To: DEFRA , Food Standards Agency

Standardised welfare "traffic lights" on all meat and meat containing food packaging

I wish to propose a change within the UK (but in no means limited as this is a global awareness), similar to the traffic light system on items relating to nutritional content being a traffic light system, so purchasers can make an informed choice, despite some factors being quite obvious in many cases.

Why is this important?

I want the government (maybe DEFRA or Food Standards) to specifically look at meat and all meat containing products (including ready meals) in light to both animal welfare through both farm, during transport and more importantly slaughter, there is already many schemes within the UK like the Red Tractor or RSPCA Assured, however there is nothing which ties up these factors into an easy to read and digest format similar to the nutritional information, again allowing users to make an informed choice.

To look at slaughter ( including transport from farm to abattoir) where standards once left the farm, despite many processes being followed and aspects such as Vets and CCTV being included, not all slaughterhouses would be the same, thus I feel would need to be much more transparent, to allow the the purchasers to make a much more informed choice of how their meat was both treated at farm, during transport and finally when killed. This might be a factor which people may not know, or may not want to know, but having this information on the packet would certainly make people think and consider all products.

We all know animals are sentient, but many of us chose to eat them, so at least , their welfare including transport and slaughter should be at the very least humane .

Anyone whom cares for the welfare of animals, which they may or may not eat, simply.

We all know animals are sentient, but many of us chose to eat them, so at least , their welfare including transport and slaughter should be at the very least humane .

How it will be delivered

Due to the wider political issues ( the roundabout of current Prime Ministers and Cabinet) I cannot focus on any particular Minister, whom may or may not still have a job once this petition has gained enough traction, however when it gains a significant amount, then this will be sent to the relevant minister (Most likely DEFRA)
