Unlock Previously Owned Phones without ChargeThis is important, because we can't all afford to buy new phones, and even on contract phones are expensive. "This is the modern way of business", I was quoted by one obstructive Customer Services Advisor. When companies are making hundred's of millions of pounds every year, why are they charging people when they have ALREADY HAD VALUE out of the phones; especially when they are willing to unlock the phone for free for a previous customer, but how many people know that person to find them and ask them to call the company. This isn't about the plight of a people, and I'm not asking the companies to go bust handing out free phones, but in the age where having access to reliable communication and technology is key to progressing, making that accessible for everyone is still important. This isn't just about mobile phone companies, but any big company and organisations in general, taking value twice at the expense of the average person and being rude and obstructive when asked why.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alec Tubridy
Tell ALDI and others, to stop selling Slug Pellets.....they Kill More than Slugs!Lets kill slugs......and everything that eats them! The main predators of slugs in the UK are hedgehogs, frogs and wild birds, while microscopic predatory nematodes and carabid beetles can also be important. Last year the Aldi said: "We've looked into this and can now assure you that all of our products meet legal requirements and are in line with the market standards. We value your opinion and will be sure to pass your feedback on to the relevant department as our pesticides policy undergoes review this year. Thanks again - Aldi UK Facebook Team" Well yesterday I took a snap of the same SPECIAL BUY toxic product on sale in their store..........obviously Aldi don't care what they destroy........ Selling a product that contains poison in the form of Metaldehyde contradicts and conflicts with Aldi's Corporate Responsibility Policy. Three specific extracts from their CRP on the environment states: To us, a quality product also needs to be made responsibly, so that what we sell is produced with respect for the environment and workers. It's our job to ensure that what you buy at Aldi has been grown, caught or made with care for the environment and that the workers involved are treated fairly. We are working closely with our suppliers and industry partners to ensure you can trust what you buy at Aldi. We are convinced that long term business success can only be achieved if we additionally assume responsibility for people and the environment. On the instructions of the product, in capital letters it states: SINCE THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS METALDEHYDE WHICH IS A POISON AND CAN KILL IF EATEN. IT MUST BE KEPT AWAY FROM CHILDREN AND PETS. SCATTER PELLETS THINLY. On the product under Environmental Protection, it also states: Do not contaminate water with the product or its container The Pesticide Action Network UK published an article that says: "There is widespread concern that there has been an unacceptable number of poisoning incidents especially involving domestic pets, wild animals and birds." There are many safe alternative to using this type of poisonous product, so PLEASE remove it from your stores Aldi, (and other high street businesses/garden centres, etc, etc) and offer safe, none toxic alternatives.2,740 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by John Brown
Investigate and prosecute Government officials involved with Mossack FonseccaTax evasion has been estimated to cost the UK between £34bn to upwards of £100bn a year, this is money that is being stolen from our NHS, Schools and other public services. We jail single mothers for fraudulently claiming benefits for amounts that are insignificant by comparison to the people using these tax dodging schemes. The law should be fairly applied to all in society, regardless of their status or wealth.156 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Aaron Flannagan
Greedy Holiday CompaniesMy father booked a holiday this time last year for May 2016, but sadly 6 weeks ago was diagnosed with cancer in his throat. He contact first choice who transferred him to many different departments before he was given two choices. The choices were to cancel the holiday, losing a large some of money with the cancellation policy to claim the remaining money through insurance or they would hold the money for a year and he could rebook. My argument is that these travel companies do not know people's financial backgrounds, how long they have been saving or if the person will be able to work again and holding onto nearly £2,000 that possibly will be needed in the following year is greedy. My father has full documentation of treatment and illness so I think companies should allow a full refund! Also, they do apparently have a 'department' for these occasions but are only contactable via email, I emailed them about this 3 weeks ago and have never received anything back!13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sophie Bryan
Tell the new British Museum Director to drop BPOn 4 April 2016, Hartwig Fischer became the new Director of the British Museum. One of the first decisions he needs to make is whether to renew its five-year sponsorship deal with BP. Please help make the call to #DropBP the biggest noise he hears as he begins his new job. Why #DropBP? This partnership with the British Museum is allowing BP to clean up its dirty image by associating itself with Britain’s most popular tourist attraction – for the annual cost of about two hours’ profit for the oil giant. BP is violating human rights, destroying ecosystems and actively driving the world towards climate catastrophe: • It is going after new sources of highly-polluting fossil fuels in the tar sands and the Arctic, despite opposition from local Indigenous communities and knowing that we need to keep 80% of known fossil fuels in the ground to avoid dangerous climate change. • It is trying to drill dangerous new deepwater wells in the Gulf of Mexico and Great Australian Bight, despite the devastation BP’s Deepwater Horizon spill is still wreaking on the Gulf Coast’s residents and wildlife. • In countries such as Iraq, Egypt, Russia, Azerbaijan and West Papua, it is fuelling conflict and repression and undermining workers’ rights. • It tops the list of firms lobbying against effective climate policies in Europe. • It dodges taxes and takes billions more in UK tax breaks, in this time of supposed austerity. It donates only a tiny proportion back to the arts, in return for high-profile branding. The movement for Fossil Free Culture is gathering strength. Tate recently parted company with BP after 26 years, following intensifying protests and public pressure. Now the British Museum, and other BP-sponsored institutions, including the National Portrait Gallery, the Royal Opera House, the Science Museum, the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Edinburgh International Festival, must follow Tate’s lead and #DropBP. This petition is jointly hosted by the PCS Union and the Art Not Oil coalition.662 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Clara Paillard
IRN BRU. Save our sugarPublic health. No carcinogens in our national drink. Changing fat for cancer is shortsighted. Some of us control our sugar intake and dont want stealth chemicals added instead. If you think I should avoid sugar in my childrens drink and replace it with a proven carcinogen then it really is april the first902 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Dog Gourley
Improve pay and conditions of HMRC cleanersStaff who clean HM Revenue and Customs offices are overworked and undervalued. Paid just the minimum wage, they have now been told they must shoulder the cost of introducing the government’s so-called “national living wage” through cuts in their hours and jobs. Their employment follows a familiar pattern. HMRC handed the contract to a private company, Mapeley, in 2001. Mapeley set up another firm, Salisbury, to handle the contract, which in turn subcontracts the work to the global firm ISS Facility Services. This arrangement blurs the lines of responsibility. ISS insists it is bound by its contract, while the others claim they cannot intervene as they are not the direct employer. It is inconceivable that the money cannot be found to pay the cleaners a wage that allows them to afford a basic standard of living. Added to this, cleaners currently only receive statutory sick pay and holiday entitlement. We do not believe they should have fewer rights than the civil servants they work alongside in HMRC. We are campaigning not just against the threat of cuts to hours and staff, but for equal treatment with HMRC’s own employees. And we are demanding that both the department and the contractor face up to their responsibilities to these low-paid workers.338 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Phil Dickens
Stop the repeal of animal welfare codesAbandoning codes of practice for farm animal welfare is not in the best interests of the animals or those who will ultimately consume an animal raised in poorer conditions. The RSPCA said it has been voicing concerns for the past three years about the “downgrading” of the guidelines from statutory codes to industry-led guidance and criticised the lack of transparency around the process. The meat industry has had many scandals over the years and weakening regulations can only increase animal suffering and impact those consuming meat reared under poorer quality conditions.138,284 of 200,000 SignaturesCreated by Cas Smith
SAVE THE CINEWORLD HAMMERSMITHThe Cineworld Hammersmith building was originally opened in 1934 as the Regal Cinema, and has since been operated by many chains, including ABC, Canon, Virgin, UGC, and Cineworld. This is the only cinema left in Hammersmith, and the most historic cinema operating in the area, with the devastating closure of the Art Deco Odeon Kensington. For some reason, this beautiful building is not listed, and so time and time again Developers are demolishing picture houses like this one in order to build luxury flats. This is the last thing West London needs. West London needs a cinema, and this is the perfect building to house it. At meetings and petitions residents have expressed no desire for this building to be demolished, yet Granger PLC and Helical Bar PLC, who, according to their website, 'create shareholder value through a wide variety of high margin activities with property investment at our core', seem to not care about the resident's requests, which makes this petition so necessary. I, alongside many other Hammersmith and Fulham residents, have many happy memories at this cinema over the years. It would be devastating for us to let it go without a fight. Please save the Cineworld Hammersmith552 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Preston Nyman
Chingford Keep our 15 minutes free parkingPeople need more than 5 minutes to shop and even buy a parking ticket. Our businesses benefit from 15 minutes free parking as it encourages people to use local shops and businesses. Neighbouring boroughs like Redbridge give their residents 30 minutes free parking. The council is proposing to increase the price of parking and to even more for paper vouchers than phone-to-pay.32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Helen Chilvers
Bring Back Reading Racers SpeedwayReading has been without a Speedway and Greyhound Stadium for nearly 8 years, following our forced ejection from Smallmead and the failure of Stadia UK to start the construction of a New Stadium, even though they had the full support of Reading Council and the Speedway supporter s of the Racers Club. Recently, there has been a groundswell of interest in resurrecting old Speedway clubs, in Cradley, Oxford, Exeter, and Weymouth for example. The "Reading Speedway Action Group" Committee, are looking to form a Supporters Trust and get aboard this bandwagon and have speedway once again in Reading and the Winged Wheel flying high. To achieve our aims we need YOU to sign this petition to show Reading Council that there is sufficient support for this project. The more that sign, the more leverage and empowerment we will hold. Please sign NOW and help bring back the Racers. It costs nothing except 5 minutes of your time. Follow us on Facebook "Reading Speedway Action Group". https://www.facebook.com/Reading-Speedway-Action-Group-490790471107024/?fref=ts1,564 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by John Hill
Improve hospital food country-wideMost patients are in hospital due to lifestyle, so it is essential that provision of tasty basic real food, as recommended world-wide, is available at each meal to ensure quick recovery and release of patients with improved health guidance. After operations and treatments it is essential that the digestive tract work correctly, and this is best maintained by correct eating, rather than laxatives. Plenty of salads, vegetables, and vegetable soups with fruit and smoothies should be always available and encouraged. Pastries and cakes should not be available. Denatured white flour, sugar and salt should be replaced by oats, treacle and dried fruits etc.75 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mike Maybury
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