• Hermes: Treat your drivers fairly
    This Friday, thousands of people will be flocking online to cash in on the sales, it’s known as “Black Friday”. But while the bargains keep customers happy, employment loopholes mean that drivers for the delivery company Hermes could earn less than the minimum wage and go hours without a break. Hermes Parcelnet Ltd has already been reported to HMRC by the DWP for this practice but the process takes time. Please help the couriers of this exploitative company by signing this petition.
    5,799 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul C
  • Let's get Waitrose to stop including the Daily Mail in their newspaper offer
    Waitrose should not be supporting a newspaper that is so blatantly promoting hate and bigotry. Waitrose is part of the John Lewis family who are proud to be inclusive of their staff and have strong foundation in cooperative working. Promoting the Mail is fundamentally against their brand.
    297 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Prince
  • Ban Uk companies from selling mysogonistic pro rape items
    To challenge the growing attitude that rape and mysogonistic is acceptable in this country and to protect vulnerable people ro have or may be the victims of rape and mysogony.
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tania Bassett
  • Get the no means no t shirt off sale
    Because rape is never a joke I find it utterly disgusting they can even think about making these and selling them.Explain what's funny about this ? How can you really think it's ok to sell this ? Sending the message that if somebody's drunk no means yes it's utterly disgusting. Guessing you've never been the victim or seen the devastation of rape
    490 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Serina Roper
  • Prosecute the Daily Mail for contempt
    For our society to function we need to have respect for our legal framework. The Daily Mail headline of 04 November 2016 referred to three senior judges as "Enemies of the People". It is hard to imagine a headline more contemptuous of senior judges. We believe that such contempt begins a process that could threaten the foundations of our law-abiding society. We note that the offence of sedition was abolished in 2009, and that an action for Contempt of Court is unlikely. We suggest this headline warrants an action under Section 4A or Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986. We consider such an action would be overwhelmingly in the public interest. ---------------- Is this campaign seeking to 'stir the pot'? No. This campaign is NOT about Brexit. Those who sign up may variously support Brexit, or Remain, or hard or soft Brexit. And this campaign is NOT designed to stifle press debate of judicial decisions. But it is about preserving something essential to Britain's future - the rule of law. What unites us is that we strongly oppose the use of inflammatory or intimidating language directed at the judiciary by the press. We believe there is an existing law that makes this illegal. And we would like that law enforced.
    32,746 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Ingram
  • UK Supermarkets Zero-Support for Zero-Graze Dairy
    UK Supermarkets: Please Commit Zero Support for Zero-Graze Dairy Units: For cows, for people, for the planet For the attention of: Sainsburys – CEO Mr Michael Coupe Lidl – CEO Mr Christian Hartnagel Aldi – UK CEO Mr Matthew Barnes Morrisons – CEO Mr David Potts Tesco – CEO Mr Dave Lewis Asda – CEO Mr Sean Clarke Waitrose – Managing Director Mr Rob Collins Petitioning Chief Executive Officers of UK leading supermarket chains: declare zero support for zero-graze dairy farms. What are zero-graze dairy farms? Recently planning application was sought in West Sussex for four zero-graze dairy units. These are large sheds where cows live inside all their lives and are fed with processed cattle feed. They never go out onto pasture – in fields – and they never eat grass – in fields. For more information about the above plans, see the objections from Dean Farm Trust: http://deanfarmtrust.org.uk/threat-of-new-zero-grazing-farms-act-now/ VIVA also has information about intensive farming and zero-graze industrialisation on its website here: http://www.viva.org.uk/dark-side-dairy/intensification-and-zero-grazing CIWF has more information on their campaign to 'keep cows in fields' here: http://www.ciwf.org.uk/our-campaigns/dairy/ Why should zero-graze dairy farming be stopped? While elements of zero-grazing are already common in the dairy industry, for example cows are often kept in sheds and fed specific diets over the winter months, these more industrialised farms are a shift away from any outside space or grazing whatsoever, keeping cows in intensive factory farm conditions all year round. Many people are already choosing to go vegan due to the inherent cruelty in the dairy industry, many vegetarians also avoid cow milk due to animal welfare standards in the dairy industry. As we know, cows are kept almost constantly impregnated, milked to within an inch of their lives and repeatedly have their calves taken away from them. While many people already boycott this industry, milk is still part of the daily diet for most and I hope all of us, vegans and non-vegans alike, can agree that it is not desirable for dairy farming to become even more intensive and even more industrialised than it already sadly is. What can we do about it? As well as rightly tackling and protesting every individual planning application for zero-graze industrial farms as they arise, it would also be productive to tackle the demand side of these businesses. If the major supermarkets in the UK publicly declared that they would not purchase milk from zero-graze dairy farms due to animal welfare and public health concerns then hopefully fewer businesses would be motivated to build these factory farms in the first place. This petition is therefore aimed at the Chief Executive Officers of the major supermarket chains in the UK and calls upon them to make public declarations to keep cows in fields and not to support the factory farming of cows in zero-graze industrial dairy units. Consumer Power! Waitrose, for example, already have commitments to monitoring their supply chain of dairy produce and to ensuring that cows are allowed to graze naturally for a certain period in every year. If all supermarkets were to publicise a similar stance and specifically boycott produce from zero-graze dairies then perhaps the incentive to further industrialisation in this area of agriculture could be curbed. If enough customers demanded such a commitment, the major supermarkets may consider making it. This petition would aim to encourage the supermarkets to make such a commitment; please sign and share.
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dr Mackay Picture
  • Ban BPA in our food packaging
    Scientific evidence links our routine exposure to BPA to a range of diseases, including breast cancer. Scientific studies have found that an important route of exposure to BPA is via our food and drink. BPA leaches from the packaging and into the products, especially when they are scratched or heated during cooking and in the dishwasher. As diet continues to be our main route of exposure to BPA, lets call for it to be removed from all food and drinks packaging and replaced with safer alternatives.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sam Whalen
  • Switch to paper cotton buds
    Plastic cotton bud stems are the number one item of plastic, sewage-related debris on our beaches and rivers [1] - yet retailers could help prevent this by switching the stick from plastic to paper. In the marine environment, plastics can be eaten by marine life, often with fatal consequences. Plastic is found in the stomachs of Loggerhead Turtles, Seabirds and many species of UK-caught fish. And pieces that don't get eaten break down into microplastics, forming part of a dangerous plastic smog in our seas. Retailers are listening - earlier this year, Waitrose and Johnson & Johnson announced they'd make the change to paper, and the Coop and Marks and Spencers sell paper-stem buds. Now we need to make sure the others do the same. Tesco, Sainsburys, Boots, ASDA, Morrisons, Lidl, Aldi, Superdrug and Wilko are currently reviewing their policies on cotton buds ... which is why we need to show them how many of us support the switch to paper! Even paper stem cotton buds shouldn’t be flushed down the loo. But if they are, they're less likely to pass through sewage filters and will quickly biodegrade if they escape. So please sign and share our petition to ask the remaining retailers to Switch the Stick from plastic to paper. Your voice will be heard! Thanks, Natalie and the City to Sea Team [1] Beachwatch Report 2015, Marine Conservation Society
    158,335 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Natalie Fée Picture
  • End the employment agency/umbrella company rip off
    Millions of workers across the UK, from construction workers to IT professionals, are being hit hard in their pay packets. The Umbrella companies make the workers pay their NI contributions (employers NI) as well their own (employees NI). On top of this double NI deduction the company also charges the worker for the 'privilege' of receiving their own money. They call this their 'margin' and can cost as much as £30 a week to the employee. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.ucatt.org.uk/umbrella-company-con-trick&ved=0ahUKEwicvcjBxvDPAhVsAsAKHdbSDFQQFgg9MAA&usg=AFQjCNF0VVD62uWTQceD9W6OE2JAog9C2g&sig2=UAe8y414tNQmyJAwDvFXHQ
    410 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Anton Duploy
  • Resale of Tickets of an Event should only be at Face-Value plus a maximum of 10%
    Consumers are unable to purchase tickets at a reasonable price because Ticket Touts are profiteering by bulk buying tickets at Face-Value and selling at many many times that price.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Megan Clark
  • Specsavers - Stop Advertising in the Daily Express
    Anti-immigrant hate crime in the UK has increased fivefold over the past few months (according to the National Police Chiefs' Council). The UK media has, in the words of the United Nations human rights chief, peddled "sustained and unrestrained anti-foreigner abuse" and "vilification, intolerance and politicization of migrants." Migrants are routinely portrayed as less-than-human, and unworthy of dignity and respect. The Daily Express alone is responsible for headlines such as "BRITAIN MUST BAN MIGRANTS" and " SEND IN ARMY TO HALT MIGRANT INVASION." Specsavers: is this your vision? We are calling on you to take a stand, and no longer tacitly endorse the demonisation of migrant communities by the Daily Express. Just earlier this year, the newspaper was forced to publish a correction after press watchdog IPSO ruled that a piece entitled 'Europe's leaders have no plan to cut immigration' inflated and distorted migration figures. The impact of this kind of media rhetoric is not limited to the newspaper stands: it has real-life, divisive consequences. By withdrawing a recent front-page advert from the Daily Express, you have recognised that what your brand appears alongside, matters. We call on you to take this further and withdraw all financial and symbolic support for a newspaper that is notorious for inciting racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia.
    1,321 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Undoing Borders (People & Planet) Picture
  • Product Recycling.
    By making the manufacturer take back and dispose of their product this will make them produce a better longer lasting item, this hopefully in turn will produce a lot less waste that goes to landfill. This can easily be achieved and afforded by the company because they just add a little extra to the initial cost of the products when they are new. This will also encourage the manufacturer to make their products to be more durable and sturdy, built from better and longer lasting materials and stopping the ludicrous amount of disposable plastic toys and other rubbish that last about half a second once they are removed from the packaging. While I'm on the subject we could also have food manufacturers make their products from vegetable protein like potato starch and will hopefully eliminate the vast amounts of plastic waste.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Gambier