To: The Rt Hon. Stephen Crabb MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

Work Smarter No Longer Hours - Improve Productivity

The law that regulates the working hours in the UK must be changed. All employees should not be allowed to work longer than 40 hours per week. If they do so they must take time off in leu. We want a law similar to that existing in France

Why is this important?

The culture in the UK is for employees to work longer and longer hours, yet productivity in the UK is the lowest in the G7 countries. France, with similar population number and territory size, has a higher productivity per capita and yet employees work far less hours. It has been shown that a tired work force is less efficient and more costly, as it has more days off work. It impact on the NHS as a stressed workforce is more prone to illness and injuries. We want a law that reduce the costs to the British tax payer associated with overworking. A law which addresses the current work/social life imbalance. I am treating far too many people affected by stress due to long hours at work often forced, by a bullying culture, to 'socialise' with coworkers after work to show they are 'one of the team'.
