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To: The Department for Business, Skills and Innovation

Legislate to make free workplace childcare mandatory

Make it a requirement of companies over a certain size to provide free daycare for the children of their employees.

Why is this important?

Working families are juggling work/family responsibilities to try and keep expensive childcare costs down. These time- and work-pressures impact massively upon personal wellbeing and worker productivity.
Free, work-based childcare would show the company was progressive, forward-thinking and family-orientated. Practically, it would reduce travel time between alternative providers and the workplace, avoid any unplanned absence to cover childcare issues, prevent employees looking for better-paid jobs elsewhere to cover increasing childcare costs and would drastically improve working-parent motivation, well-being, loyalty to the employer and productivity. This kind of service would 'keep families together' and would truly reflect employer ambitions to promote a real work-life balance.

How it will be delivered

Electronically and/or deliver them to my MP, Maria Eagle and/or the Liverpool Mayor, Joe Anderson.


2015-09-01 20:59:26 +0100

10 signatures reached