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To: All 20 Premier League clubs about to vote on whether to scrap video assistant referees (VAR)

We’ve had enough of VAR

Vote to scrap VAR at your upcoming Annual General Meeting

Why is this important?

Football is the beautiful game. It is full of stories of unlikely heroes, of last minute comebacks and underdogs upsetting the odds. 

But for too long now, the joy of our game has been sucked away with the use of unnecessary and convoluted technology.

Instead of celebrating goals when they’re scored, we now wait…  and wait… and wait… for lines to be drawn on a screen, for millimetres to be checked, for someone sitting in a box miles away to make a decision. 

And worst of all, even with all this technology, there’s still loads of mistakes.

If it produced immediate and accurate results, that would be great. But it doesn’t. And it’s ruining the spirit of the game. So VAR has got to go. 

If at least 14 of the 20 Premier League clubs vote in favour of scrapping VAR, then it will be gone for good! 


2024-05-25 16:19:55 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached