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To: Hartlepool Borough Council

Speed calming measures for Elwick Road (nr Elwick Grove)

Put speed calming measures in place on the road adjacent to Elwick Grove estate to reduce the speed of vehicles in both directions on this road before there's a serious accident or pedestrian collision.

Why is this important?

This road goes from 60mph to 30mph from Elwick to Hartlepool. The 30mph speed limit starts quite close to the Elwick Grove estate entrance, and many vehicles do not reduce their speed as they pass the estate.

The issue is that many vehicles tend to ignore the 30mph limit as they drive past Elwick Grove estate, or they speed up in readiness for the 60mph change if they are coming up the hill.

There are lots of families living in Elwick Grove estate and the surrounding areas, using that road to cross with children for school. So the risk to children is a concern. There is also a risk of a collision when people are exiting the estate with speeding vehicles coming down Elwick Road, not giving themselves time to slow down before they reach the junction exit. This is an accident waiting to happen with some residents already experiencing near misses.

We request the council assess this as a priority and put speed calming measures in place before a serious vehicle collision or a pedestrian is knocked down by a speeding vehicle.

How it will be delivered

Email signatures if possible, or deliver this in person to Tony Hanson, Assistant Director, Hartlepool Borough Council.

Hartlepool, UK

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2020-09-30 14:28:42 +0100

Just 27 signatures away from 300. A great amount of support for this, thank you!

2020-09-24 22:21:57 +0100

Thank you so much for signing the petition. We have lots of signatures so far but we’d appreciate even more to build our case. Please continue to share with others!

2020-09-24 20:14:54 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-09-24 18:09:45 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-09-24 17:22:02 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-09-24 17:04:52 +0100

10 signatures reached