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To: Josie Spencer CEO Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust

Stop Parking Charges for NHS staff at North Walsham Memorial Hospital.

Scrap plans to force NHS staff at North Walsham Memorial Hospital to pay parking charges in order to carry out their jobs.

Why is this important?

North Norfolk is a rural area and public transport links to and from North Walsham Memorial Hospital are poor so that the majority of NHS staff working at North Walsham have no choice other than to drive to get into work.

Staff on the wards can do up to 12 hour shifts including night shifts and bank holidays and public transport doesn't run 24/7.

Most community staff require their cars to do their jobs in the local community, visiting patients in their homes throughout the year come rain or shine.

Forcing Nurses, Health Care Assistants, Therapists and Administration Staff to apply and pay for parking permits is therefore in effect an additional job tax which hardworking and dedicated NHS staff should not have to pay. We feel it is simply unfair and unjust.
Norfolk, England

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2019-07-25 13:03:40 +0100

Unions and staff have engaged in very constructive discussions with senior management at Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust (NCH&C). I am pleased to announce that plans to implement parking charges for NHS Staff at North Walsham Memorial Hospital have been withdrawn.

Moving forward, NCH&C have made a positive commitment to continue to work with staff and unions about how best to manage any future parking issues at North Walsham Hospital in the most practical and fairest way.

Staff at North Walsham feel privileged to be working in such a supportive community and would like to extend a really big thank you to everyone who signed the petition and campaigned on their behalf.

Thank you

2019-06-10 07:07:00 +0100

Thank you to everyone who has signed the petition or who joined us outside North Walsham Hospital for our peaceful protest on 6th June. Staff have been truly blown away by the level of support you have shown. We plan to meet with senior management of the Trust to deliver our petition in the next week and will keep you updated about how the campaign is going.

You can read more about the protest and our campaign at :

Thank you

2019-05-25 16:50:34 +0100

500 signatures reached

2019-05-22 23:12:52 +0100

100 signatures reached

2019-05-22 21:18:10 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-05-22 20:30:25 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-05-22 17:18:55 +0100

10 signatures reached