Free Sam, Nanok, Balva & KobiPolice have failed in their duty to protect and serve, they left the premises unsecured after breaking in to get four dogs when three was on a warrant and no proof these dogs who were in any crime as these dogs were home safe at time of alleged attack. Police are wrong, dogs are innocent we want accountability.494 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Michael Castle
repeal the ban on hunting with dogsIt is part of the management of the rural scene. Country folk know how to look after the countryside and don't tell townies how to run the town.93 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ian Crossley
Chris Skidmore - Vote to keep the ban on fox huntingHunting wild mammals with a pack of dogs causes unnecessary stress. There is no reason why, in this day and age, such outdated methods should be used to hunt any animal. Foxes in particular are iconic as part of the British natural fauna and are relatively peaceful animals. There are better methods and measures that can be used to stop foxes from damaging livestock and farmland than the way proposed by pro-hunt campaigners. The act of chasing a fox with a pack of dogs is barbaric and has no place in our society. Voting to repeal the hunting act would also be an affront to democracy. Polls from YouGov, Ipsos Mori and The Mirror show that the majority of the public want to keep the hunting ban in place. If there is to be any vote on the repeal of the hunting act, the public should be consulted via a national referendum. If this condition cannot be met, then the ban should remain in place. You can see the poll results below: https://yougov.co.uk/news/2015/01/09/british-people-still-support-fox-hunting-ban/ http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2012/dec/25/britons-fox-hunting-ban-survey https://www.ipsos-mori.com/researchpublications/researcharchive/3315/Hunting-Poll-2013.aspx http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/fox-hunting-back-agenda-says-5665629 We, the people of Kingswood, ask that you, Chris Skidmore, vote to keep the hunting ban over the course of this next parliament.238 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Daniel Johnston
Ban Wild Animals in Circuses in the UKWild animals are still being used in horrific conditions for the sole purpose of 'enjoyment' but when they are held captive in cramped housing, forced against their will to train and perform and are subject to loud noises from crowds of people, how can a civilised society call this entertainment? I hope that in 15 years from now that the next generation of children don’t have to witness animals in these conditions and if they ask what a circus is, we can tell them the use of wild animals was a barbaric form of entertainment that ended many years ago. Help us make this a reality. 90% of the British public support a ban on wild animals being used in circuses (The Guardian). David Cameron has called it an "outdated practise" (The Independent). Despite this clear majority of support, three Conservative MP's are blocking this law from being passed. Those Members of Parliament are Christopher Cope of Christchurch, Andrew Rosindell of Romford and Phillip Davies of Shipley. Animal Defenders International, the British Veterinary Association, RSPCA and Ricky Gervais are among the high-profile supporters who back this key piece of legislation. Sign the petition now to show these MP's how severely out of touch they are and the media backlash they face from not allowing the law to pass through Parliament. For further reading, see the government's policy paper on animal welfare and their progress made on banning wild animals performing in circuses: http://www.gov.uk/government/publications/2010-to-2015-government-policy-animal-welfare/2010-to-2015-government-policy-animal-welfare#appendix-3-wild-animals-in-travelling-circuses www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/dec/05/law-to-ban-wild-animals-in-uk-circuses-being-blocked-by-three-tory-mps www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/ban-on-wild-animals-in-circus-blocked-by-tory-backbenchers-10092779.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/2230913.stm259 of 300 SignaturesCreated by James Walker
Keep the ban on fox huntingBecause it is cruel and barbaric. No living creature should be treated in this way. The Prime Minister, David Cameron, has said he believes in the “freedom to hunt” and wants fox hunting legalised. He has said he has "always been a strong supporter of country sports" and that "it is [his] firm belief that people should have the freedom to hunt". After their majority win in the election on 7th May 2015, the Conservatives will very likely hold a parliamentary vote on repealing the fox hunting ban. The practice of fox hunting involves setting a pack of dogs on a fox and then chasing it on horseback, usually in traditional dress. The "sport" is to many people a vicious and outdated pastime, and the idea of repealing the ban put in place by the Labour government, so that people like Cameron can hunt and kill helpless creatures, is a horrific one. Please sign this petition to show the Prime Minister how archaic his view is on the topic of hunting for sport, and show your support for the animals that the ban currently protects.1,221 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Kay Dodd
DO NOT repeal the fox hunting banIn a modern, civilised society, there is no place for this grotesque and cruel pastime. The previous government banned the practice, but the new government is planning to legalise hunting foxes using dogs. This is a barbaric and outdated activity that should stay where it belongs - in the past. We have a choice in this life, we can be kind, or we can be cruel. I think the choice is easy...108,503 of 200,000 SignaturesCreated by Dave Babb
save our village in Herefordshire from intensive pig farmingIt may be happening on our doorstep - our school, village hall, green and residents are less than 400m away - We are 50 pigs short of if never being approved - but if this goes through it will set a precedent for an influx - so look out poor little piggies could be coming near you soon!200 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Liz tucker
Don't Hurt Our Dogs & Other Animals in Falmouth, CornwallGLYPHOSATE, the active ingredient in RoundUp weedkiller, was reclassified on March 20th 2015 by the World Health Organisation. FOUND TO CAUSE CANCER IN ANIMALS and probably cancer in humans, it was given a 2A - the second most serious carcinogen classification. Glyphosate in Falmouth is used in the parks; some schools; around benches; verges and all over our streets! The council is "sloshing" this chemical everywhere as if it's nothing and PUTTING ANIMALS AT RISK. Our dogs can easily come into contact with glyphosate, while innocently walking along the street and on grassy verges. SNIFFING, LICKING, DIGGING and ROLLING in it. Known to cause asthma, eczema, autism, birth defects and parkinsons in humans, it's VERY BAD NEWS FOR ANIMALS. GLYPHOSATE stays active in soil for around 6 months, sometimes longer; Neutralization upon immediate contact is a marketing myth. Last year practically every tree base and verge was sprayed with glyphosate; dog owners had no idea. Will Falmouth Town Council do the same this year? There is SPRAY EVIDENCE ALREADY! Evidence of spraying takes a few days to show, our animals could be frolicking TODAY in animal cancer causing glyphosate Glyphosate is currently under safety review by DEFRA and in the EU, but the council is using it anyway, to "keep the town looking sharp". The council is aware of the HEALTH IMPLICATIONS but they intend to spray 65kms of pavement regardless. The areas are UNMARKED and NOT cordoned off; there are no warning signs! Our dogs and other animals have NO voices, so we must STAND UP FOR THEM! Glyphosate is BANNED from use in public places in many towns and countries AROUND THE WORLD, due to animal and human welfare; are Falmouth animals not worthy of this protection too? Newquay Zoo doesn't use glyphosate because "it would hurt the animals" - enough said. There are alternatives, from strimmers, volunteer groups, to hot chemical free foam; therefore no excuse for using ANIMAL CANCER causing chemicals. Let's not allow those testing animals to have died in vain. Together we can stop this ANIMAL CANCER chemical being used in public places! Sign the petition and share with every dog owner and animal lover you know. We will need a LOT of signatures. Thank you Documents and lawsuits to support the petition: http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/iarcnews/pdf/MonographVolume112.pdf http://www.epa.gov/safewater/pdfs/factsheets/soc/tech/glyphosa.pdf http://www.naturallyhealthydogs.co.uk/blog/2011/10/17/Beware-the-Dangers-of-RoundUp-Weedkiller-.aspx http://www.i-sis.org.uk/Why_Glyphosate_Should_be_Banned.php http://www.preventcancernow.ca/physician-activism-doctors-lead-canada’s-anti-pesticide-movement http://www.monsantoclassaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Monsanto-Glyphosate-Class-Action-4.20.2015.pdf http://weedkillercancer.com http://environmentalcomplianceinsider.com/topstories/the-‘precautionary-principle’-what-it-is-and-how-it-affects-you http://www.cela.ca/collections/celacourts/hudson-quebec-pesticide-law https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/1878/index.do http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/29244-will-richmond-reject-roundup-the-case-for-banning-glyphosate http://www.theguardian.com/cities/2015/apr/21/glyphosate-probably-carcinogenic-pesticide-why-cities-use-it http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32009L0128 http://www.i-sis.org.uk/Ten_NGOs_Ask_China_to_Stop_Producing_Glyphosate.php http://isde.org/Appeal_glyphosate_IARC.pdf305 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Pesticide Free Cornwall
STOP the closure of Belmont Children's Farm in BarnetBelmont Children's Farm is a fabulous local community and educational resource in London Borough of Barnet allowing children, students and those with learning difficulties access to farm animals and a day out in a beautiful rural environment in the heart of London. It educates through practical experience and helps to raises awareness of farming and animal welfare, and to teach children (and adults) where our food really comes from. WHATEVER YOUR POLITICAL PERSUASION please support the campaign to try to get Barnet Council to reverse their closure decision (after a one month reprieve the farm is still set to close at end April 2015). The farm is just 9 miles from Marble Arch in the centre of London. It is a unique and invaluable rural educational resource in the heart of London. Maybe the Tory council in Barnet and the property developers would prefer to build thousands of houses here instead ? Who knows the real reason ? Please support the campaign to keep Belmont Children's Farm open. You can watch the campaign video here https://vimeo.com/1232987013,779 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Richard King
Ban The Grand NationalIs it fair to see so many horses in one race compete and jump far too many hurdles and then consequently for many end up being exhausted, even some sustaining injuries and in whereby some instances have to be shot as a result of the injury because they have been deemed lame. Is that right.? Let alone fair and cruel had it not been for them partaking would not of happened and therefore likewise remained healthy and lived for several years. And in which has caused so much controversy as a result. It promotes cruelty,a lack of disregard towards animals safety and their wellbeing all in the name of money. What message does it send out to our children and the next generation. That money supersedes the welfare, wellbeing and safety of an animal whom wouldn't ordinarily be subjected to such appalling conditions if this race didn't exist, let alone be exposed to the dangers involved such as sustaining an injury or the risk of becoming lame.276 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jo Gibson
Save West London StablesLocal community supporters are strongly united in confirming that this is the only local facility providing affordable equestrian services to the community at large, who otherwise would not be able to enjoy and participate in such activities. West London Stables has been in operation for almost 20 years and during this time has provided affordable and subsidised riding and equine therapy for residents of inner city London, including disadvantaged children, young carers, disabled children and adults, individuals undergoing rehabilitation for addiction and other people that would not normally be able to experience the pleasure of being around horses. Many of those riding at West London Stables can share heart-wrenching stories about how this facility has helped them in their everyday lives, some even say it has saved them – we now need to save West London Stables so that it can continue to support the community in its own unique way. West London Stables also greatly desires to revamp its current facilities to provide an even better service offering. To do so, it needs to raise funds and its hands are somewhat tied due to the lease extension only being granted until July this year. A 2,000 strong petition was launched last year in a bid to prevent closure sending a clear message to the Westway Trust leadership that there is both a requirement in the local community for equestrian services and that there is also support and desire for the current operator to continue to provide such services. The Trust have still not got the message, its time for them to pay attention and give the community what it wants and more importantly, what it needs.1,575 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Graihagh Ball
Ban importation of honeybees from ItalyAs small hive beetle (SHB) is now present in Italy we should ban imports of queens and bees from this country until further notice. If SHB reaches our shores it will be almost impossible to eradicate it. Surely the advent of varroa has taught us that we should strive to keep out other exotic pests from our country. We are an island and we can protect our bees in ways beekeepers on the continent cannot. Our honeybees are already under stress from varroa. If beekeepers have to contend with another exotic pest many beekeepers will just give up keeping bees. It will be too much effort to deal with another problem. Our honey production will go down and, more importantly, the pollination of crops will be adversely affected. The beetle eats brood, honey and pollen and destroys combs thereby spoiling the honey. If left unchecked it can multiply to huge numbers in an affected colony.2,886 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Wally Thrale
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