Lets keep Castle Beach free from dogs over the summer months.Please keep our beaches free from dogs during the summer months. It's not the dogs wanting this...it's the owners! It's not just about the dog mess that has been left behind(even within the last few days.) It's dogs running around, kicking up sand, arguments it's going to cause among people, adults getting annoyed with dog owners because the dogs are shaking over them, fouling in the rock pools, going for food....jumping up on their kids. I love dogs. I have one of my own. But I am 100% against this!325 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Louise Jones
Boycott Riverford Organics until all hunting is stopped on Riverford land.===================================== UPDATE: THIS PETITION IS NOW CLOSED In 48 hours 4,500 people, many of them Riverford customers, or potential Riverford customers, have made their point that Riverford need to STOP HUNTING NOW, on ALL their farms. The voice of Riverfords' customers have been heard, let us see if the Watson family rise to the challenge, adopt more customer focused polices, respond to their public, become far more ethical, and refuse to take produce from any farm, including their own, where blood sports are practiced. After all, if their competitors can do this, why can't they? The British public are against blood sports, and those who buy organic even more so, we won't except anything less than cruelty free organic produce. ===================================== Riverford Organic Farms Ltd prides itself publicly on its ethics and its high animal welfare standards – a major reason why consumers, across the UK, support it. But away from the public’s eyes, Riverford Farm has, in fact, been actively allowing fox hunting on its lands, and worse still, potentially the cruel atrocity that is cub-hunting. In the early hours of Wednesday the 1st October a fox hunt was spotted on Riverford Farm land, consisting of a large number of hounds of differing colours, which stayed on Riverford land for many hours, and are likely to be the South Devon Hunt. The fact they were hunting a full month before the official start of the fox hunting season suggests they were out ‘cubbing.’ This particularly cruel and sadistic practice involves hunters going after newborn fox cubs, literally digging them out of their holes with spades, with the desperate vixen completely unable to protect her young. The cubs are then ripped apart and mutilated by a pack of hounds; the hunters using this horrible ‘opportunity’ with vulnerable animals to teach their younger hounds how to kill. Those dogs who don’t immediately show enthusiasm for mutilating their fellow beings are shot as “useless” to the hunt. Riverford Farm has, additionally, been actively sponsoring the cruel South Devon Hunt. Riverford Organics customers pay a premium for their vegetables and consumables because they are humane, conscious people who are trying in their own, personal way to live more ethically and sustainably. This betrayal by Riverford Farm abuses both animal and customer. In a democratic society the very notion of selectively policing the laws of the land is dangerous and unacceptable. Riverford is fully aware that it is engaging with an unethical and potentially illegal activity, (and that it has been doing so for many years, in secret.) This petition asks that customers demand answers, transparency - and change - from Riverford Farm, and refrain from supporting Riverford Organics further, while it remains connected to cruel and potentially illegal blood ‘sports.’ We do not wish to be complicit. And it is high time the whole of the Watson family lived up to its own ethical spin. For more information on the terrible realities of cub hunting, see: What is Cub Hunting? - League Against Cruel Sports see: http://www.league.org.uk/our-campaigns/hunting/what-is-cub-hunting and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpkGPDHWQIk4,875 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Ama Menec
CASTLE BEACH FOR DOGS TOOFor years I've listened to locals and visitors complaining that we are banned from enjoying a little bit of beach in the hot summer! So I decided to try and do something about it instead of complaining! Castle beach has been chosen after extensive questioning of local people in the area, as its completely tidal, and because it's a central beach it would be easy to monitor for any issues that come up. It also has easy access for all and has a great cafe for the important tea & coffee breaks! We believe it will be an extra asset to Falmouth and encourage more dog friendly visitors to the area too! We believe it will not only benefit the local, tax paying community but will also enhance the facilities for the growing number of visitors with dogs in the summer.794 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Nicola Simons
stop the birds of prey being poisoned and shot by game keepersThe hen harrier is on the endangered list ,we are a nation of animal lovers but we allow this persecution of the birds of prey just to make sure that the stock of grouse and pheasant are plentiful for the annual shoot carried out each year by the privileged few. Read more here: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/oct/30/hundreds-of-birds-of-prey-being-shot-or-poisoned-in-uk-rspb154 of 200 SignaturesCreated by graham granter
Ban toxic antifreeze in carsCommon antifreeze in vehicles is a chemical called Ethylene glycol. This chemical when ingested can be fatal to humans and pets alike. The sweet tasting liquid which many animals like the taste of it. The Antifreeze causes crystals to form in the blood stream that are nn soluble at body temperature causing fatal kidney and brain damage and an agonising death. To witness a pet suffering is very distressing. Whether improper disposal, leaking systems or deliberate acts to harm animals, once the Ethylene glycol is consumed there is very little can be done to save the affected animal. I have lost 4 cats in the last 4 years to antifreeze poisoning. With non toxic alternatives available, some of which are maintenance free , much suffering can be avoided, and subsequent servicing costs will be lower. With waterless systems corrosion in the cooling system is virtually illuminated and the life of internal components is extended which is an added bonus. Please sign this Petition to end the chance of harm and suffering to animals, both wildlife and pets184 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jonathan Coxon
Labelling of Halal meat.To prevent unnecessary suffering to slaughtered animals, chickens etc.177 of 200 SignaturesCreated by George Turner
Dog owner licensingDog attacks on humans and other dogs are increasing. Specific breeds are not attacking people or animals across the breed, but irresponsible owners causing problems73 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andrew Lee
A no badger cull policy on Dover District council landA badger cull is not humane, or effective means of tb control. It is also costly at £4121 per badger. The vaccination is only £662 per badger. Shooting badgers is not the logical way forward in fighting tb. The badger cull is not culling due to its tb threat, it is being undertaken to prove its effectiveness and humane theory's. Both have proven huge failures. Even though Kent is a low risk area, having a no cull policy in place will ensure more humane methods such as vaccination are put forward, in the event of a role out in the country.248 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Mandy Flisher
Campaign to Strengthen the Hunting ActThe Hunting Act is in urgent need of strengthening, to enable the authorities to clamp down on illegal hunting. At present, hunts can escape prosecution – and nearly always do - by cynically claiming their pursuit and killing of a hunted animal was “unintentional”. This nonsense is enabling hunts to carry on as if there were no ban at all. Over 80% of the British public support the ban, but hunters appear to believe they are above the law. 50,000 hunters signed a Declaration before the ban came into force stating they would defy it, and continue to hunt as before, thus displaying their total contempt for democracy. REIN IN THE HUNTERS – STRENGTHEN THE HUNTING ACT27,185 of 30,000 SignaturesCreated by Campaign to Strengthen the Hunting Act
Fox Hunting and all Blood sportsIts a cruel way of getting rid of animals when there are more humane ways of dealing with the problem135 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sue Armstrong Surgenor
stop all UK non-stun slaughterNon stun slaughter should be totally banned and all sales of animal products produced by this method should be outlawed for sale within the UK. The Government's own Chief Veterinary Officer has stated that non-stun slaughter causes unnecessary suffering to animals. Currently, all animal products should be clearly labelled indicating the place and method of slaughter. Please look online and make a comparison yourself and read the many accounts from animal welfare organisations. While a ban is being sought, please vote with your feet and refuse to purchase products from Non -Stun Slaughtered animals. Let retailers know how you feel.85 of 100 SignaturesCreated by caroline phillips
Cats are Important tooOne of my cats was recently run down and killed and thanks to a lady passing in a bus who went back and took him to the local vet i was informed about it. Although this news is extremely upsetting at least I got to take him home and have him buried properly. I'm not a mad cat woman but i considered him to be one of my family and i miss him to bits.327 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Sheena Fraser
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