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To: Carolyn Harris - All-Party Parliamentary Group on Beauty

Simplify self-care and cosmetic ingredient labels

Make the ingredient labels for self-care and cosmetic products simpler to understand.

Why is this important?

As consumers, we want to be able to make educated and informed choices about the products we use for our self-care and cosmetics. At present, the ingredient labels are confusing and misleading, due to the complicated scientific language used.

Many products available in the British market are filled with harmful chemicals and toxins that given both education and choice, we may not use on our family's bodies. It is extremely difficult to understand the ingredient labels as they are written in complicated scientific terminology.

Around 3 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with hormone-receptive breast cancer. Until that time, I had given no consideration to the ingredients in was using on my body or those of my family. But her cancer diagnosis triggered me to investigate the products we were all using on our bodies. I was horrified to discover that some of the ingredients in our trusted household brands were carcinogenic, hormone-disruptive and highly irritant.

I am a mum to a blended family of 4 young children. We are conscious about the environment, eat well and stay fit. We do our bit for British society in any way we can.

As a conscious mum, I know that there will be many other parents and individuals that given the correct information, would want to ensure they are limiting the dangers that they are exposing themselves to.

There are a growing number of natural, harmful-chemical-free alternatives on the market. But with simplified labelling, society can be clear on what goes into a product and make an informed decision about whether they still choose to use that or opt for a safer alternative.

There has been a movement in food labelling to highlight the known allergens in ingredient labels. This makes it far easier for consumers to make an informed choice. I am suggesting a similar movement with self-care and cosmetics products, whereby, known harmful chemicals or toxins must be highlighted.



2020-03-06 20:16:49 +0000

50 signatures reached

2020-03-06 11:57:36 +0000

25 signatures reached

2020-03-05 18:10:31 +0000

10 signatures reached