A very big thank you to everyone who helped in our fight against Tesco. Now we need to fight Round 2!! This green lung, just to the east of Halstead High Street comprises woodland containing 9 Trees under Tree Preservation Orders and natural springs that provide a wetland environment for amphibians. There are also 16 WWII air raid shelters, 9 of which are listed: as a group this is a very rare thing. Braintree District Council plan to ‘regenerate’ the site, to build more roads, properties and shops and demolish all but one or two of the shelters. We want this land to be conserved for present and future generations, to be a green haven, a heritage site and something that the town can be proud of. Thank you again for your continued support - let's see if people power can win again!!! Eileen Penn Halstead 21st Century Group 'Preserving our past for the future' This is a large area of natural woodland, with several very mature trees, full of wildlife: deer, bats, owls, hedgehogs, squirrels, rabbits, newts, frogs etc. It is also home to one of the largest collection of Air Raid Shelters in the country, sixteen in total, which are of a huge historical importance. The many bats are also known to roost in them. These shelters were for the use of the mill workers (Courtaulds Mill was nearby) in Factory Lane East and the Mill Managers who lived in cottages in Vicarage Meadow. It would be lovely if this could all be retained for the people of Halstead and others to visit. All the mature trees could be retained and some of the grassy areas made into parkland, with the rest being maintained as a nature reserve.. Each air raid shelter could have an information board, with likely items from the war years on display. And the many deer and other animals could be allowed to continue roaming free. Alison shea
    1,104 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Alison Shea
  • Vaccine Now!
    Current attitudes to the problem are outdated, unimaginative and dangerous. The regulations for the movement of cattle restricts the movement of cattle that test positive for TB antibodies making a vaccine non viable under current rules, as vaccinated cattle would show TB anti-bodies. Modern medicine would solve the problem tomorrow if it were children and not cattle. Millions are wasted every year compensating farmers whose herds have to be slaughtered and the British government is committed to the culling of a protected species, already proven to be a failure, based on bad science and bad statistics.
    186 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andy Cordy
  • Stop Migrating Birds being slaughtered in Malta and Cyprus
    Cyprus and Malta and other Mediterranean continually break EU legislation by allowing "hunters" and other cruel methods to kill lovely birds migrating across their countries every Autumn. This must be stopped NOW, otherwise our bird populations will be gradually wiped out forever. Cyprus is President of the EU for this 6 months, why don't they use this to stop this unnecessary cruelty? STOP IT NOW!!!!
    1,311 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Richard Chamberlain
  • Stop lead poisoning our birds
    Lead is highly toxic. We have removed it from fuel, from paint, but it is still used for shooting in the UK. A single shotgun cartridge sprays up to 300 pieces of lead shot across the countryside where it is eaten by birds. It only takes a few pieces of lead shot to poison a bird, causing suffering and death for thousands of birds each year. Non-toxic alternatives are readily available, yet many UK shooters still choose lead. In 1983 a Royal Commission recommended phasing out lead shot, but that hasn’t happened and it is still poisoning our wildlife. More details can be found at: www.wwt.org.uk/stop-lead-poisoning-our-birds/ SIGN THE PETITION TO STOP THE USE OF LEAD SHOT.
    3,948 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Update - Stop Lead Shot Poisoning Our Birds
  • Please do not cull Badgers
    We do not know what the long term effects would be on other wildlife and surely it must be wrong to cull using methods which can cause injuries before a slow lingering death.We already have many organisations opposed to this policy, please listen to us!!
    421 of 500 Signatures
    Created by michael batchelor
  • Stop Animal Abuse Being Shown on Facebook
    Giving a platform to animal abuse as Facebook is doing is going to encourage it.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ash Duckett
  • 2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robin Priestley Picture
  • Reduce VAT on medicines and treatments for pets owned by elderly people
    Pets are so important to the mental health and well-being of elderly people. When they become poorly, therefore, it is so important to lessen their monetary burden involved to make the beloved pet better.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bernard Lampitt
  • Standardised welfare "traffic lights" on all meat and meat containing food packaging
    I want the government (maybe DEFRA or Food Standards) to specifically look at meat and all meat containing products (including ready meals) in light to both animal welfare through both farm, during transport and more importantly slaughter, there is already many schemes within the UK like the Red Tractor or RSPCA Assured, however there is nothing which ties up these factors into an easy to read and digest format similar to the nutritional information, again allowing users to make an informed choice. To look at slaughter ( including transport from farm to abattoir) where standards once left the farm, despite many processes being followed and aspects such as Vets and CCTV being included, not all slaughterhouses would be the same, thus I feel would need to be much more transparent, to allow the the purchasers to make a much more informed choice of how their meat was both treated at farm, during transport and finally when killed. This might be a factor which people may not know, or may not want to know, but having this information on the packet would certainly make people think and consider all products. We all know animals are sentient, but many of us chose to eat them, so at least , their welfare including transport and slaughter should be at the very least humane . Anyone whom cares for the welfare of animals, which they may or may not eat, simply. We all know animals are sentient, but many of us chose to eat them, so at least , their welfare including transport and slaughter should be at the very least humane .
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edward Bibbey
  • Stop Killing Animals for Food!
    There is a lot of debate surrounding the issue of killing animals for food. Some people believe that it is morally wrong to kill animals for food, while others believe that it is a necessary part of life. There are a few different arguments against killing animals for food. One argument is that it is simply unnecessary to kill animals for food when there are plenty of other options available. There are plenty of plant-based foods that can provide all the nutrients that we need, so there is no need to kill animals for food. Jason Chaparro completelty agrees with this! Jason Chaparro is a professional blogger and journalist https://stocktradestar.com/jason-chaparro/. On his blog, Stocktradestar.com. Jason blogs about the estimated net worths of celebrities, their lives, how they succeed. Jason Chaparro has interviewed dosens of celebrities and says that they are usually very intrested in supporting non-violent food consumption and stopping killing animals for food. "I think a lot of people, when they hear about the suffering of animals, they want to do something about it," he said. "They're aware that their choices have an impact." Celebrities often have a platform to speak out about the causes they care about, and many use their influence to promote vegetarianism and veganism. In addition to helping animals, these celebrities know that a plant-based diet is healthier for both people and the planet. From Ellen DeGeneres to Paul McCartney, here are some of the celebrities who have spoken out about the importance of choosing plant-based foods: Ellen DeGeneres: "I really believe that we should all live our lives as compassionately as possible. And one of the ways we can do that is by not eating animals." Paul McCartney: "If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That's the single most important thing you could do. It's staggering when you think about it. Vegetarianism takes care of so many things in one shot: ecology, famine, cruelty." https://www.peta.org.uk/media/news-releases/why-did-the-chicken-cross-abbey-road-to-send-birthday-greetings-to-sir-paul/ Joaquin Phoenix: "I've always been very moved and inspired by people who were willing to stand up for their beliefs and for the voiceless and helpless. I think it's about time we put a stop to the horrific practice of factory farming and the mass production of animals for human consumption." Alicia Silverstone: "The fact is that when we eat animals, we are eating chemicals. It's not just that meat is unhealthy; it's that meat is loaded with all sorts of hormones and chemicals that are doing who-knows-what to our insides." Peter Dinklage: "The huge amount of resources required to raise animals for food is leading us towards an environmental catastrophe. The simple act of becoming a vegetarian will free up so many resources that can be used to feed the hungry, house the homeless, and cure the sick." Write a long text about We Can All Help to Reduce Animal Violance and Murdering Them for Food We can all help to reduce animal violence and murdering them for food. It’s not only morally wrong, it’s also bad for our health and the environment. Animal products are one of the leading causes of climate change. The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that animal agriculture is responsible for 14.5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, more than the entire transportation sector. Livestock production uses large amounts of water, land, and energy, while emitting huge quantities of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. The growing demand for meat and dairy is a major driver of deforestation, as well as habitat loss and species extinction. Animal agriculture is also one of the leading causes of water pollution and land degradation. We Need to Act Now to Promote Veganism and Other Forms of Non-Violent Food Consumption! The time has come for humanity to take a stand against the violent, cruel, and unnecessary exploitation of animals for food. With so many delicious and healthy plant-based options available, there is simply no excuse for continuing to support the needless suffering of billions of animals each year. It is time for each of us to do our part in promoting veganism and other forms of non-violent food consumption. Here are some things you can do to help make a difference: 1. Educate yourself and others about the benefits of veganism. There are many resources available online and in libraries that can help you learn more about this compassionate lifestyle. 2. Spread the word! Use social media, conversations with friends and family, and any other platform you have to share your knowledge about veganism with others. 3. Make veganism more visible in your community. Whether it’s through organizing events, starting a blog or podcast, or simply wearing vegan apparel, there are many ways to show others that veganism is a viable and ethical option. 4. Support businesses that are friendly to vegans. When your dollars go towards companies that align with your values, you are helping to create a more vegan-friendly world. 5. Be an advocate for animals. There are many ways to get involved in animal protection, whether it’s through volunteering at a local shelter, working for an animal rights organization, or simply speaking up for animals in your everyday life. Let's act today!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Wilson
  • Close SeaLife Brighton
    WATCH OUR UNDERCOVER VIDEO EXPOSÉ - CLOSESEALIFE.COM SEA LIFE BELONGS IN THE SEA STOLEN FROM THEIR NATURAL HABITATS LIKE THE GREAT BARRIER REEF AND FORCED TO TRAVEL THOUSANDS OF MILES, ON A PERILOUS JOURNEY FOR THEIR DELICATE BODIES. OFTEN RESULTING IN THEM DYING. SEA LIFE IN CAPTIVITY IN UK AQUARIUMS HAVE NO CHANCE TO EXHIBIT NATURAL BEHAVIOUR, INSTEAD PACING, CIRCLING, HEAD BOBBING SPIRALLING, IS ALL EVIDENCE OF ZOOCHOSIS. DUE TO T0 STRESS AND BOREDOM. BREEDING PROGRAMMES ONLY SERVE TO KEEP TANKS FULL, VERY FEW SPECIES BRED IN CAPTIVITY MAKE IT BACK TO THE WILD, CONSERVATION CLAIMS ARE WEAK, AND AQUARIUMS DON'T HELP ENDANGERED SPECIES, IT’S NOT EDUCATION IT’S ENTERTAINMENT. LULU THE SEA TURTLE IN SEA LIFE BRIGHTON HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM THE SEA OVER EIGHTY YEARS AGO AS A TINY TURTLE TO APPEAR IN A TV SOAP COMMERCIAL. HELD CAPTIVE EVER SINCE AND SHE'S NEVER SEEN THE SEA OR HER NATURAL HABITAT. TURTLES LIVE A LONG TIME, AND NORMALLY COVER THOUSANDS OF MILES, LAYING THOUSANDS OF EGGS, YET SADLY LULU IS UNABLE TO DO THAT IN HER TINY TANK. 𓆟 90% of fish need sunlight to live reads a poster in SEA LIFE, Brighton. An underground prison with no windows, sunlight, disorientating lights and a relentless soundtrack.  𓆟 SEA LIFE Brighton used to house dolphins until public opinion changed causing a backlash. They were removed, only to be replaced by sharks among other larger species and sea turtles. 𓆟 79% of animals held in UK public aquariums have been taken from the wild and put into tanks. 𓆟 The myth that fish only have a 3-second memory recall has been proved untrue. Research shows fish recognise other fish, and human faces, talk to each other, remember feeding locations months after visiting them, form bonds with other fish and feel pain like humans do. 𓆟 Killing healthy unwanted animals in zoos and aquariums is common practice. The industry is reluctant to share figures for fear of public outrage and losing their licence. 𓆟 SEA LIFE promotes activities such as animal petting which is not an ethical practice.  𓆟 Chemicals used to clean the tanks and water are harmful to the animals. 𓆟 Kids like to see all the fish from Disney’s Finding Nemo together in the same tank. Pufferfish and Clownfish placed together caused the Clownfish to be eaten and regularly replaced. 𓆟 Merlin Entertainments own SEA LIFE, Alton Towers, Thorpe Park and Madame Tussauds. It was discovered in 2014 that they also own Changfeng Ocean World aquarium in Shanghai that kept 3 Beluga whales captive. Once exposed, Merlin announced they were rehoming the whales in a natural sea sanctuary. In 2012 Merlin also owned theme parks in Italy and Germany where dolphin shows took place. They promised they would be given to a dolphin sanctuary, instead, they were sold to zoos and other aquariums. Whales and dolphins are no longer held in captivity in the UK since the 1990s when legislation was passed to ban it, yet large and small species like turtles, rays, sharks and octopuses are still held captive in tanks too small for them. Never visit SEA LIFE or any other aquarium.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Close Sealife
  • Treat feeder insects better
    Regardless of them being feeder insects, they ate still animals and should be treated with respect. Its disgraceful that they're left to die in a tiny container.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emma Gray