• Save Blueberry Hill Footwear in Dewsbury
    Blueberry Hill is a small family business, the last independent shoe retailer based in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire. We have been established for more than 55 years and for 30 years we have been selling Dr Martens. Begining of January 2017 Airwair International closed our trade account, the reason been "we are repositioning our brand" and we weren't spending enough with them. Our livelyhood is based around the sale of Dr Martens, without them we may have to close down after 50 years of service. We don't want this to happen. So we want to change their minds with you help.
    397 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Anjum Rafique
  • Pay Camp Beaumont Staff A Living Wage
    Group Leaders at Camp Beaumont are responsible for taking care of our children - an immensely important job. However, despite the fact Camp Beaumont is a London company and their camps are all based in and around London, people working there are currently paid Minimum Wage instead of London Living Wage. Camp Beaumont charges parents £45 a day, much more than other summer camps. So why is it that an 18-year-old taking care of 12 children will only be paid £5.60 an hour, barely enough to cover travel costs? (A single journey on the Tube costs £2.20 in London.) That's under 50p an hour for each child. However, each child's parents are paying £5.62 an hour for this childcare - where is the extra £61.82 per hour going? If Camp Beaumont wishes to recruit and retain high-quality staff to look after our children, they need to start paying their workers above minimum wage. As a parent, I would feel much safer knowing my children were in well-paid and fully-qualified hands.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Bennett
  • Insurance policy documents
    My daughter recently was traveling and was involved in a bad car accident. When it came to claiming there were hidden clauses scattered throughout her travel insurance policy that were difficult to find and understand when you did. There was no explanation of what documents we would be required to produce and as soon as we produced one they would ask for more, every time we sent document/paperwork they just would find something else they required the stress this has created has affected my daughters recovery
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andy Assan
  • Stop Ordnance Survey & Migration Lawyers ads on #Muslimban Cheerleaders Breitbart
    Breitbart News Network has been a cheerleader for Trumps presidential campaign and continues to promote his far right agenda - applauding the #Muslimban, slurring opponents of the ban and supporting French National Front leader Le Pen's plan to bring the ban to Europe. After we started this petition Newman University pulled their ads from #MuslimBan cheerleader Breitbart Media. Stating 'our values of social justice and the common good are extremely important to us'. Ordnance Survey and UK Migration Lawyers should not be paying for adverts in racist far right publications. We call on them to pull their ads from Breitbart immediately.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Undoing Borders Picture
    Plastic, is not the disposable, one use magic material we were led to believe in the 1950's. The miraculous cheap, lightweight, disposable, durable substance, was years later, discovered to be toxic, none biodegradable, and is having a huge global negative effect for both humans and animals. Plastic never disappears into nothing, it is always there, breaking down into small micro plastics, which attract toxic, harmful chemicals damaging all life on the planet including ourselves. Fish in the oceans, are consuming, these meaning that we are too. It's killing marine plant life which provides 70% of the earths oxygen, after all, the world is mostly blue, not green. We've produced more plastic in the past ten years than we have in our entire history with not even half of it being recycled. 8 million tones of plastic being put in the ocean a year. Other countries across the world are taking the lead with plastic bag bans, plastic cutlery and plates bans and the 'zero waste Europe' network installing plastic bottle deposit and recycling schemes, why are we so behind!? Further reading... FEW FACTS It’s a durable, versatile material ideal for many applications, however, over 50% of it is used once then thrown into landfills or the ocean. More than 8 million tons of plastic is dumped in our oceans every year 300 million tonnes are produced every year, producing more over the last ten years than during the whole of the last century. To produce one plastic bottle, it takes 6 litres of water. Which is six times the amount of water that’s going to be put inside it! Plastic production accounts for 8% of the world’s oil preserves. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Fish in the north pacific ingest 12,000 to 24,000 of plastic per year. 97.5% of Laysan Albatross chicks (Sea birds) have plastic in their stomach causing death and potential extinction. The ratio of plastic to plankton in the Mediterranean Sea is 1 to 2. In the most polluted places there’s six times more plastic than plankton. 1 in 3 species of marine species are endangered from entangled in marine litter and ingestion. Plastics toxic emissions are damaging marine eco systems which are dependent on marine plants. These plants produce 70% of the earths oxygen and remove 40% carbon. This has resulted in over 405 dead zones in the world, 5000 sq miles of the gulf of Mexico almost devoid of life being one of them. HOW THIS EFFECTS HUMAN HEALTH? Scientific research has proven plastic releases harmful chemicals. Micro plastic in the ocean absorb high levels of pollutants and dangerous endocrine disrupting chemicals, which can cause cancerous tumours, birth defects, infertility, developmental disorders and anything else hormone related. Fish that we eat are eating these plastics meaning it’s getting into our systems as well. NOT DISPOSABLE You can never ‘throw plastic away’, it’s always there. Either in the form of a smog in the ocean, or shipped to different countries. Since recycling is not a very profitable market. China banned being sold plastic in 2016, so now it gets exported to places like India where people sort through endless rivers of rubbish to find pieces to sell. The rest makes it was down the river into the sea. WEBSITE REFERENCES http://www.greenseas.org/ http://www.plasticoceans.org/ https://www.5gyres.org/
    229 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Elizabeth White
  • Roadworks Affecting Local Businesses in Wylds Road
    Businesses are suffering with lack of customers due to the current one way system. The works were originally planned to be 29 weeks, but have now been extended to 41 weeks. Businesses are concerned about the fall in trade and the financial impact this will have on their takings. This in turn could mean closure for some of the smaller companies and possible unemployment for their staff.
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ollie Pole
  • Stop Newman University Funding #Muslimban Cheerleaders Breitbart
    Breitbart News Network has been a cheerleader for Trumps presidential campaign and continues to promote his far right agenda - applauding the #Muslimban, slurring opponents of the ban and supporting French National Front leader Le Pen's plan to bring the ban to Europe. Universities should be at the forefront of progress not paying for adverts in racist far right publications. We call on Newman University to pull their ads from Breitbart immediately.
    507 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Undoing Borders Picture
  • Stop Virgin Media targeting vulnerable people
    My daughter who has learning difficulties and lives in a Mencap supported house, with my support, cancelled a package she had, despite the fact it was made clear at the time she could not act individually in this sort of situation she was phoned direct and phone/bullied into a new package she did not want causing her extreme distress.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Nichols
    I have visited Turtle beaches in Northern and Southern Cyprus, and many other countries around the world. I have been very upset in finding rubbish of all sorts floating in the sea. Some of these are dangerously small particles such as broken down plastic, and bottle tops and other types of plastic which break into tiny pieces and get into the eco - system and into the stomachs of marine life around the world, and cause great pain, distress and even death. This is becoming very serious as the particles are so small they are now found in the stomachs of plackton pretty well the smallest form of life in our seas, and is a staple diet of many marine animals including whales. In the long term this will do untold damage not only to the marine life, but it will also get into our food chain with unknown consequences. Turtles are beautiful creatures and live all of their lives out at sea from the moment they hatch. Only one in a thousand will survive out in the oceans, and one of the things that will kill them on a regular basis are plastic bags. They feed on jelly fish, as part of their diet, and when they see a plastic bag they think it's a jellyfish and will eat it with diar and very sad consequences. The sea is the most wonderful enviroment for all of us. Not only providing us with fish to eat, but the most wonderful holidays with swimming, surfing, scenery, sailing, sandy beaches, rock pools the list is endless. Not only that, it helps to control the temperature of our world, and yet we treat it with distain. There is so much pollution and rubbish tipped into the oceas everyday, that more and more marine life is being affected. One of the main culprits is body scrubs and toothpastes. They contain thousands of small plastic beads which find their way into the sea, and then consumed by marine life. So to help please DO NOT buy these products unless the ingredients are peach kernels or sugar instead. More needs to be done in using plastic bags for fruit and vegetables at the supermarkets. It's been a start to pay for plastic carrier bags, but these small plastic bags in the fruit and veg area, are just as dangerous in our countryside and oceans, please encourage the supermarkets to use brown paper bags, which are far better and don't make the fruit and veg sweat, and are recyclable. The government is banning some products but not all, and a great more needs to be done, as there are more products out there which use plastic including cleaning products. If you love our planet, and everything about nature, then PLEASE sign my petition so we can help our beautiful oceans and everything that depends on it to live, including us, and our grandchildren to come. A BIG and heartfelt THANK YOU.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jill Fergusson-Sharp Picture
  • Save Movie House Dublin Road!
    The Belfast Telegraph recently published an article outlining plans to demolish the Movie House on Dublin Road. "Plans are now under way to knock down the Movie House cinema on Dublin Road and build a £65m 12-storey office scheme with a capacity for 3,000 staff." You can read more here http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/business/news/65m-office-block-at-belfast-movie-house-site-will-create-600-jobs-35398523.html I believe that the Movie House on Dublin Road is one of the best cinemas in the city, out of the very few that we have. Losing it would be yet another nail in the coffin for the arts in Belfast for the sake of the commercial and financial gain of the minority. Any proposal to demolish this wonderful cinema would be yet another example of the rampant 'beigification' of Belfast. Those of us who want to save the Movie House from such shameful fate need to fight for it right now. A petition signed by 1000s of people whilst an open consultation process is ongoing may just make developers think twice about demolishing our cinema. We need the power of signatures to help us convince developers that the cinema is worth keeping and important to many people. We must unite and reject any proposals to destroy our arts scene.
    3,808 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Karen Flynn
  • Intelligent Office: Stop Enforcing Sexist Dress Codes
    This is important because it is an outdated and ignorant approach to modern day work life. I left my role within a very large law firm as I was unable to continue working for a company who said that I cannot be taken seriously and would never have a successful career if I did not wear makeup or wear a specific nail colour. This archaic approach made me feel very uncomfortable and disheartened that as a woman, my looks were considered far more important and influential than my abilities to fulfill a role. Dress length, make-up, nail colours, heels are all things that don't define your ability to do a job, so they should not be made part of a company policy. I'd love Intelligent Office to take a stand on this and show the way for other companies on these sexist policies
    461 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Laming
  • Save The Aberlour Bank
    This is the last bank in Speyside, the closure means traveling 13.6 miles to Keith which is the branch customers are being transferred to. There is no direct bus link to Keith. Customers will need to take a bus to Elgin first (15 miles) then on to Keith (17 miles) The bus is also expensive. We have been told that we can use the local post office but as the local post offices have also closed this is not acceptable. The post office is now a counter in a local shop with no privacy and can't offer all the services of a bank. Pensioners don't feel secure going there and using the counter for their pensions. Many customers with a post office benefits account received letters asking them to change to a bank card which they did only to have their branch close. The people of Tomintoul had to travel 23 miles to use this branch after theirs was closed already.
    689 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Louise Laing