Ban the sale of sky lanternsThey are unsafe, being effectively uncontrollable incendiary bombs They are also harmful to wildlife Several councils in the UK have banned their release on council land.. so let’s just stop them altogether https://www.countrysideonline.co.uk/care-for-the-countryside/sky-lanterns/26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Scott Wallis
Help the Residential Homes with the Extra Cost to Combat the CORONAVIRUS Pandemic in UKCovid-19 already may have killed many residents & may be carers in those homes8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Naji Georges
The Impact of Intensive Animal Agriculture on Farmland Bird Species in the United Kingdom-Farmland birds have declined by 54% between 1970 and 2017, according to the State of Nature Report. -7 Species in the RSPB farmland bird indicator showed an increase in population, however, 12 other species of farmland birds showed a decline in population. These species included: Tree sparrow -94%, Corn bunting -90%, Turtle dove -89%, Grey partridge -87%, Yellow wagtail -73%, Starling -68%, Linnet -58%, Lapwing -58%, Yellowhammer -54%, Skylark -51%, Kestrel -35%, Reed bunting -27%.62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lewis Vicary
Safeguard recovering wildlife now: create a positive Coronavirus LegacyAs Spring approaches in the UK, the lockdown will mean less disturbance for wildlife in their natural habitat, which could allow it to thrive and recover, while also allowing the nation to reassess their relationship with nature. People are increasingly aware of and connected to sustainability movements and the need to respond to the Government’s declaration of a Climate Emergency, as demonstrated perhaps most effectively on social media. Scores of accounts are visible encouraging safely reconnecting with nature in gardens or outside of windows and this reconnection might lead to a greater appreciation of our natural world and a desire to do more to protect and nurture it. We ask the UK Government to take the opportunity now to ensure that a return to ‘business as usual’ mitigates damage to these emerging species and habitats and does not destroy nature’s hard work. The economic, community and wellbeing benefits to be realised from acting fast to identify, preserve, protect and enable nature to recover while we are protecting ourselves from virus is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Animals, insects, fish, flora and fauna do not need much time to recover, but they do require our cooperation. Coronavirus has forced people to self-isolate, reducing polluting activities and in these spaces, animals and insects may return. We, the undersigned, ask DEFRA to act now to identify where wildlife is showing signs it is recovering or benefitting from the decline in human activity due to Covid-19 lockdowns. We request new measures to ensure this recovery can continue once normality resumes, thus creating a positive Coronavirus legacy.86 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Catherine Jebson
Make stopping whale hunting a condition for future trade deals with Japan, Iceland and NorwayWhales are intelligent and social creatures. Their populations have been decimated by indiscriminate slaughter in the past. The oceans are quickly becoming a hostile place with pollution and there is a very real chance these giants could be lost forever. The whaling industry makes money. But trade with Britain makes more. Let's use this unique opportunity for Britain to force the end of whaling in these countries for good.311 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Barney Hobbs
Common food additive toxic to dogs, make warnings mandatory.Xylitol is highly toxic to dogs. It is a sugar substitute and increasingly found in manufactured foodstuffs. The most common source of poisoning is chewing gum, but it can be found in sweets, jams, peanut butter, toothpastes and many common household items. Even quite small amounts can cause vomiting, liver failure and death. Three pieces of sugar free gum can contain enough xylitol to kill a small dog. Many people and even manufacturers are not aware of how serious xylitol poisoning is. Please raise awareness and make it compulsory to include a warning on all products that contain xylitol.118 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Fiona Mackinnon
Stop killing male chicksTo save the senseless slaughter of billions of chicks every year215 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Peter Eley
Stop eBay selling fox fursBecause it can encourage hunting of our wildlife and killing of these magnificent animals89 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andy Fielding
Horse pooWill stop anyone having to dodge it or in the dark step in it62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brian Barnett
STOP HUNTING SCOTTISH WILDLIFETo stop this woman and all people thinking it is okay to hunt animals for sport Why anyone would think it is morally just to kill a innocent creature is beyond me and for nothing more but because they believe it to be fun75 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lewis Kelly
free parking at hospitalIts important for the well being of the patient when its serious I had Sepsis unsure if I would pull through & survive loved ones obviously are worried I was also given permission for my dog to see me much to my surprise having a loving pet also aids recovery I don't think profit on parking for visitors seriously ill or long term in hospital should have exorbitant parking charges a patient could be issued a free pass the nhs is for the people not making profit the charges should at least be much less plus a pass would allow the visitor to stay longer not keep looking at the time patients health should be considered visitors often bringing with the some magazines fruit or some food they enjoy lower the amount for visitors to pay plus not to penalise if their stay is longer than anticipated large hospitals on many levels isn't just a pop out extend your parking then go back in the patient should be put first before parking charges daily visitors could have a pass the nurse in charge of the ward will know regular visitors73 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Blanchard
Stop selling real fur in House of FraserBehind every animal fur trim, bobble and lining, there's a story of cruelty and agonising death. The coyotes used for their fur by Canada Goose, for example, are caught in brutal traps and die slow, painful deaths. There is nothing quite so unnecessary as real fur in garments, when faux alternatives are so realistic and possess the same qualities, without the inherent cruelty. By introducing a moratorium on products containing real fur in your stores, and working with suppliers who have already switched to faux alternatives, you can demonstrate a commitment to stamping out cruelty in your winter clothing range.90 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Graham Godwin-Pearson
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