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To: The Cabinet, The Prime Minister, Parliament, Ofgem

Stop Ofgem from committing murder

The original price cap on domestic fuel needs to be reinstated

Why is this important?

Many people on low incomes will lose their lives through hypothermia, as they will not be able to afford heating. Many more older people will just try and wrap up warm instead of putting the heating on because they can't afford the gas, or electric. Many disabled people on low incomes will have to choose between heating or food.

This is corporate murder. The outcome of this is a massive rise in the death rate this winter. I myself am looking at a winter of severe pain with little to no heating each day. My mother is likely to just not turn the heating on and wrap up as warm as possible as she is of the wartime generation. I fear that she will not survive the next winter. Many of her generation, and their children on low incomes (state pensions) will likely do the same as they will not be able to afford heating this winter.

Please do not start up a similar petition as it will weaken this petition. Instead share this one so as many people can sign it, and it gets brought before the house of commons.



2022-09-28 22:20:07 +0100

10 signatures reached