To: Arlene Foster, DUP Leader

Punish the racism of Gregory Campbell MP

As DUP leader, Arlene Foster should withdraw the whip from Gregory Campbell MP in the wake of his disgraceful comments about the number of black people on an edition of Songs of Praise.

Why is this important?

North West Migrants Forum is a network of individuals working together to tackle racial inequality and prejudice in Gregory Campbell's constituency of Derry/Londonderry. They have come out strongly against these comments and we must stand behind them.

North West Migrants Forum state:

"Mr Campbell’s statement is not a trivial matter; it is deeply irresponsible. It is deeply worrying that Mr Campbell can confidently display such clear bias, apparently without fear of challenge or accountability. Given his role as an elected representative and public servant, Mr Campbell’s statement cannot go unchallenged; the potential costs are too high. Just weeks since the horrific attack on the Belfast Multicultural Association, it is alarming that a political leader thinks it appropriate to use this kind of race-baiting to secure some sort of perceived political advantage, regardless of the consequences."
Northern Ireland, UK

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