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To: Jo Webster, Chief Executive. Wakefield Clinical Commissioning WF1 1LT

Stop Closure Of Wrenthorpe Local Surgery

Stop the closure of Wrenthorpe local doctors surgery

Why is this important?

Outwood surgery are going to put out a consultation document in reference to closing Wrenthorpe Surgery.
I believe they have already decided to close the surgery as they have been running it down for at least the last two years, a worry that I have expressed to my local councillor on regular occasions.
The reasons for closing the surgery are purely monetary, no matter what they say.
I believe that it is part of the "privatisation of the NHS" policy by selling off NHS properties.
Make no mistake that this will also end up in the closure of our local chemist which will cause an extra burden on the sick and elderly in Wrenthorpe.
This will not only affect Wrenthorpe but will be part of a bigger issue that will see centralisation of doctors services throughout the Wakefield area based purely on financial interests..
We must make a stand now. Stop the creeping privatisation of "OUR" NHS

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2017-08-08 09:45:34 +0100

The first drop-in session is this week on Thursday 10th August 5.00pm- 7.00pm at Outwood Park medical centre. Please encourage your friends and neighbours to sign the petition. The more signatures we get the the better. Thank you for your participation in this petition.

2017-07-29 04:35:13 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-07-28 21:42:22 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-07-28 16:14:54 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-07-28 14:22:12 +0100

10 signatures reached