How far will we allow corporate interests to run our Government's environment policies and dismantle the biosphere before we finally scream "ENOUGH!" ? The natural environment we are leaving to our children and grandchildren is already massively degraded, and if narrow corporate interests continue to be pandered to by our government, who have instituted wicked mechanisms by which to undermine our care for the environment, even this damaged inheritance will be lost. Full details of the underhanded, cynical and biased way the Government is undermining our natural patrimony can be found in George Monbiot's excellent article on the following link: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/georgemonbiot/2014/nov/21/we-need-nature-wellbeing-act-protect-wildlife-decline?CMP=share_btn_fb The Nature and Wellbeing Green Paper drawn up by the RSPB and Wildlife Trust offers an antidote to the toxic behaviour of the Government. A link to it can be found on the article by George Monbiot (URL given above). We know that people power CAN change government policy, because it is WE, the VOTERS, who tick the boxes in elections. So please use your power for the sake of both Nature and future generations! Every email or letter sent to your MP, pressuring him or her to put Nature first by pushing for the adoption of the Nature and Wellbeing Paper as law, will make an important difference. Thank you !
    194 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dani Kaye
  • Stop abusing wildlife in reality TV programmes
    It is cruel and unnecessary and promotes lack of respect for precious wildlife. It certainly makes for uncomfortable viewing. I recently wrote to viewer services at ITV and their response led me to reply: "I'm afraid that does not reassure me or my friends that those animals and insects are perfectly safe from harm during the tasks. If you were a small creature with a long tail and were forced to endure confined spaces with multiple other of your species and a large drama-driven 'celebrity', would you feel safe from harm? The snake felt sufficiently threatened to lash out in defence, and the small reptiles were trying to get away, clustering in corners and running to avoid the big body squashing into that small space. I think the producers know themselves this is wrong. Please come up with something that doesn't involve wild creatures. They are not here for anyone's warped entertainment. ............................ I was cringing at the cruelty of putting those poor creatures into an underwater tank to be trampled on and terrified, just because the producers think that's entertainment. Why can't the producers come up with tasks that don't involve putting wild and beautiful creatures in harm's way? .
    229 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Maria Bell
  • Justice for Cats
    This is important because my cat Baillie got knocked down on 15/11/2014 and sadly died, the driver never stopped. With the severity of his injuries the driver would have known they hit something. Cats are part of the family and they deserve justice.
    418 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Graeme Tait
  • Stop the Small Hive Beetle spreading to Britain
    In the UK about 70 crops are dependent on, or benefit from, visits from bees. In addition, bees pollinate the flowers of many plants which become part of the feed of farm animals. The economic value of honey bees and bumble bees as pollinators of commercially grown insect pollinated crops in the UK has been estimated at over £200 million per year. Bees are in danger of disappearing from our environment. Farming practices continue to disturb the natural habitats and forage of solitary and bumblebees at a rate which gives them little chance for re-establishment. The honey bee is already under attack from mites & diseases and it is only the treatment and care provided by beekeepers that is keeping colonies alive. Most wild honey bee colonies have died out . There is no effective cure for small hive beetle other than the destruction of affected colonies. Small hive beetle in the UK would be a disaster for our bees & once here would be very difficult to remove Please Help
    1,841 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Bill Rintoul
  • Protect Otters from road traffic accidents
    The UK Wild Otter Trust believes that by installing road warning signs and tunnels under new and existing highways that have been identified as having an Otter population, we can reduce the number of deaths caused by traffic. Currently, we are losing hundreds if not thousands of Otters to road traffic collisions every year and this will rise as the volume of traffic increases and the Otter population grows.
    530 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Dave Webb
  • stop 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here' abusing animals
    It shows a lack of respect for our fellow creatures at a time when we are losing many species in the world . It also causes unacceptable fear and suffering to the animals used .
    4,222 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Denyse Shorrocks
  • CPS - Prosecute Red Lion horse slaughterhouse.
    It is important because animals are suffering, laws are being broken and backs are being turned. Despite the UK having some of the best animal welfare laws in the world, this case shows once again that they are simply not upheld, leaving animal cruelty and neglect to run rife while its perpetrators get away with it time and time again. In our considerable experience, when it comes to the authorities, these welfare laws are simply in place to give the impression of caring and protection for the animals when, in reality, very little exists. Caution, video contains upsetting footage of animal slaughter and cruelty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELvbWEUarDw&list=UUCdxkOePfUwgVLRU31wC_tQ
    232 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Liz Ashton
    Fireworks with an explosive bang frighten ex-service people; people with anxiety; stops cows from lactating; panics dogs, cats, birds and other pets; can cause heart attacks / shock and result in death for animals which accidentally consume the products of fired / misfired explosive devices i.e. fireworks. Pets and people go missing around the time of Diwali, Halloween, Bonfire night , Eid, New years (all), other parties. The loud bang is unnecessary to the firework's impact. Please save our planet's lifestock and get this unnecessary noisy element banned. Let's enjoy the whizz ssshhhh of fireworks and reject the shotgun effect.
    23,807 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Alison Vaughan
  • Better Protection For Birds Of Prey
    The recent court case in Norfolk where a gamekeeper was found guilty of poisoning 10 buzzards and a Sparrowhawk and only receiving a paltry 10 week suspended sentence, highlights the need for these birds to be given far better protection with much heavier sentences to the perpetrators, which should include the landowners who these gamekeeper work for. The killing of these birds is widespread is something I find totally abhorrent as these people are destroying creatures that belong to all of and are an absolute delight to see.
    341 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Neville Yardy
  • Better protection for birds of prey in UK
    This will give better protection for birds of prey on shooting estates. The Scottish Government has made landowners share the blame when gamekeepers are found to have killed birds of prey. The UK government should do the same. For more details please refere to the BBC report dated 6/11/2014 re the conviction of yet another gamekeeper.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Glenn TrickeyGlennT
  • save the Spa grounds and meadow at shotley bridge
    This proposal will have a permanent detrimental effect on the biodiversity and historic environment. One of the last unspoilt areas of county Durham is under threat of irreversible destruction for executive housing and sheltered accommodation. The area is home to the bats, badgers, otters and many more protected species. The spa grounds is a conservation area & county wildlife site and a greenfield site. Ancient woodland will be felled to make way for an access road. This application contravenes all of the National Planning Policy Framework guidelines and the local plan for the area.
    1,417 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lynne Richardson
  • Justice for Animals
    Stefan McCormick was sentenced to 24 weeks in prison for snapping his 4 month old puppy's legs. When vets attempted to examine it, the dog "screamed" out in pain. The puppy had to be euthanised due to the severity of his injuries. The RSPCA Inspector says he still finds it difficult to talk about the case. He said: "It involved the most disgusting, brutal violence on a defenceless Staffy pup. It still troubles me to think what he went through physically and mentally."
    270 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Philippa Husain