• Gas safety
    This should be made a legal requirement to enhance all buildings safety for whole of world Within next 15 yrs all homes will generally have this important safety fearure which will protect and save lives and all new builds will start as a safe zone
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Floody
  • taxing newspaper bosses
    National newspapers in the UK set the tone and agenda of the political debate and can influence policies which result in cost to the public purse or cuts to public services. Yet much of the national press is owned by people who avoid the consequences of such policies, either because they are foreign nationals or, by using “non-Dom” status and/or offshore “financial instruments’, to avoid paying the taxes which would give them a stake in the policies their newspapers advocate. In other words they influence policy but do not pay for the consequences - an example of representation without taxation which undermines the concept of public service and accountability."
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by robert bennett
  • Save community services at The Lodge
    The outdoor is an unbeatable playground and classroom with its abundant potential for sensory stimulation and ever-changing play and learning props from fallen leaves, fir cones and fossils to seeds and slugs and snails. Moreover, in addition to the fascinating and hugely educational environment that the natural world provides, the scope to move freely when outdoors also brings about neurological advantages. The outdoor brings risks of course, which is a large part of the reason why so much of modern childhood takes place within artificially landscaped playgrounds, but as research psychologist Penelope Leach argues in House 2011: “There is much that can be said about the importance of allowing children to play freely even though that involves risks; and about how important it is to let them actually take risks as they play, because they have to learn to understand which situations are risky, and manage themselves in them.” The permitted use of The Lodge is as a children centre for social, community and educational purposes including community gardens and facilities for meeting of the Streatham Society and other groups. The community groups currently resident at The Lodge have a longstanding relationship with the building including but not limited to petitioning for the building, its ongoing maintenance, applying for grants to enhance and improve services from the facility and delivering valued Forest School services, since 2013. Recent events have meant these groups now feel that without warning or consultation the rights they have enjoyed for several years will be revoked and their access to The Lodge removed. We, the signatories of this petition, would like to call the governors and management of the Crown Lane Primary school to start open talks with the community and representatives from Lambeth Council about the future of The Lodge and its access by members of the community.
    605 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Doreen Barton
  • Traffic calming Buckingham Road Woodthorpe
    Parallel to the A60 Buckingham Road and Woodthorpe Avenue are used as regular cut-throughs at all hours of the day, with many cars well exceeding the national speed limit. A number of pet animals have been injured or killed and with a number of young children of school age living on Buckingham Road and surrounding roads, road safety in the area has to improve. Woodthorpe Avenue has speed awareness signs with little impact. More must be done.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shelley Scothorne
  • Stop last bank in town closing down
    Being last bank in town and holiday resort will kill the town specially for Business and people who don't have access to Internet
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rajesh Patel
  • A law that protects original & unique fashion designs.
    Fashion designs/patterns etc are always being stolen. This copyright law will allow designers in the fashion industry to protect their original and unique designs from others. This is important because so many designs/ideas are being stolen especially in the fashion industry. So many knockoffs of original designs are being created and destroys the original designs being made. It is harder for up and coming designers who are just going into the industry to be able to protect their designs especially against large retail companies who it would be impossible to fight back. I am currently wanting to go into the Fashion industry and have been creating a range of T-shirts/clothing which the designs I have drew myself, I want to be able to protect this design and allow others in a similar position to protect theirs.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chelsea Fitzgerald
  • Respecting Old People
    All of us, if we are very lucky, will be old someday. Brexit, and the American Presidential Campaign have brought out the worst in many people. The comments, and accusations, made about Old People are, at the very least, offensive and, though I dislike the word, they are certainly Ageist.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arthur Sansam
  • Save Dover Soup Kitchen
    The Dover Soup Kitchen was founded by Steph Perrow in 1991, and their mission statement is that it is a resource for the homeless, vulnerable, elderly, lonely, and the needy. It provides free meals, hot drinks, clothes and bedding, and creates a sense of belonging and community. This soup kitchen helps many people every day without judgement or stigma it is a safe haven for many of the vulnerable in our town. It would be tragic if Dover lost this precious service especially in this age of austerity where more and more people are struggling, more people are losing their homes and many end up on the streets through no fault of their own. Please pledge your name to this petition so we can let DDC know that we will not stand for their actions and let's fight for those vulnerable people who cannot always make their voices heard. Thank you for reading.
    4,177 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Wadhams
  • Reinstate South Elmsall Town Centre Partnership as Organisers of the South Elmsall Christmas Event
    As one of the highlights of the community calendar in South Elmsall this event is very dear to the hearts of all members of our community. As such it is of vital importance that the execution of this is well planned by an experienced and dedicated team such as those who have made this event into what it has been until this year. It is clearly apparent that South Elmsall Town Council has been unable to replicate the success of previous years and have completely failed to justify their decision to hijack this event. As made clear by the name the South Elmsall Town Centre Partnership is an organisation with co-operation and collaboration at its core. It is independent of local government and is funded from a wide variety of sources, NOT just the pocket of the taxpayer. The South Elmsall Town Centre Partnership has an excellent relationship with a wide variety of entertainment providers as well as working closely with local businesses. In two decades of existence the South Elmsall Town Centre Partnership have built the annual Christmas Light switch-on into an annual triumph which attracts people from miles around and it is in the interests of everyone locally that they return to doing what they demonstrably do best. Let our village shine and lead through co-operation and collaboration with those who are willing to serve voluntarily, not domination of those that have been unfairly branded "unelected busybodies" by at least one of our elected officials.
    170 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Allanach
  • Stop Caller ID spoofing now!
    Spoofed Caller IDs are used for nuisance calls, cold calling, clandestine information gathering and fraud.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Howard
  • George Medal for Jo Cox MP
    Jo Cox devoted her life to helping the vulnerable, and died attempting to protect the unarmed from a murderer. I believe that this exemplary behaviour warrants recognition at a high level in line with other similar acts of bravery regardless of personal cost.
    1,335 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Rob Morrison
    London is overcrowded. A brand new capital city would be a showcase for a modern outward looking country. It would provide thousands of homes where there were jobs.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lionel Phillips