Bottle Deposit SchemeIt is estimated that at least 8 million tonnes of plastic leak into the ocean every year – which is equivalent to dumping the contents of one rubbish truck into the ocean every minute. This plastic then causes harm to our wildlife, pollutes our water, washes up on our shores and even ends up in our food chain.159 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Bottle-less .
Stop the destruction of North West coast breeding and fish stocks.Due to fylde coasts uniquely shallow waters the dumping of 19000 tonnes daily would wreak havoc along the whole of the coastline,destroying all micro organisms and right the way up the food chain. Livelihoods through fishing,shrimpers and recreational anglers are all going to suffer from this devastating ecological disaster. Please sign and let's save the North West coastline from pollution.1,295 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Colin Earnshaw
STOP PUPPY FARMINGBecause the way we treat our animals reflects on us all as a nation. Why should these so called breeders be allowed to ignore animal welfare laws, carry on their disgusting practice and lining their pockets whilst dogs die in squalid conditions in agony. These animals have no voice no protection its up to us to protect them from cruelty and exploitation and force the British and Irish government to act on their behalf.261 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Lesley Saxelby
Get Paul O’Grady knightedPaul O’Grady is a national treasure and has been on tv for decades and he deserves to be knighted and become Sir Paul O’Grady750 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Scott Jukes
Stop the risk to lifeWhilst the for-profit company states its an experience where thousands of friends and families gather to listen to live music, fill up on yummy food, and light up life by sharing personal wishes, dreams and goals, which sounds wonderful the impact of thousands of lit lanterns allowed to drift and land wherever to cause chaos, harm, stress and death to the wildlife, pets, horses, livestock is unacceptable. There are many examples when ingested the sharp parts of sky lanterns can tear and puncture an animal’s throat or stomach causing internal bleeding, horses have had their blankets set on fire and are unable to escape. Lanterns also pose danger as a fire hazard – destroying habitats and potentially setting animal housing, feed and bedding alight. Marine life is also endangered by lanterns falling into the sea, Please ban the use of these dangerous devices530 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Helen Jason
Please replace plastic fruit and veg bags with paperOur big supermarkets stock small plastic bags for customers to select their own fruit and vegetables. These bags are usually thrown away after one use, adding to the avalanche of disposal plastics that are littering our oceans and harming our wildlife. It didn't use to be this way. Greengrocers used to provide customers with paper bags that were biodegradable. Let's bring back paper bags. Small changes can make a big difference.12,619 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Cate Watson
647 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Cara Naden
Introduce a tax (levy) on throwaway plasticThe UK produces billions of pieces of throwaway plastics such as plastic straws, plastic cutlery, plastic cups and coffee cups every year. Yet a huge percentage of these are not recycled - instead they end up littering our streets, our beaches and washing out to sea where they pollute our oceans and harm marine wildlife, which we then end up consuming! One of the most effective solutions is to introduce a small tax on throwaway items (straws, cups, cutlery, takeaway boxes, coffee cups, beer cups) at the point of sale. This has been incredibly successful with plastic carrier bags, where a small 5p charge has resulted in a reduction of over 80% in use in supermarkets. The tax collected should be ring-fenced for investment in anti-pollution strategies and solutions that work towards a circular economy where ‘waste’ is designed out of our system. In the recent budget, the government announced that they would investigate the possibility of bringing in a plastic tax to the UK, but nothing's confirmed yet. Please sign the petition to show your support for the idea, and help stop plastic pollution at source.245,021 of 300,000 SignaturesCreated by Natalie Fée
Ban Plastic GlitterProducts containing glitter and lustre made of tiny pieces of plastic (micro-plastic) are having an effect on the environment and on us. The UK could reduce the global impact of these harmful micro-plastics by banning them as soon as possible. Plastics are now found in almost every corner of the planet, including all the worlds oceans. Even worse, micro-plastics are being found in almost every level of the food chain, right up to the top! Because we are at the top of most food chains there is no doubt that means you and me! One recent study showed that up to a third of fish caught in the North Sea contained micro-plastic particles. We have no idea what long term effects micro-plastic will have on us, our children or the other animals and plants that share our planet. This is a very disturbing thought. Next time you eat something, what will you think? I think we need to do everything we can to stop using any plastics that can pollute the environment. We need to do this as soon as possible, before it's too late and everything gets contaminated. Banning glitter and lustre micro-plastics in the UK would be a step in the right direction. We would send a clear message to other members of the global community that we are doing something for global environmental protection. That might influence them to follow our lead. Please Mr. Gove, do the responsible thing and ban micro-plastic glitter and lustre from the UK.6,758 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Peter Roberts
Keep our Green Belt GREEN Coventry & WarwickshireCoventry does not need to build on Green Belt and Warwick DC does not need to build homes for Coventry - Coventry must correct the population data, as the cabinet member for finance, John Mutton, admitted on BBC CWR. On 26 Nov 17, he wrote to local people, "We are well aware of the STUPID NUMBERS that the Office of National Statistics instructed us to use in relation to the number of houses required" The Coventry Local Plan, on which Councilors will vote on 5 Dec 17, will determine where houses go for the next 14 years. Coventry Council has used absurdly high numbers which no one, including experts, believes in. The Council predict that the city will grow twice as fast as any other town in the region - 2x Birmingham, 3x Warwick, and 4x Stratford. Is that possible when jobs growth in Coventry has been mediocre? We can have the homes our children really need and keep our countryside. Building on Green Belt at Keresley, Eastern Green, and Kings Hill will destroy the beautiful Forest of Arden landscape which inspired Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. Putting a 'Brownfield First' policy into the local plan, will stop unneeded building on Green Belt, unless it is absolutely necessary.1,009 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Merle Gering
Back to Glass & other sustainable materialsWE KNOW that plastics are having a devastating effect on our seas - fish, mammals and filtering down to us humans, causing cancer's etc. WE KNOW that plastics are being ingested by birds and killing them. WE KNOW it's time for a change! WE KNOW!85 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sioux Wilson
Animals do feel painBecause we have to fight for animals rights1,043 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Tracy Robinson
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