• Stop the call for the killing of birds
    Some of these bird numbers are already in decline and we shouldn't be worsening their situation. This is another example of humans thinking they can do what they want to the natural world for their own interests. We can't just decide to upset nature for some people's narrow-minded opinions and this body that advises the government is not one that has nature's interests at heart. Read here for more details. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/may/18/bird-killing-call-robin-starling-mallard-splits-conservationists This gives you a clearer insight as to what it's really about. http://tompride.wordpress.com/2014/05/18/heres-the-real-reason-the-tories-are-allowing-the-destruction-of-robin-eggs-and-nests/
    2,038 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Elliot Lord
    In April 2013 a weedkiller (this was the heavily toxic Glymark) was sprayed around the circumference of Camden Square. All visible wildlife immediately disappeared. No birds, no squirrels - absolutely nothing. For three months no birds flew through the square. Even the ravens, hardy carrion crow, were nowhere to be seen. Local councillors and environmentalists came down to the square to witness the devastation. It was agreed that no chemicals would be used on Camden Square for a period of a year and the wildlife monitored. We have actually succeeded in keeping Camden Square pesticide free for two and a half years. But the Councillors want to change that now....... On Thursday 12th November this year, at a meeting about the “improvement and maintenance” of the Square, the big guns were wheeled out with the attendance of no less than THREE Camden Councillors! The decision was reversed, without giving the community a chance to martial the numerous local opponents of the spraying of glyphosate. Councillor Phil Jones stated that there is a HUGE BUDGET to be spent on the square and yet he cannot afford the expense of a little hand weeding? He claimed that our petition had only 200 signatures to date (seriously untrue!) and that there was a lack of support for keeping the Square chemical free. Angela Mason denied even attending the meeting in April 2013 where she observed the absence of wildlife and that birds had stopped flying through the Square. Her tune has now changed. As we know, London is heavily polluted. Camden Square is a sanctuary hidden right in the heart of it all that still remains. It is a valuable and ancient lung. The attendees at this “Camden Square Community Meeting” showed no resistance to proposals to tear up all beautiful rose bushes and axe the central horse chestnut tree, as they find it “ugly”. It took a whole year for the square to be repopulated with wildlife. It is of the utmost urgency that Camden Council enforces a total ban of the use of ALL chemicals on the square. The current threat is Glymark, which contains Glyphosate. Glymark/Round Up/Glyphosate is created and distributed by corporate giant Monsanto, the inventors of the deadly weapon Agent Orange, which devastated Vietnam and its people during the Vietnam War. Monsanto sadly has huge respectability, with high-level supporters and even an American law, which states they can never be held responsible if their products are proved to be harmful to humans or animals. http://www.globalresearch.ca/monsanto-protection-act-signed-by-obama-gmo-bill-written-by-monsanto-signed-into-law/5329388 Monsanto are leaders of the GM revolution, which means that 90% of US crops are now genetically modified. According to e-newsletter “Sustainable Pulse” and many other studies, “For the past 35 years Monsanto has known of the link between glyphosate and cancer, but has systematically worked to cover it up through scientifically fraudulent methods in its safety testing research programme.….. For the first time the authors, Dr. Anthony Samsel and Dr. Stephanie Seneff, presented in tabulated form the data contained in secret Monsanto studies conducted in the period 1980 – 1990, which showed unequivocally that animals exposed to different quantities of glyphosate in their food supply developed tumorigenic growth in multiple organs.” “Monsanto Stunned – California Confirms ‘Roundup’ Will Be Labeled “Cancer Causing”. American news sources declared in September 2015: Holland is the latest European country to forbid the use of glyphosates in eg. residential areas. These chemicals are toxic, not only to the environment, but also to human beings and pets, causing permanent damage to eyesight and respiratory disorders. Toddlers and children frequent the square and will be at severe risk. Please sign with urgency to stop the destruction of Camden Square wildlife. An ultimate ban on such toxic chemicals in Camden, London and further is the ultimate goal. Here's the article from Camden New Journal in 2014: http://www.camdennewjournal.com/news/2014/may/councils-chemical-weedkiller-burned-pet-dogs-and-killed-squirrels-campaigners-claim. Digging Camden Square all up, chemicalising it, re-sculpting it just to qualify the spending of a budget, plus pandering to some deeply un-naturalistic homeowners who want to feel that they are presiding as in Hampton Court, is a crime against our ancient and beautiful Square.
    3,479 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by coral temple
  • Protect the Bird Habitats of The Exe Estuary
    The Teignbridge Local Plan which has just been adopted, has a policy to allocate 2000 new houses in the Matford area of Exminster Parish and a further 500 houses in the adjoining Alphington part of Exeter. This is a total of 2500 new houses which will generate 5750 new residents. There is currently a Draft Development Framework for SWE1 and SWE3 out for for consultation with an end date of 23rd May. It is very important that Teignbridge District Council ensure that the proposed mitigation to encourage the residents of the new development to use the new Ridge Top Park for recreation and dog walking rather than visit The Exe Estuary SPA, is put in place before any development starts. Exminster has already had one bird habitat destroyed when the Cirl bunting habitat on NHS land at Hillcrest was deliberately sprayed with weed killer to destroy the crops sown by the RSPB for the Cirl Buntings winter feed. The hedges and hedgerows were then cut back severely to remove the habitat where the Cirl Buntings lived. This happened last November when Planning Consultants were assessing Hillcrest for possible housing development in the future. The Exe Estuary, which includes the RSPB Exminster Marshes Reserve, is now at risk. Studies such as The Exe Disturbance Study clearly show that the increased number of people using the area for recreation and dog walking is already impacting on the birds and their habitat. Teignbridge District Council has carried out Assessments under The Habitats Directive. They concluded that the SWE1 development is part of an in combination effect of around 12,400 houses in Teignbridge and this together with further 12,000 houses in Exeter and 15,000 houses in East Devon making a total of 39,400 houses over 20 years generating an additional 90,000 people will have a Likely Significant Effect on The Exe Estuary SPA. The provision of a 70 hectare Ridge Top Park (SWE3) as a Suitable Alternative Green Space (SANGS) as well as other proposed mitigation measures are needed to mitigate this. The Exe Estuary was designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA) in 1992. It is an internationally important site and is also designated as a Ramsar Site, European Marine Site and Site of Special Scientific interest (SSSI). It is a relatively small estuary but one which supports and sustains a wide range of designated habitats and species. The Exe Estuary also qualifies under Article 4.1 of The Birds Directive by supporting overwintering populations of Avocet (being one of only three SPAs classified for non breeding Avocets) and the Slavonian Grebe. The Exe Estuary also qualifies under Article 4.2 of The Birds Directive by supporting overwintering populations of migratory species and as a site supporting an internationally important assemblage of birds. More than 20,000 wintering waterfowl are found here including Black Tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Lapwing, Grey Plover, Oystercatcher, Red Breasted Merganser, Wigeon and Dark Bellied Brent Goose. There is potential harm if development near to The Exe Estuary goes ahead without appropriate mitigation in place, to the ongoing ability of The Exe Estuary to support and sustain its designated habitat and species. The Exe Estuary is a particularly small Estuary meaning that there is potentially little space for PEOPLE and BIRDS. The Bird Habitats of The Exe Estuary must be prevented from further harm. Teignbridge District Council, as the competent authority, has a duty to ensure the protection of sites such as The Exe Estuary which is classified for its habitats and species of European importance. Please help us to make sure they do by signing the Petition.
    524 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Dianne Smyth
  • stop the sale of live animals in pet shops.
    There are many illegal birds and amphibians, brought into the country to be sold in our pet shops. Not to mention people breeding cats and dogs to be sold there too. Puppies and kittens less than six weeks old, are left all night unattended while the shops are shut. This is cruel and unecessary, especially as there are so many unwanted animals languishing in rehoming centres. Please sign the petition and let's stop this trade in animals.
    224 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mary Allen
  • Stop live animals being exported for slaughter
    If you have any feelings whatsoever for animals and the manner in which they end their lives as food for us, then you will care for their wellbeing.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robert Forrest-Webb
  • luvmydog.co.uk stop selling prong collars
    These collars have nasty spikes in them which dig into the poor helpless dogs neck. Pinch collars have a series of inward facing, metal prongs which are designed to tighten around the dog’s neck and cause pain and discomfort when tension is applied through the lead. It is animal cruelty and must be stopped. Luvmydog.co.uk could help us stand up against these cruel devices by stopping all sales and removing them from their site. RSPCA, the Dogs Trust and other organisations have already come out against them, see below. Now we call upon luvmydog to join them. https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/page/-/CBY/Joint%20statement%20ETDs%20and%20prong%20collars%20April%202014.pdf
    214 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Katriona Oliver
  • Painful Prong Collars
    A company called LuvMyDog.co.uk is selling these, As my MP I would like you to investigate this petition, and outlaw collars that cause dogs pain and discomfort. There appears to be absolutely no need for a collar like this to be produced. Please help me outlaw products that injure defenseless creatures in this way. https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/page/-/CBY/Joint%20statement%20ETDs%20and%20prong%20collars%20April%202014.pdf
    168 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Melanie St.Clair
  • Stunning of animals prior to slaughter
    Studies in anaesthetised calves have shown that cutting the blood vessels in the neck causes activity in the brain which indicates that pain would be present if the animal were conscious. This brain activity is prevented by effectively stunning calves with a captive bolt (concussion on the front of the skull). Imams in many countries accept that, as the stunning process does not cause death or stop the heart then it is acceptable for halal meat to be produced from animals that are stunned. Animal welfare legislation is not an infringement of religious freedom of expression and laws designed to protect animals should apply to all animals slaughtered in the UK. We petition the department to ensure that all animals are effectively stunned prior to slaughter.
    349 of 400 Signatures
    Created by James Hunt
  • Make it compulsory to have a dog licence for ownership and breeding. Ban the BSL
    Too many people are getting dogs and seeing them as possessions or "money makers" by over breeding them for some easy cash or using the as "status dogs" using them to fight. When a dog is so cheap to buy, people are buying them then realizing they didn't want one in the first place. People are getting dogs free from people and selling them on. They are now treated as something with no value, as easy as if they were selling a mobile phone. This leads to unwanted dogs clogging up the kennels taking up time and money because of irresponsible owners. By making everyone licence their dog, this would weed out people who actually care and love their dogs. By having a breeding licence with vet check and behavioral expert, this will stamp out deformities caused through inbreeding and stop the aggressive gene passing on to the next generation, thus reducing the risk dramatically of "dangerous dogs". It is very important for the BSL to be banned as no dog should be targeted and killed because of what breed it is. You wouldn't go and jail or kill all murderers children because of what their parents did... so why do it to a dog? It can't help that it was born and there is no proof to say that dog will grow up aggressive. This should be abolished and every dog tested separately and treated as individual cases. If you really wanted to stop dangerous dogs and the suffering of dogs happening all across the UK, there is no excuse. Act now and stop the suffering!
    605 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Paige Dorgan
  • STOP the British Army killing live Pigs for training!
    As reported in the MIRROR by Martin Bagot 26th march 2014. I urge you to click the link and read the information in order that you will also agree this practice is totally unacceptable. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/live-pigs-strapped-body-armour-3289516
    1,101 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Fielder-Shattell
  • Animal Abuse Register
    It is time to take a stand against animal abuse in ALL IT'S FORMS....Animals have as much right to welfare and to life as people....animal husbandry seems to have long since vanished. Wildlife is fighting for survival, as indiscriminate culls are enforced by people with little or no experience of right or wrong, scientists are being ignored and greed is taking over Animals need a voice, and we the people must be that voice....So far three states in the USA have implemented such a register, and it is to be rolled out across other states in the future....it is a start...ARE WE GOING TO LAG BEHIND...
    257 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Toni Kahn
  • Cap on Out of Hours Vet Fees
    I had to pay over £600 for my very old dog to be put to sleep on a Sunday. I do not want others to have to worry about these fees at such a difficult time.
    296 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Valerie Russell