future deterrent should include a well equipped and modern army.



2016-06-11 16:00:10 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-05-31 20:33:11 +0100

10 signatures reached