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To: Hackney Council

SODOWN - Save Our Duke of Wellington Now!

Save the Duke of Wellington in Hoxton, N1 from closure and re-development, and ensure its continued use as a public house.

Why is this important?

Following the closure of the majority of local pubs in the area, we must put a stop to the erosion of the fabric of our local community through the systematic demolition/re-development of our local pubs in Hackney. We have seen many pubs disappear in Hackney in recent history (19 within a half mile radius in the last 20 years!), to make way for unaffordable housing and developments which have no connection to the local area or its history. We must act now to save one of the last public houses in our area from closure - and in doing so, keep our community from being dismantled by big businesses who have no knowledge or respect for our heritage.
London Borough of Hackney and London borough of Islington

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2016-01-28 15:43:48 +0000

A great article in the Hackney Gazette this week to raise awareness of the imminent closure of the much loved 'Welly Boot'!

2016-01-17 12:59:12 +0000

100 signatures reached

2016-01-17 10:22:30 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-01-16 22:16:01 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-01-16 18:36:36 +0000

10 signatures reached

2016-01-16 18:03:10 +0000

We have applied to have the pub listed as an 'asset of community value' to help protect it from a change of use. We will let you know the outcome ASAP!