• Cadbury “Shrink-flation” Stop downsizing bars
    Customers have the right to choose. Cadbury are using the obesity issue to reduce further the size of bars in multipacks has gone down over the last 5 years and should be stopped from their “shrinkflation” excuses to profit even further than they already do with their multi packs.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darren Holroyd
  • Add a "Company Leave Date" filter on LinkedIn Sales Navigator
    Problem: When looking for profiles from a company of interest (specifically "past not current"), the system pulls up all the people that have previously worked at the company, including people that have left 20-30 years ago. This means that for each search there are so many pages to flick through filled with people that aren't relevant to the search. Suggestion: When looking for people from a company of interest, it would be good to have an extra filter that links that company with a date bracket that people have left between (e.g. 2017 - 2019). This would ensure that only the people that have left the company between those dates are pulled up. Result: This would enable a highly-targeted, impactful and faster search, thus increasing speed and improving workflow, this would be an absolute lifesaver!!
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Teddy Albert Picture
  • (More British Circuit's) Specifically Castle Combe on Forza Motorsport 8
    The previous Forza Motorsport's have lacked in the number of British Circuits and therefore I say it's time for change especially as other games such as rfactor have included Castle Combe in their track list so why not Forza?
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Murray Picture
  • Legally require all commercial establishments in the UK to switch off their lights at night
    Unnecessarily lighting inside businesses is a waste and a significant contribution to the negative impact of human induced climate change/global warming.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Brownbridge
  • Random selection on netiflix
    Because I sick of flicking through and not finding anything to watch. Then end up watching something I’ve already watched because I can’t decide
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dalton Qualter
  • Will the UK government hold large companies to account for not issuing cash refunds?
    Large businesses are blantently flouting UK law and not being held accountable. If a consumer attempted to hold on to money in such a manner it would be deemed as fraud. Why are large companies allowed to act outside the UK law?
    139 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Peter Webb
  • Better perspex screens and social distancing in retail outlets.
    Supermarket staff are on the front line, we like everyone else have a right to feel safe in our place of work. Just like some of our customers have a right to feel safe and not bullied by impatient customers.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Slowinkin
  • Labelling on alcoholic drinks
    The other night I enjoyed a very nice glass of port with some cheese and crackers. After I had finished the port, my daughter discovered that not all ports are suitable for my vegetarian lifestyle, and in fact this particular one may well have contained gelatin. The wave of guilt that passed over me was immense, knowing I had accidentally betrayed my morals and consumed an animal product. To this end, I ask that it to be made law that the manufacturers/distributors of all alcoholic beverages must clearly label whether the product is suitable for vegans, vegetarians, kosher, etc., or perhaps more to the point, these products should all have these logos on their labels, but they should have a clear and unambiguous line through them if they do not apply.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nadia Jones
  • Scrap Supermarket Home Delivery Charges
    So we won't waste our money on Home Delivery Charges during this Coronavirus Pandemic As most stock is unavailable we need to have more than one Delivery Substitutions are not appropriate for some/most people
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Josh Welby Picture
  • Fair pay for people in 12 weeks isolation
    People making life or death decisions because who can afford 6 weeks unpaid leave can’t claim as still employed.. or go to work putting dependents at risk of catching Covid 19 which could lead to death ...
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Owen
  • Stop McDonald's reopening during the coronavirus outbreak
    McDonald's should be adhering to the lockdown rules and setting an example. They are pressuring employees to come back to work and potentially infect their own families, some of whom will be vulnerable or high risk.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deli Clare
  • RyanAir Refunds NOT Vouchers
    They originally offered people with cancelled flights a "refund". They then emailed to say it would take a while due to high demand. They are now trying to instate a "voucher" system rather than their promised refund. Refuse the voucher, demand your refund.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Maxwell