To: Rishi Sunak

The Government must keep triple lock on state pensions

Keep triple lock on state pensions.

Why is this important?

The triple lock was part of the Conservative Manifesto and was set aside for April this year due to exceptional circumstances. That was unacceptable, the lock was to deal with exceptional circumstances. The Pensions were increased by 3.2% the rate of inflation, but pay increased by 8%. The rate of inflation has since increased dramatically making the 3.2% a cut in real terms. Pensioners should be receiving an increase to match inflation, they are the most vulnerable in that they are on a fixed income and have no way of increasing the amount they receive by doing overtime.
Please see sense and also carry out your manifesto pledge that was so rudely set aside last time.

The triple lock affects us all. You may not be a pensioner yet but any increases now will be waiting for you when you do retire. We have one of the least generous state pensions in the OECD, coming 26th out of 36 countries (ref Pensions: International comparisons - commons library research) This is shocking for what should be considered a first-world country. Ensure our old age people get a fair deal as the manifesto promised.
