Boost Evesham Town CentreEvesham is a lovely town with much potential! The Evesham area has a population of over 52,000 with over 23,000 living in Evesham town itself. We need more good, popular shops in our town centre to keep our town alive!! We all know what lovely scenery and historical buildings are here for townsfolk and tourists to enjoy but we need to offer more selection in the town centre itself. If you care about our town and would like to be able to do your shopping in your town, please show your support for the above companies to open shops here!512 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Emma Haynes
Donate all Supermarket past 'sell by date food' waste to food banksIts a no brainer. People are hungry and poor and food is being wasted. Three men were recently arrested for taking food from a supermarket skip, this food would be wasted and yet the needy get arrested for taking it.38,782 of 40,000 SignaturesCreated by Nathan Ticehurst
N&P Windows, Wallasey to move their factory to an industrial estateWallasey Road is a residential area. Since the arrival of N&P Windows, Wallasey it now has an added rubbish tip/factory that threatens our health, pollutes the land, obstructs the road and pavements, threatened pensioners and noisily operates from 06.00hrs. Pictorial evidence is available here: http://nimby2013.wordpress.com This factory has allowed its waste material to escape its yard for ten years. Vehicles belonging to this factory and its suppliers have blocked and obstructed the road and pavement for ten years. The presence of this factory and associated raw and waste materials is entirely inappropriate for a residential area. I have no idea how many children would be poisoned by the tonnes of stored PVC if there was a fire in this site, but it would be considerably more than none. PVC when burned releases carcinogenic dioxins, these do not kill immediately but long-term exposure is linked to impairment of the immune system, the developing nervous system, the endocrine system and reproductive functions. (http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs225/en/) This is a residential area, your neighbour should not be a threat to your life or the lives of others. It is time for Wirral Borough Council to control this factory and protect the lives of the residents. When we are leaving petition forms we are told; 1 That people cannot park outside the Post Office because of N&P's vehicles 2 Complaints about damage to vehicles from N&P's vans 3 How house prices are lowered by N&P's activities 4 That this is no place for a factory 5 Foul language used by their staff in front of children 6 Sweeping out of their vehicles into the street 7 The company is too big for the area 8 It makes no sense for them to be here 9 Forcing people to wait whilst they load their vans 10 Being forced to reverse cars into Wallasey Road 11 Absolutely no concern or respect for road users or pedestrians 12 Why has this gone on for so long? 13 What are the Council doing about this? 14 The move would actually benefit N&P its suppliers and staff 15 Under Oath in 2006, the owner of N&P stated that they had no intention of staying in Rugby Road for more than two years. UPDATE: I am currently contacting the current Home Secretary The Rt Honourable Theresa May to look into the allegations of corruption that include the proprietors, members of Wirral Borough Council and Derek Thew of The Planning Inspectorate. After signing please take a moment to leave a comment. You can contact the present leader of Wirral Borough Council here: [email protected]234 of 300 SignaturesCreated by John Rodgers
Stand UP for LGBT Community : Boycott the Russia OlympicsSince Putin's re-election in May the LGBT have suffered great injustices including banning the wider world Community from adopting, attacks on Community members at Pride marches,The law also includes a provision that allows the Russian government to arrest foreign tourists for up to 14 days for supporting LGBT equality. It is now illegal for LGBT people to publicly display affection, to tweet positive messages about LGBT people and their relationships, to broadcast positive news stories about LGBT people or to wear or display a rainbow flag or any other symbol of LGBT equality. Earlier in June, Mr. Putin signed yet another antigay bill, classifying “homosexual propaganda” as pornography. The law is broad and vague, so that any teacher who tells students that homosexuality is not evil, any parents who tell their child that homosexuality is normal, or anyone who makes pro-gay statements deemed accessible to someone underage is now subject to arrest and fines. Even a judge, lawyer or lawmaker cannot publicly argue for tolerance without the threat of punishment.190 of 200 SignaturesCreated by James Austin
Save Local & LiveLocal & Live has become a fixture in the town over the last six or seven years. It encourages and empowers young, emerging artists and gives them the opportunity to perform their own original compositions to a large and appreciative audience. By refusing the necessary level of assistance TWBC has killed a vibrant and necessary arts event that benefits local musicians & performers, provides a rich cultural event for thousands of local people and over £250,000 in revenues for local businesses. Instead, the council has granted permissions to a few local businesses to operate a sub standard 'Entertainment' event featuring covers bands and tribute acts, the purpose of which is to benefit the businesses involved financially, regardless of the wishes of local people. Tunbridge Wells Borough Council must be made to understand that the town has a vibrant and exciting arts community which it should be encouraging and supporting. They must not be allowed to let croneyism and business interests override local opinion.703 of 800 SignaturesCreated by David Lofts
Stop using eggs in QuornEggs are not needed and cost more money to use, than not at all. Every single Quorn product contain eggs.The egg industry kills hens when they get to be 18 months old and cannot lay as many eggs any longer, they breed more chicks and gas or shred male chicks as they cannot lay eggs. This should not be supported. Please sign this petition to ask them to stop using eggs.7,796 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by Becca Harvey
Reject bonuses and obscene executive pay at Nationwide Building SocietyBy acting like a bank, you forget your unique role in the financial sector at the time when you should be most mindful of it. As your website points out, “Nationwide has mutual status, which means that we are owned by and run for the benefit of our members”, rather than for profit. Mutuals and co-ops should be keeping the banks honest, showing them that social justice and financial stability go hand in hand. If the ethical alternative to big banks is paying its CEO 190 times the minimum wage, then what hope is there for reform of the rest? [See the campaign website link on the left for a fuller explanation]432 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Asa K Cusack
GM Free food for Humans & Animals“We are confronted with the most powerful technology the world has ever known, and it is being rapidly deployed with almost no thought whatsoever to its consequences.” — Dr Suzanne Wuerthele, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) toxicologist GM foods have not been shown to be safe to eat No long term human feeding studies have been done. Ever. There is Zero evidence that demonstrates GM food, or produce derived from GM fed animals is safe for humans to eat. Food Standards Authorities are ignoring their own, and independent scientific research and failing to acknowledge numerous studies which prove GM food and animal feed is definitely not ‘substantially equivalent’ and is in fact, potentially un-safe for human and animal consumption. UK and European food standards agencies are failing the public by relying on biased, short term data from the companies who manufacture GM crops & animals and stand to benefit financially and commercially from regulators turning a blind eye. Biotech-Accidents Happen We don’t want to be a GM feeding experiment especially in light of 2012 European food safety research documenting how a biotech “accident happened” After years of GM crops being on the market, a viral gene with serious potential to harm human health has been ‘discovered’ in 54 commercially available GM crops. Apparently, this was an ‘unintended accident.’ New genes and gene products, mostly from bacteria, viruses and other non-food species are being introduced. There is potential for transgenes, viruses & antibiotic resistance markers to spread out of control causing damaging & un-intended consequences to humans, animals and the environment. Health Independent scientific research has shown GM foods to cause tumour growth, damage the reproductive system & digestive tract and detrimentally affect the liver and kidneys of animals fed a GM diet. Research in 2012 demonstrated that rats fed GM maize died prematurely. No-one seems to know what damage GM foods are doing to humans, although there are unexplained increases in allergies, especially to soya, since the introduction of GM foods. GM and non-GM cannot co-exist. GM contamination of conventional and organic food is increasing. Consumers want GM free food Consumers don't want to eat GM foods or animal products raised on GM feed. Recent FSA research show the majority of consumers don’t want to eat animal products produced with GM food. We don’t trust GM companies to be in control of our food Chemical Poisoning Most GM crops are grown to be resistant to chemicals such as glyphosate. In Argentina and Paraguay, doctors and residents living in GM soy producing areas have reported serious health effects from glyphosate spraying, including high rates of birth defects as well as infertility, stillbirths, miscarriages, and cancers. Independent data shows glyphosate spraying has increased since the introduction of GM crops. Agricultural Diversity It is crucial that a diversity of crops can be grown side by side without contamination. GM crops have caused a serious emergence of “superweeds” resistant to pesticides. Farmers should be allowed to save their seed and re-plant it should they choose. The use of heritage seeds and traditional seed varieties should be able to continue. We don’t want control of the world’s food supply in the hands of a few biotech company directors. Environmental Pollution Genetic pollution contaminates, forever. Studies have shown the survival rates of Monarch butterflies and ladybirds are threatened by GM pollen and increased spraying due to genetically modified crops. Farmers who wish to grow non-GM crops have been sued by the biotech companies when GM contamination has occurred because their neighbours were growing GM crops. What’s the point? It is widely acknowledged as a myth that GM crops can help solve world hunger, even by the CEO of one of the companies who manufactures GM crops. The solutions to world hunger are complex, and political will is needed to contribute towards solutions. Farmers worldwide are rejecting GM crops. Current GMO’s have nothing to offer the goals of reducing hunger and poverty, improving nutrition, health and rural livelihoods, and facilitating social and environmental sustainability. “If some people are allowed to choose to grow, sell and consume GM foods, soon nobody will be able to choose food, or a biosphere, free of GM. It’s a one way choice, like the introduction of rabbits or cane toads to Australia; once it’s made, it can’t be reversed.” – Roger Levett The time has come to choose between a GM-based, or a non-GM-based, world food supply.2,339 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Louise Somerville Williams
Get the oil industry out of our schools!Over 30 000 pupils have taken part in their "Trading Challenge Workshop" in which students are split into teams of four and "introduced to the challenge of buying and selling oil on the 'International Markets'". This is full of blatant BP propaganda, misinformation and the obscuring of the full picture, as is obvious from the promotional video: http://www.netroadshow.com/custom/bp/bpflv3.asp?cf=090409b One pupil reported being removed from their scheduled GCSE lessons for two hours and threatened with being punished for truancy if they refused to participate in this workshop. In causing climate change, BP threatens the wellbeing and livelihoods of generations present and future. They threaten the survival of entire nations and peoples. That BP seeks to subject young people that are faced with the threat of the full effects of climate change to its propaganda is repulsive and morally repugnant. BP, or any other fossil fuel companies, should not be allowed to enter schools. We invite students, teachers, parents, governors, entire schools, Local Education Authorities, the Department for Education and others to stand up in opposition to this dangerous propaganda and ensure that oil companies are not allowed in classrooms over which you have control.431 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Tom Youngman
Remove Bee-Killing 'Pesticides' From ShopsMany agricultural chemicals are harmful to insect pollinators and other wildlife, but people typically think those intended for use in the garden are safe. However, many of these products contain ingredients that are known to be toxic to bees and other beneficial insects, as well as important soil bacteria. Safe alternatives are available and there is no need to use poisons in your garden. We encourage you to create a 'Bee-Friendly Zone' in your garden, where pollinators can safely live and forage. See www.beefriendlyzone.org for more.1,182 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Philip Chandler
Re-nationalise EnergyYear after year gas and electricity prices have risen, to the point that millions of us can't afford to TURN THE HEAT ON, and thousands freeze to death every winter. Yet, the Big Six energy companies are so profitable that they pay billions of pounds in dividends to shareholders and millions of pounds in pay and bonuses to their executives. And no wonder they make so much money - in just over 8 years, from October 2004 until February 2013, my gas charges increased by a whopping 279.36%* and electricity charges by 69.89%.** Poverty is destroying the lives of millions of people in the UK, and if the misery and deaths caused by fuel poverty are ever to be eliminated, energy must be affordable by all. This will never happen while our energy sector is in the hands of private profiteers. We must TURN THE HEAT ON Government to get rid of The Big Six and restore the UK energy sector to public ownership. * from 1.439p to 4.02p per kWh ** from 7.328p to 12.45p per kWh48,940 of 50,000 SignaturesCreated by Phyllis North
SAVE HALSTEAD'S HISTORICAL WOOD AND AIR RAID SHELTERS!A very big thank you to everyone who helped in our fight against Tesco. Now we need to fight Round 2!! This green lung, just to the east of Halstead High Street comprises woodland containing 9 Trees under Tree Preservation Orders and natural springs that provide a wetland environment for amphibians. There are also 16 WWII air raid shelters, 9 of which are listed: as a group this is a very rare thing. Braintree District Council plan to ‘regenerate’ the site, to build more roads, properties and shops and demolish all but one or two of the shelters. We want this land to be conserved for present and future generations, to be a green haven, a heritage site and something that the town can be proud of. Thank you again for your continued support - let's see if people power can win again!!! Eileen Penn Halstead 21st Century Group 'Preserving our past for the future' This is a large area of natural woodland, with several very mature trees, full of wildlife: deer, bats, owls, hedgehogs, squirrels, rabbits, newts, frogs etc. It is also home to one of the largest collection of Air Raid Shelters in the country, sixteen in total, which are of a huge historical importance. The many bats are also known to roost in them. These shelters were for the use of the mill workers (Courtaulds Mill was nearby) in Factory Lane East and the Mill Managers who lived in cottages in Vicarage Meadow. It would be lovely if this could all be retained for the people of Halstead and others to visit. All the mature trees could be retained and some of the grassy areas made into parkland, with the rest being maintained as a nature reserve.. Each air raid shelter could have an information board, with likely items from the war years on display. And the many deer and other animals could be allowed to continue roaming free. Alison shea1,104 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Alison Shea
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