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To: The CoOperative Food


CoOp Food - please stop placing magazines with vile and graphic headlines and images immediately above kids magazines in your stores.

Why is this important?

My 8 year old daughter loves kids magazines and always looks at them in our local CoOp (where they are placed right by the till). She is a prolific reader.

I've recently noticed her also looking at the 'women's weekly' magazines. These are placed directly at her eye level and immediately above the kids magazines. This is the case in both our local CoOp store and others I have visited around the country. To my horror, I realised she was reading the headlines... headlines such as "Mum muffled my cries after Dad raped me" and "Sex beasts in my room at bedtime". There have also been images recently of women who have been severely beaten - accompanied by headlines such as "Beaten by thug ex - his poor son saw it all..."

As a mother, I do not want my daughter to be bombarded by this sort of content every time I pop for a pint of milk. Displaying this content in such close proximity to children's magazines is, in my view, utterly irresponsible.

I asked the manager of my local store to move the magazines to the top shelf out of young children's eyeline. The top shelf currently displays many 'innocuous' titles such as 'Ideal Home' and 'House Beautiful' which could easily be swapped for the 'offending' titles. The manager was sympathetic but advised he could only do this with authority from Head Office.

I have tackled the CoOperative Food Head Office about this repeatedly to no avail - in fact, it is a struggle even to get them to reply to my E Mails!

Despite their profession to be a 'socially responsible organisation', they have finally indicated that one complaint is not enough for them to act!! With your help, I'd like to show them that more than one of their shoppers/members is unhappy with this stuff being displayed in this way. Please sign up to make the CoOp do the socially responsible thing and protect our young children from this horrible content.

Thank you


2016-07-26 14:40:52 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-06-23 22:33:28 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-06-23 12:26:45 +0100

10 signatures reached