Bristol Airport is ploughing ahead. It's now running a second set of public events to try and sell its plans - and to gauge how much opposition they're likely to face. The critical decision point is yet to come. That'll be when they ask for planning permission. But it's still another good time to voice opposition to the airport, as much as anything so that others in our communities feel comfortable speaking out too.
There are events coming up in June at the airport plus in Churchill, Barrow Gurney, Chew Magna, Bristol, Clevedon, Bath, Newport and Taunton. Let us know how it goes if you're heading down. Full info on the events are on the Bristol Airport website here:
If you're looking for other ways to resist the airport expansion, now would be a good time to start making contact with neighbours who are also troubled by the plans. We'll need as many people as possible to oppose it when they do ask for planning permission.