• ASDA, Tesco, Wetherspoons and McDonald's: Pay your UK staff a real living wage.
    Why focus on your town? The targets of this petition happen to be four major employers in my hometown of Bideford, Devon where I was elected on the Town Council in May 2015. One of the first actions I campaigned for was to pay all our staff the full living wage and to become affiliated with the foundation. I hoped this would set a good example to other employers in the area and encourage them to sign up on a voluntary basis. However many low paid people in the area are employed by one of these companies who set pay on a national level. So I came to the conclusion if I was to change this I would have to launch a wider campaign, hence this petition! If we at the Town Council can afford to pay our lowest paid staff a dignified wage in times of local government austerity, so can they! Furthermore most small towns in the UK will have at least one of these establishments in them. So by signing this petition you will almost certainly be helping people in your community as well! I like [insert company here], leave them alone! I also shop at ASDA and (occasionally) drink at spoons. Does this make me a hypocrite? Well no for two reasons. a) There is often little alternative for cheap groceries or a boozy meal in this supposedly free market of ours and b) I'm not saying we should boycott these companies, merely we as consumers and the British public are expressing our unhappiness that their staff are not being duly rewarded. It won't make a difference. A petition like this will never influence the decisions of a multinational corporation! Well neither will doing nothing! The most like petition I could find to this one from 2013 had 34,000 signatures(7); I am aiming for 250,000 this year. That is comparable number to the population of a large British city and hence a non-trivial fraction of their consumer base. If companies are supposed to pay attention to their customers, then they ignore this petition at their own risk! Sources: (1) http://citywire.co.uk/wealth_manager/share-prices-and-performance/share-factsheet.aspx?InstrumentID=3355 (2) http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/oct/15/mcdonalds-serves-up-rising-uk-profits-despite-troubles-in-the-us (3) http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-asda-results-idUKKCN0S21LC20151008 (4) http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-3162940/JD-Wetherspoon-boss-branded-hypocrite-moaning-paying-staff-living-wage.html (5) http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/jun/26/tesco-sales-drop-13-but-outperform-market-expectations (6) http://www.livingwage.org.uk/what-living-wage (7) https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/tesco-pay-your-workers-a-wage-they-can-live-on
    571 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Joe Day
  • U.K Disabled Veterans being asked to apply for Personal Independence Payments.
    It is important that all disabled veterans are supported by the government as it is the same government that placed them in areas of conflict that has resulted in them requiring financial supports as a result of the injuries they received while serving their country this including loss of mobility, loss of their ability to maintain their basic personal care, ie such as washing dressing, nutrition. Please support this petition to ensure that those U.K veterans who have been left permanently disabled do not also find themselves financially disadvantaged due to the these changes. Ian Duncan Smith needs to remove this process, provide a fair system and be forced to support disabled veterans and not just on Poppy Day. It will only take a few minutes of your time, but a life time of difference to improve the quality of life for disabled veterans.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stewart White Picture
  • Legal & General - Save the Kingswood Office
    Over 1,550 jobs at Kingswood will be lost if Legal & General goes ahead with plans to close the flagship site in Kingswood, Surrey. Closure will have a devastating impact on the local community, costing millions. Many Legal & General workers in Kingswood are members of the trade union Unite, which has supported their campaign to defend jobs since the company first announced their intentions in 2015. The firm plan to close the site by the middle of 2018, citing cost cutting measures. This is despite L&G increasing operating profits in 2015 by 18% to £750 million. Shockingly Legal & General have neglected to carry out any research into the impact of closing Kingswood on the local community. An independent assessment commissioned by Unite has revealed that the closure will rip a devastating £21 million black hole in the local economy. This will be devastating for the local economy, threatening jobs in businesses and services in Kingswood and across the county. This flies in the face of Legal & General’s stated commitment to the long-term wellbeing of local communities. (Source: CLES Consulting, Centre for Local Economic Strategies, 2016)
    908 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Unite Kingswood
  • Financial Conduct Authority - Re-open it's review into Banking Culture
    The Financial Conduct Authority recently dropped it's review into Banking Culture, reportedly under alleged Government pressure (or leaning) as reported by the BBC., however this is denied by the treasury. I ask that we pressure the government to reinstate the review. McDonnell said: “This will be a huge blow to customers and taxpayers who are all still paying the price for the failed culture in the banking sector that’s been widely attributed to be among the main causes of the crash and the scandals over Libor and price-fixing.” He said the FCA was making a “dangerous and costly mistake”. “The chancellor therefore cannot stay silent on this issue. It’s time he used his influence to keep this review going. Otherwise he’s letting down the rest of us who bailed the banks out and also allowing a signal to be sent to carry on regardless. Given the scale and severity of the failings in the financial sector and the criminal behaviour shown by some banks, the scrapping of the FCA’s review into banking culture sends the wrong message at the wrong time,”. Also The review was included in the FCA’s business plan for 2015, but was dropped after an initial assessment found it difficult to compare different cultures inside banks. The decision to abandon the review follows the resignation of the FCA chief executive, Martin Wheatley, after the chancellor forced him out in July. A permanent replacement has not been named to take over from Wheatley, who had flagged his tough stance towards the industry by warning he would shoot first and ask questions later.
    267 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Royston
  • Change UK Banking Culture of Product Mis-selling & Greed
    We The TAXPAYERS Need to Change UK Banking Culture and STOP Product Mis-selling, Dodgy Loans, LIBOR Rigging and Huge Bonuses. Jail Crooked ‘Fat Cat’ Bankers Don’t Reward Them! The Government’s Financial Conduct Authority has dropped a major investigation into bank pay, promotion, bonuses and other incentives. Osborne said he knew nothing about this - so SIGN this petition to ask him to reverse this decision! USA & Iceland jail crooked Bankers Vietnam shoots crooked Bankers The UK rewards crooked and inept Bankers! UK banks brought our country to it’s knees with a £1.3 TRILLION debt, and we, the taxpayer, bailed them out. It’s time for a change. We need to make banking accountable, responsible, fair and honest, AND, once more, COMPETITIVE. Dodgy and irresponsible bank lending and too much bank leverage led to the 2008 financial crash! How many times does the taxpayer/uk population have to be kicked? Had the Bankers not brought the country to its knees in 2008 what state would the NHS and other public services be in right now? - Better funded for sure. How deep would the cut's need to be, had it not been for the 10's of billions to keep Banks afloat due to fat cat greed and arrogance. The Bankers have stolen your money, robbed your pensions, over-stated their profits, manipulated their share prices and raised new capital under false pretences: Accusations any normal businessman would have been sent to prison for. From 2001 to 2013 - 100,000 small UK businesses were mis-sold hundreds of billions of dodgy loans by Clydesdale/Yorkshire Bank, RBS, Barclays Lloyds & HSBC related to a rigged/ non-existent Libor rate! These mis-sold loans loaded with massive hidden charges have destroyed many thousands of these businesses, and continue to do so. Some of the banks have washed their hands by offloading these loans to American vulture funds to break up these businesses. PPI Mis-selling affected many millions of us, but still the banks get away with it with new scandals continually surfacing. Banks were being brought to book for PPI, but the Government has now decided to water down/cancel it’s own investigation into banking culture. Sign this petition which asks George Osborne to restart the Financial Conduct Authority investigation into banking culture.
    560 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Scott Simpson
  • Stop G4S violence
    Children and young people in custody are effectively being cared for by the state. They are among the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in the country. Their treatment by private contactors such as G4S has been, and continues to be, disgraceful. The latest allegations about Medway STC, backed by video evidence, are just the latest in a sorry line of serious incidents. Children have died in custody at the hands of staff members and many more have taken their own lives after ill treatment. It is nothing short of a national scandal that despite this, contracts continue to be awarded to G4S, who have such a poor record of providing public services. Does money matter more than children’s lives to the government?
    13,348 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Thorpe
  • STOP the John Muir Trust from massacring our Scottish Red Deer.
    Red deer are native to our wild lands and one of the many reasons why tourists and cash rich stalkers come to visit these generally economically disadvantaged areas. The Red Deer are beautiful majestic animals and must be managed in a way as to assure there is a viable population for all. JMT preach "deer management" which to them means kill on sight to protect uneconomic tree species. JMT are ONLY interested in the ancient woodland at Ardvar, Knoydart and their other reserves to the detriment of anyone and anything else. This year the JMT shot and killed 86 stags on Knoydart which was 38% of all stags culled in the area despite them owning only 4% of that land mass and figures. The story is the same in Assynt. Most of these stags were shot and then just left to rot on the open hill which is clearly unacceptable. Locals have volunteered to fence off the areas that they want to preserve; their response was no. Fence off your land instead. This would mean hundreds of miles of fencing which would be unsustainable, unaffordable and nonviable. The red deer roam from estate to estate as they have always done. JMT want them penned in like pets which is disgusting coming from a trust that preaches conservation and natural habitats. They are killing not only the red deer but our way of life and our livelihoods. For more information please visit http://www.scotsman.com/news/environment/dozens-of-shot-stags-left-to-rot-on-knoydart-hillside-1-3982538 and http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/uk/scotland/article4646287.ece If this unsustainable deer management practice is allowed to continue it will lead to many job losses in areas adjacent to JMT land. This in turn will leave many families with no choice but to sell up and depart these already underpopulated but truly beautiful naturally wild areas.
    1,202 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Filmer-Sankey
  • Make the price of plastic bags a tax to be given to the NHS
    It happens in other countries and the stores make enough profit already. In Ireland all clothing stores have to supply paper bags for free to customers. Here even clothing stores are now charging for carrier bags.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Leahy
  • No to Fracking in North Staffordshire
    Fracking gets a lot of attention and rightly so. THere are the environmental aspects of the government striving to grow the burning of fossil fuels of which 'Frackgas' is one of them. The pollution aspect is even more painful with metals such as; arsenic, mercury, cadmium being brought to the surface for clean up. The cost to the communities will be through a massive cost to the Water companies who will pass these additional costs on to their customers. Millions of tonnes of chemical impregnated water will be used in the 'frackgas' operation and it will all need to be treated. Where will the cleaned pollutant residue end up? We have yet to gain an answer to this. Let us look at the visual impact. Stoke on Trent could end up with some 30 derricks blotting the landscape. We know that we have miles upon miles of coal bed methane trapped under our city and towns. There is this licence for 'Frackgas' or the dangerous technique of fracking coal bed methane. This is your country: Protect It
    518 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Sean Adam
  • Waste at supermarket bakerys
    Every evening I witness the scandalous waste of bin bags full of fresh bread products. Being taking off the shelves of my local supermarket. Then they are crammed into large bags labeled "not fit for human consumption". When only seconds before i was buying the same products. Is it not time this waste was stopped. And the surplus produce was given to the homeless or food banks. Many people struggle to feed themselves and their families. This sort of waste should not be tolerated.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by terry liversidge
  • Sports direct - do the right thing
    He is a billionaire and his company is still making millions. This is a challenge to see if he has any human qualities and able do the right thing by his employees.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eileen Fenton
  • Boycott Sports Direct shops
    The Guardian article of 10th December reveals that more than 80% of staff are on zero-hours contracts. They are harangued by a public address system for not working fast enough. All warehouse workers are kept onsite at the end of a shift for a compulsory search down to their underwear by Sports Direct security staff. This adds another 1 hour 15 minutes to the working week for which they are not paid. They can be sacked if they have a period of reported sickness, have excessive/long toilet breaks, use a mobile phone (so schools cannot get in touch with parents if a child is sick and staff are terrified of asking for time off if children are sick). Workers are docked 15 minutes of pay for clocking in as little as one minute late - even if they arrived on the site on time but if they work late to finish a job they are not paid. Staff are banned from wearing 802 clothing brands at work. Mike Ashley is Britain's 22nd richest man yet he is enforcing Victorian work practices in the 21st century. We must tell him that his customers are disgusted and refuse to shop at Sports Direct any more.
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Diana B