10 signatures reached
To: Metropolitan Police and City of London Police
Stop cars entering the green cycle boxes at junctions.

Please actually start enforcing the law, and stop cars from illegally entering the green cycle boxes at traffic lights when the lights are red.
These are covered in rule 178 of the Highway Code.
These are covered in rule 178 of the Highway Code.
Why is this important?
The green cycle boxes, and Advance Stopping Lines at junctions are supposed to create a safe haven for cyclists, but they are routinely ignored by many drivers. At best this makes the cycle boxes useless, at worst it makes them incredibly dangerous for cyclists to use.
The Police say "If the traffic lights are on red, drivers (including motorcyclists and scooter riders) must not cross the first stop line - if they do they could liable to a £100 fixed penalty and three penalty points on their driving license."
Every day on my commute into work I see drivers completely flaunting the law, driving into these boxes to try to get ahead of cyclists and putting people at risk. It's time the police actually started enforcing the highway code and stopped these dangerous drivers.
The Police say "If the traffic lights are on red, drivers (including motorcyclists and scooter riders) must not cross the first stop line - if they do they could liable to a £100 fixed penalty and three penalty points on their driving license."
Every day on my commute into work I see drivers completely flaunting the law, driving into these boxes to try to get ahead of cyclists and putting people at risk. It's time the police actually started enforcing the highway code and stopped these dangerous drivers.