100 signatures reached
To: Home Secretary - The Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP
Grant Neema and her son asylum in the UK
Don’t return Neema and her son to a country which is dangerous and where they have no family or connections there.
Why is this important?
Neema was born in Burundi and after civil war broke out her family fled to a refugee camp in Kigoma. Her sister was killed in front of her and her mother raped. The refugee camp was very dangerous, families beaten, no food,medicine and people dying. Her mother was seriously ill and her father encouraged her to leave the refugee camp with some others and go to the nearest village and find work.
Neema was brought to the UK when she was 23 years of age. Neema met a man and they had a son in 2003. The father left Neema when he found out she was pregnant. In 2010, Neema met another man who promised her a better life in Belguim. They moved to Belgium and she then was physically and sexually abused by the man so returned to the UK in 2012.
Neema has had her final appeal heard at the Upper Tribunal hearing for asylum seekers and they have been declined. Even though her son was born in this country and he can claim British Citizenship on 7/12/19 in his own right. Nathaniel has nearly finished Year 10 in school and is doing extremely well. They are both church-goers and well integrated into their community.
Neema has lived in the UK most of her life. The Home Office want to return them to Burundi despite the British embassy stating that Burundi is a dangerous place and do not advise visiting. It's a terrifying prospect for them. Please help Neema and her son.
Neema was brought to the UK when she was 23 years of age. Neema met a man and they had a son in 2003. The father left Neema when he found out she was pregnant. In 2010, Neema met another man who promised her a better life in Belguim. They moved to Belgium and she then was physically and sexually abused by the man so returned to the UK in 2012.
Neema has had her final appeal heard at the Upper Tribunal hearing for asylum seekers and they have been declined. Even though her son was born in this country and he can claim British Citizenship on 7/12/19 in his own right. Nathaniel has nearly finished Year 10 in school and is doing extremely well. They are both church-goers and well integrated into their community.
Neema has lived in the UK most of her life. The Home Office want to return them to Burundi despite the British embassy stating that Burundi is a dangerous place and do not advise visiting. It's a terrifying prospect for them. Please help Neema and her son.