Public Land Lawn Mower BanTo restore wildlife to the UK and stop perpetuating mass extinction of everything that isn't human.469 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Greg Smith
Stop the proposed Welsh badger cullBadgers are being made the scapegoat once again. It's time the Welsh Government took the science already gathered and understood that its farming practices NOT badgers causing Bovine TB.412 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Judi Hewitt
Reimpose the ban on Tail docking for working dogsAside from the fact that these dog's are used for what is a leisure activity and not a necessity, it is absolutely crucial that we stop using our own hobbies whether they are right or not, as justification for putting an animal through needless suffering. This country has led the way in animal rights, now in a bizarre twist the SNP and the Scottish conservatives are backing each other on this based on flawed studies. This attitude that the animals may damage themselves so we should do it ourselves when puppies is so primitive and inhumane I'm shocked it has been allowed. To carry out an act of cruelty on the low probability that they may get hurt in the future is just unacceptable. I myself own a boxer, a dog breed that for the longest time would have it's tail docked regardless of whether or not it was a working dog, I have owned 4 Boxers, 3 of whom had docked tails. My current boxer, Lotte, has her tail fully intact and I've never had a boxer that was so cuddly, joyful and friendly (A hard thing to say because the other 3 were very loving dogs) Instead of this attitude that we should do the damage ourselves, we should adopt a wait and see approach, this is what vets are trained for, to help and nurse animals back to health in the event of mistreatment or accidents, If Lotte ever has an accident with her gorgeous tail, I feel confident in her vets abilities to get her back to health and make her comfortable in her recovery.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mark Dennis
Change The Law Regarding Dog AttacksThis act will prevent the dog from further attacks and causing significant harm to another person during the investigation.135 of 200 SignaturesCreated by John Boldan
Petition to allow dogs and other pets in Cheviot Meadow, PortisheadTo support tenants in being able to live a fulfilling life with the comfort of a pet to support their needs, such as pet therapy.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by craig feltham
Stop the aerial spraying of toxic chemicals on Dartmoor.This chemical is a toxic carcinogen, which will contaminate groundwater, soil, flora, and fauna. Most of Devon's water supply will become contaminated with Asulox, as the rivers start on Dartmoor. Grazing animals avoid areas sprayed with Asulox for many years, (thus giving them less food, year round, or them being forced to eat what they would like to refuse). The spraying is pointless, as in a short time the areas look as they did before they were sprayed. There are safer, sustainable methods. Please make it a priority to sign and share as widely as possible. We only have a short time, as spraying is due to start on July 1st. The safety data sheet says : S -phrase(s) S24 - Avoid contact with skin S37 - Wear suitable gloves S57 - Use appropriate container to avoid environmental contamination S60 - This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste This product (Asulam) was banned by the EU. It was renamed Asulox https://www.harrells.com/resources/exports/file?n=ASULOX&t=sds Join the Facebook group to learn more https://www.facebook.com/groups/1897490687171289 This is useful information https://www.facebook.com/groups/1897490687171289/permalink/1899936393593385/9,178 of 10,000 SignaturesCreated by Mike Reynolds
Keep our beach cleanOther than making our beautiful beach look ugly the majority of the rubbish will end up in the ocean which is terrible for the environment and wildlife. It is also dangerous for beach users, left over bottles can be broken and glass can then be easily stepped on bearing in mind most people aren't wearing shoes.365 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Jimmy Pearce
Ban keeping un-neutered cats in ScotlandMany awful things happen to cats and kittens living rough. Few of us witness their suffering and deaths. 100's of thousands of cats endure atrocious conditions because owned cats still produce far more kittens than there are homes available. Kittens are born only to die young without knowing anything in their short lives but starvation and cold. 13% of owners in Scotland still keep their cats un-neutered - even if each female produces just one litter a year that's enough to double the cat population every four years. Those that are 'excess-to-requirements' leak out and swell the already extensive stray and feral cat populations. Some argue that this over-production of moggies is important to ensure adopters get a choice of kittens from a diverse "gene pool "- but that's a huge animal welfare issue! Is a high death rate after protracted suffering among innocent animals, homeless and feral through no fault of their own, an acceptable state in Scotland? I think you and I agree - it's not acceptable! Hero's kittens were caught by the baler and crushed. Bonnie weakened by serial pregnancies was shot and took 2 days to crawl back to her kittens which had died. 15 homeless cats 'in the wrong place' were wiped out by poisoning. Stray and feral cats and their offspring suffer disease, starvation, persecution and protracted deaths in dangerous environments. These cats are everywhere across Scotland, but avoid showing themselves and only when injured, ill or nursing kittens are they spotted by humans. I've caught and neutered 4,500 cats in the past two decades and could have done 10 times that number - they are just everywhere. Trap Neuter Return programmes have a local effect but that's lost as soon as the TNR finishes. New stronger measures are needed to protect domestic cats from the suffering that goes with being bred and traded in an unregulated way The wildcat in Scotland has reached the edge of extinction largely through cross-breeding with cats of the domestic species (a middle eastern/ hot climate species). Nowhere in Scotland are wild cat ranges far from human activity which is where un-neutered cats of the domestic species come from. If captive bred wildcat kittens are to survive they need an environment free from fertile cats of the domestic species, so they can thrive and extend into their natural ranges. ID chipping combined with regulation of breeding for owned cats will both protect owned cats from preventable suffering and ensure space for the wildcat to thrive in Scotland. Win win! Please SIGN THIS PETITION and SHARE. Thank You - by SIGNING and SHARING you are helping to alleviate the suffering of Scotland's most vulnerable cats and kittens, and to give the Scottish wildcat a future. QUESTIONS Wouldn't this ban people from breeding cats? No. On the contrary, there would be improved opportunities for responsible 'high welfare' breeders through education and inspection. What's the legal position? There's no need for new legislation. Measures could be introduced through the Code of Practice associated with the Wildlife and Natural Environment Scotland Act of 2011. What's the impact on human rights? Positive. The public will be able to adopt/buy pet and working cats from breeders whose welfare standards can be scrutinised. Microchipping is the most important thing that a person can do to ensure they are re-united with their cat if it does get lost. Neutering is the most important thing a person can do to protect their cat from getting into fights which is how they get infected with viruses. What's the economic impact? Some investment is likely to be needed at first to get compulsory neutering going. In the long term costs will go down permanently. Won't people just refuse to cooperate? There were similar worries about the ban on smoking in public places. Some people refused, but most complied, resulting in permanent widespread changes in attitudes and behaviour. When you sign here that will be counted as support for the same Petition at present before the Petitions Committee in the Scottish Parliament.2,745 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Dr. Ellie Stirling
Small pets minimum cage sizeMost pet shops sell cages to small for hamsters to live in with any quality of life there is already a recommended size set by the RSPCA but shops including large companies ignore10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Winters
Reverse the decision to close the Flour Mill Pond to anglersThis decision affects everyone in the village of Greenfield, where the Flour Mill pond has been fished for decades with no reporting of fishers injuring themselves or giving rise to health and safety concerns. The people of Greenfield wish this decision to be overturned and reversed as it was made with no consultation from local people, and against the recommendation of Flintshire County Council officers. This decision is not only destroying the landscape that many love to come and visit, but also the habitats of wildlife in the area and the surrounding environment.329 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Nina Davies
Save the Euston and Somer's Town ParksEuston Road and Hampstead Road are two highly polluted areas in Central London not far from the Telecom Tower. 12 to15 mature large trees in St. James' Gardens and several more in front of Euston station, highly valuable in combatting pollution damage to our health caused by constant heavy traffic, are to be cut down to make way for a HS2 which is being built to knock 20 mins off a journey to the West Midlands. St. James' Gardens provides a very pleasant haven of tranquility in the midst of a busy, polluted area at the back of Euston Station and supports wildlife- young birds. Historic gravestones and a monument provide an impressive reminder of our history ( sailors intercepting slave ships) in the 19th century. I used to play there when I was a child on the swings, now replaced by a well-used sports pitch; a toddlers' playground also exists. HS2 has been passed by Parliament but is there really NO WAY that this company cannot preserve the scarce bit of beautiful nature that has existed in this area for so many years and gives respite to so many? Furthermore, Camden Council has, apparently of necessity, sold community green space to private developers. Again, in a built-up residential area, these green spaces are precious for adults and children alike : of course, it's the trees again which have to go to make way for the luxury flats. If you value peace of mind and your health, please sign this petition. I can't tell you how much it means to me mentally and physically, to be in a beautiful, quiet space and, judging by the scarves which have carefully been tied round all the trees to be chopped; so do many others.134 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sue Campbell
Condemn Donald Trump for pulling out of Paris climate agreementThis is an international problem, which met with an international solution - and Britain must join the international condemnation of America's terrible, selfish decision. We do not want to live in a world dominated by bullies. We do not want to live in a Britain too scared to do anything America doesn't want. We demand leadership that makes us proud to be British. If Theresa May cannot condemn America's decision to condemn our planet, will she ever stand up for anything? British people stand up for others, and we stand up for what we believe in. We do not want a Prime Minister who licks the boots of the American president. Theresa May must show strong leadership and sign the international letter condemning Donald Trump and his abandonment of the Paris agreement.9,439 of 10,000 SignaturesCreated by The Big Deal
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