Demand the BBC reports on & analyses the growing Austerity Protest movement & actionsThe BBC is a public service with a remit to cover and analyse news, events signifying social & political shifts in the country, and not a spokesperson for power or corporate interests.10,978 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Emma Winfield
The BBC Needs To Report News Not GossipOn Saturday 21 June 2014 50000 marched in one of our major cities London, but this was ignored by all the national newspapers bar one. There was also no coverage on any of the BBC News channels. I believe 50000 people marching in our capital city against the policy of austerity carried out by our elected government is news. Is this a further sign that the BBC is swinging to the right and therefore denying an alternative voice. I believe the BBC should, unlike our media Baron owned newspapers, remain unbiased but is this a sign that this is no longer the case.17,725 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Ken Long
Keep Safety Critical Conductors On The Train at Northern RailIt is important to retain Safety Critical Conductors on Train Services ran by this franchise as they provide an effective security presence on board for all passengers, they are also there to carry out "emergency protection" of running lines in the event of an incident. Safety Critical Conductors also take on the emergency protection duties of the Train Driver should the driver become incapacitated in the unfortunate event of an incident. Safety Critical Conductors are responsible for the provision of customer service and a punctual train service also. Ensuring a punctual, safe and efficient service for all customers.4,450 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Richie Veitch
Supermarkets, stop selling non recyclable packaging!I would like to ask you do something about the horrendous waste of resources regarding supermarkets and food packaging companies. Supermarkets own brand products are generally cheaper, but my observation is that this comes at the expense of using non recyclable packaging. All large companies even Aldi which gives a large well informed pledge to their commitment to the environment and yet at the same time most of their products packaging is non-recyclable? other large chains sell their own brand products too, again a lot of these seem to come also in non recyclable packages. In this day and age when we are being encouraged, and some do their utmost, to recycle as much as we can our bins are stuffed with this stuff which ends up in landfill- What is going on? why if some companies can do it then why not all. All our food should come this way - Also less of it too, as its totally unnecessary!317 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Stephen McBride
Fibre Broadband service to the nation's 'Exchange Only' connectionsThe so called 'National roll-out of fibre broadband' is being funded by public money and we - the public - need to be given full access to the matter. The BT Telephone service side of the business (which does the talking to customers ...) should be given access to the data, owned by BT Openreach, to ensure that any telephone user ... interested in using fast fibre access to the broadband network ... can obtain an honest and complete answer as to when, and by what method - and at what price - they will be provided with the connection capability to the fibre broadband network.428 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Barrie Etherington
Stop the privatisation of child protection serviceshttp://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/may/16/child-protection-privatised796 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Rob Sage
NHS Healthcare: No charge at the point of useOn 22 May 2014 GP's are to vote on whether to introduce appointment charges (estimated £10 - £25 per visit). If this vote is passed it could mean the end of our NHS, free at the point of use. The NHS is currently being dismantled under the guise of an ineffective system and more consumer choice. Increased GP workload and patient demand driving this issue is largely as a result of government policy, hospital closures and privatisation. GP income has fallen by design and patient charges are not the answer. "How many times are we going to fall into the traps set by our political masters?" asks Gurdave Gill, GP Partner writing on the Pulse Today website. "Patient charges are NOT the answer. User charges deter the sick and poor as much as the 'worried well'. Expensive and bureaucratic to collect, evidence shows patients delay seeking medical advice when user charges are introduced. Delay in diagnosis can cause significant harm. If we know this to be fact, to introduce charges appears to suggest that our incomes are more important than any potential harm to the patients. Is this ethical? "The current crisis in Primary care has been manufactured to create a pressure from GPs for charges. [...] We should be demanding increased resources from Government and not our patients. The NHS returned £5bn underspend to the treasury in the last 3 years. The cost of the purchaser-provider split exceeds £10bn pa yet delivers absolutely no patient gain at roughly the entire cost of primary care! {...] We need to identify the correct target and demand our representative bodies are more effective rather than the incompetence/collusion with Government we have seen in recent past. The minority of pro-privatisation GPs leading the call for charges need to be recognised for what they are. We must not be persuaded by the 'greedy and dims' amongst us.” And how about that consumer choice? Right now we have the best of both, individual private healthcare and tax-payer funded. Both are a form of 'paid for' healthcare, one is paid for by the individual, the other paid for and negotiated collectively. If the asset strip continues we will only have the most expensive poorly-negotiated option open to any of us. That is no choice at all. UPDATE The BMA's current position on this motion as outlined to one of our members, obviously, it would be naive to rest on these laurels: "The BMA's current position is not in favour of charging patients for GP appointments. Introducing charging would undermine the basis of the NHS; that healthcare is free at the point of use, and patients receive care based on their clinical need. A fee charging system could require an expensive bureaucracy to collect money from patients. It is also possible that the charges may deter vulnerable patients from seeing their GP which could lead to delays in treatment. However, there will be a motion debated at the Local Medical Committee (LMC) conference in York later this month. If the motion is carried, this does not mean it will become BMA policy. BMA Policy is decided at our Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) in July [ed- It's actually Sunday 22 - Thursday 26 June 2014] and motions are proposed by individual branch of practice conferences (e.g. GPs, consultants, junior doctors etc) and submitted for debate by geographical divisions. It would require further consideration by the BMA's leadership and the BMA's Annual Representative Meeting in July. It is understandable that GPs are looking at raising these kind of ideas, given the enormous pressure on GP services. Many GP practices are struggling from a combination of rising patient demand and falling funding that ministers have failed to recognise. However, the BMA feels that we don't need a complicated and unfair charging system to be introduced for GP appointments. We need the government to provide the resources to enable GPs to deliver the care that their patients need. I hope this is helpful and that it clarifies the BMA position for you." Links: Facebook page that inspired this petition: https://www.facebook.com/healthcharge Pulse Today - GP leaders to vote on whether to support patient charges for appointments: http://bit.ly/1lrI1gg LMC Conference - Full Agenda: http://bit.ly/fullagenda BMC/GPC: http://bit.ly/bmcandgpc BMC Annual Meeting: http://bma.org.uk/working-for-change/arm-2014-info Wessex LMC: http://bit.ly/aboutWessex2,941 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Frank Coles
Stop Staff Cuts at New Malden Post OfficeThis petition is important for the simple reason that the Post Office is a vital part of the community in New Malden, and the only 'main' Post Office for a while around. Even a busy town like Kingston no longer has a main Post Office. The Post Office are trying to cut at least three, potentially four members of staff at the end of April, to be replaced by machines in Mid-May. The people of New Malden don't want machines to pay their bills - they prefer interacting with humans over the counter. DID YOU KNOW? Since 2012, if these plans are to go ahead, the Post Office will have lost 6 members of staff in 2 years - that's 50%! From 12 members of staff, to 6. Queues are already long enough now in New Malden Post Office, and it can't manage with 4 staff less. We need the Post Office to recruit new members of staff at New Malden Post Office to make up for this staff loss, and to, in effect, save New Malden Post Office. (See More at www.coombemonthly.co.uk)720 of 800 SignaturesCreated by James Giles
Painful Prong CollarsA company called LuvMyDog.co.uk is selling these, As my MP I would like you to investigate this petition, and outlaw collars that cause dogs pain and discomfort. There appears to be absolutely no need for a collar like this to be produced. Please help me outlaw products that injure defenseless creatures in this way. https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/page/-/CBY/Joint%20statement%20ETDs%20and%20prong%20collars%20April%202014.pdf168 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Melanie St.Clair
Big Bang Fair: Stop Promoting The Arms Trade!We love science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). We think its worth celebrating the exciting possibilities it offers with the young people of the UK. We know how vital STEM is to understand our world and make it better. There is so much inspiring and important STEM work done in the UK, and more to do. That's why it makes us sad that companies which profit from weapons which kill people across the world, should be allowed a role at the Big Bang Fair. One of this year's sponsors, Doosan, is on financial blacklists because of cluster bomb manufacture, and yet you allow them space at your event. As well as the products they manufacture, BAE systems have been the subject of several corruption investigations. Are these really the sorts of groups we want involved in the education of children? Science and engineering should be about improving life, not taking it away - please ask the Big Bang Fair to drop the arms trade.601 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Dr Hamza Hamouchene
Halt Sale of Co-operative Group FarmsThe rushed sale of the Co-operative Group Farms to the highest bidder would almost certainly mean that the land would be bought by venture capital or pension funds, who would have no interest in managing the land using co-operative principles and sustainable techniques. However, as the biggest UK land sale for decades - over 50,000 acres of land - this is also a unique opportunity to make a major contribution to sustainable UK food production and help young new farmers to access land. Like minded groups interested in buying the land (such as co-operatives and Community Farmland Trusts) will require time to put the necessary finances in place, to arrange a sale, and to find suitable tenants. The Co-operative Group board should allow time for initiatives to be planned and organised so that the co-operative management of the Co-op's farmland can continue. The founding values of the Co-operative are at stake here, and the Group will lose all credibility if it simply sells its farms to the highest bidder. Tell the Co-op board to remember its roots: "Don’t sell the soil from under our feet - fertilise the future instead!"9,318 of 10,000 SignaturesCreated by Pete Riley
Should ATOS be charged with "Manslaughter" for all the victims that have diedThis is important as so many vulnerable people have died after being wrongly assessed and being made fit for work when clearly they have not been fit enough. There has been a count of 10,600 deaths between Jan-Nov 2011 some of which were suicides. How many deaths does it take for the government and ATOS to recognise the connection? Since this last count the DWP refused to release the figures that were collected calling the FOI requests "vexatious". Therefore how many more have died since? There are thousands who believe, assessments that have been undertaken were incorrect and there are thousands of witnesses to this fact, which has caused more stress and poverty as more and more people are waiting for money that has been stopped whilst waiting for their appeals to be processed correctly. Due to the negligence of this company ATOS have to be found accountable. Not only for the loved ones of the people who have died, but also for those who may have died without a family and is important that even though they have gone from this planet, they have somebody fighting for them to correct a system that clearly does not work so they did not die in vain.5,071 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Hemingway
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