• Home Treatment Crisis teams and Community Mental health teams for children in Manchester
    Early intervention in mental health crisis can lead to fewer hospital admissions and better outcomes in adulthood. Children are being left on mental health wards because there is insufficient support for them in the community. Despite the shift towards moving more adult services into the community due to the advantages over hospital care. A common theme in the NHS is that prevention is key. Yet services for children do not reflect this.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by anna thompson
  • Sack Penny Mordaunt because she lied to the FBU
    This is important, because the false guarantee swayed members vote to support the Governments position. It is important to uphold the position that ministers that mislead the house should be sacked.
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by ALAN Burgess
  • Make Colchester Safe at night, Turn on the lights!
    Crime, accidents,injuries and a general feeling of not being safe on our streets after midnight is not something the people of Colchester should be having to suffer, especially when we still all pay council tax but it seems to give us less and less in return. The switching off of the lights at Midnight even has an effect on local businesses, as people going to pubs and clubs etc, are making plans to leave early so as not to be going home in the dark. The chief executive of Essex County Council earns £210,000 a year!
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by bruce seaton
  • Mental Health Crisis UK
    Mental Health services are stretched to breaking point there is a severe lack of units for both children and adults, sometimes resulting in people being held in police cells which is both ethically and morally wrong! People in crisis and their families have little to no help whilst awaiting a bed and often have to travel hundreds of miles away from home due to lack of suitable units close to home, breaking families apart for weeks and even months at a time. Community services, crisis teams and social service departments are not fit for purpose due to a lack of funding and staff shortages, the increasing demand of community care not being supplied is causing bed blocking in many units and is causing many to not receive the help they need to prevent admission in the first place. The whole system is in need of change and it needs to be made a high priority because the numbers of people in need and in crisis is rising fast!
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Wadhams
  • Emergency Service in East Cambridgeshire
    Recent cuts have lead to unnecessary deaths, as funding has been cut too far back for these services to function. People with critical illness, such as heart and even strokes had to wait 15 minutes before an ambulance appeared. Police can not attend emergency calls, as manpower has been cut. A&E is over stretched with 4 hour queues as we had nearly 15 years ago, due to unnecessary cuts by East Cambridgeshire county council. People are being placed in unnecessary range and death, as emergency services have been cut far to far. Government has falsified their statements of supporting the NHS, as they talk about a few extra millions added this winter, when in fact they have cut NHS funding by £30 billion plus. This was a tactic to be able to say that the NHS needs to be privatised, which in fact will cost as far more than we have paid so far, as shareholders expect huge shareholding premiums. Be not be fooled. the NHS worked fine, not perfectly but it was good. It was just mismanaged by various governments in the last 30 to 40 years, but in particular in the last 20 years.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charmen Hummel
  • Better Care For Carer's
    There is a lot of Isolation for these Carer's, I am a Carer in Pembrokeshire and I am struggling to access GENERAL Support for Carer's my, Wife suffers with Fibromyalgia, M.E and also I look after my Mother In Law who has a severe Heart Problem and I am the Chairperson for a support group for those who suffer with these life changing Illness these affect family members and Carer's
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Yates
  • Referendum on Public Spending
    For too long politicians from all the major parties have publically stated they would not sell or privatise areas of public spending on the run up to elections, only to then do so once they are in office. They clearly cannot be trusted. If any area of PUBLIC spending is going to be privatised, then it should be THE PUBLIC who decide, not politicians. It should be the public who have the last say on the matter. If it is the PUBLIC's money that is going to spent, then it should be the PUBLIC who decides how it should be spent.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joshua Cooper
  • Stop the bubbly at the House of Lords
    It is a disgrace that during this time of austerity when so many people do not even have enough to eat, and benefits are being cut that tax-payer's money should be wasted on champagne for the elite. The budget for champagne in the House of Lords alone is £65,000 according to an article in the independent http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/if-you-want-to-see-the-gap-between-the-house-of-lords-and-reality-for-yourself-then-just-look-at-their-champagne-budget-9910611.html Why should the tax payer pay for any alcohol at all for members of the House of Lords or the House of Commons? Surely this money could be better spent in this time of austerity.
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Susi Liles
  • Make politicians eat their words
    He is claiming that all benefit claimants can live off £7 a day. I think if he says it's possible why not do it himself. So like the rest of us we would get £7 to spend a day. All to go on nothing really as money would have to be saved up to spent on bills. With £7 a day means no gas, no electricity, no heating, no lights on a switch no hot food and just live in idleness, want, hunger, cold and squalor.
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Masterton
    This is important as the government are targeting disabled people to get them into work and not providing adequate housing to those who need it. They intimidate the vulnerable and sick, bully those who speak out about their actions, and make foolish comments on what is a fair wage for a disabled person who is working. This has to stop! Sign this petition today and hopefully the government might actually listen to our outcry. It is important to realise that in today's society to work and live without benefits it would cost each person an average of £200.00 per week to pay rent, bills & for food when working. As claimants of benefits the average amount a single person gets is £75 per week with that a person has to pay top up council tax & rent which docks roughly £15 off their benefits per week, then they have to pay for food & bills leaving them with £0 money at the end of a week, for a couple this benefit works out at under £145.00 per fortnight. The government expects people on benefits to struggle even though they themselves haven't taken a pay cut and in fact asked for wages to be put up for all mp's a few weeks ago. How is this a fair system when even the working class are struggling to pay bills and government mp's are sitting pretty in their nice houses and estates. They say welfare claimants are a drain on this country but we are not the government need to realise, that the more pressure they insert on the general public the more angry they will get. Time for change is now! Time to change the government, time to change the changes they are making to this once beautiful Britain, it time to say enough is enough and we aren't going to take it anymore. Sign this petition today. Lets make them change.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Gooch
  • Save our school bus
    Because parents can not afford the £20.00 a week for the bus fares especially if they have other children coming through the system. The council state that we should send our children to the nearest school, which is not my sons preferred choice and also it is mainly sports and my son has is own sport outside of school, he much prefers going to a school that specialist in performing arts, drama etc. If all the local children went to the local school it would be massively over subscribed with pupils that do not want to be there, we would then have another problem later on in life with under learning.
    149 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Julia Cunningham
  • Bring back weekly bin emptys
    It's important to our health and hygiene. We need to live in a clean and safe environment not filth and muck.
    138 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lana Kennedy