5,000 signatures reached
To: Penny Mordaunt MP, Fire Services Minister
Support Your Firefighters

Dear Minister,
Please reconsider the unfair, unworkable and unaffordable pension changes currently being imposed on the Fire Service
Please reconsider the unfair, unworkable and unaffordable pension changes currently being imposed on the Fire Service
Why is this important?
The government is threatening to change firefighters’ pension schemes, meaning all members will pay more, work longer and still get less.
Pay more
Before 2010, firefighters already contributed one of the highest proportions of their salary towards their pensions (11%), and in April this year it increased for the third year running.
Firefighters typically now pay over £4,000 a year from a £29,000 salary, and the government has announced they will impose another increase in 2015.
Work longer
Firefighters will be expected to work until they are 60 however the government’s own report by Dr Tony Williams, published in December 2013, recognises that two thirds (66%) will not meet the current fitness standard.
Firefighters, who are forced to retire at 55 due to a natural decline in fitness, could lose up to half of their pension or face the sack.
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Firefighters will only receive the full pension they signed up for if they work for 40 years in the service which given current retirement and fitness rates is unlikely for the majority of firefighters.
Pay more
Before 2010, firefighters already contributed one of the highest proportions of their salary towards their pensions (11%), and in April this year it increased for the third year running.
Firefighters typically now pay over £4,000 a year from a £29,000 salary, and the government has announced they will impose another increase in 2015.
Work longer
Firefighters will be expected to work until they are 60 however the government’s own report by Dr Tony Williams, published in December 2013, recognises that two thirds (66%) will not meet the current fitness standard.
Firefighters, who are forced to retire at 55 due to a natural decline in fitness, could lose up to half of their pension or face the sack.
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Firefighters will only receive the full pension they signed up for if they work for 40 years in the service which given current retirement and fitness rates is unlikely for the majority of firefighters.