10 signatures reached
To: UK Government an citizens who care
The war in Yemen
Pull out the BEA support services who maintain, train and keep the war planes in the sky.
Dispatches Channel 4 cover the complicity of our government and especially BEA in maintaining the infrastructure that enables the Saudis to continue to operate an international war crime, as one operator told Chanel 4, if the uk support wasn't there, there would be no strike flights within a week!
We need to let our government and BEA know how apaling this is and how complicit we are in international crimes against humanity.
Dispatches Channel 4 cover the complicity of our government and especially BEA in maintaining the infrastructure that enables the Saudis to continue to operate an international war crime, as one operator told Chanel 4, if the uk support wasn't there, there would be no strike flights within a week!
We need to let our government and BEA know how apaling this is and how complicit we are in international crimes against humanity.
Why is this important?
Our moral compass is being skewed by apparent trade deals with our international operations, we have blood on our hands.