• 100% Council Tax Reduction for people on low incomes in Torbay and South Hams
    These charges are forcing people into debt and considerable hardship. It simply does not make sense to take legal action against people with Council Tax arrears, who cannot afford to pay, and then direct them to food banks to feed their children.
    230 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ken Pickering
  • Save the Couper Institute and Library
    The Couper Institute and Library are important community facilities in the southside of Glasgow. Built in 1887, the Institute has served as an important venue for community groups and organisations for generations. The attached library was build in 1924 and is an important community resource we cannot lose. The Couper was under threat in the 1990s and the community came together to fight the closure - we need that same solidarity again. The Couper is noticeably missing from any reopening plans and this is extremely worrying. The community calls upon Glasgow City Council and Glasgow Life to ensure both the Institute and Library are reopened as soon as COVID regulations allow. The Couper must not be forgotten!
    2,479 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Craig Carson
  • Save Our Librarians
    Across the five Idea Stores and two libraries in Tower Hamlets, we have over 1.92 million visits a year. Idea Stores are more than just a library or a place for learning. As well as library services, we offer a wide range of adult learning courses and an extensive activities and events programme for all the family, seven days a week. The community is at the heart of everything we do but with 30 job cuts and with minimum staffing levels, we will not be able to deliver the services that you know and love. The Covid-19 pandemic has increased residents social isolation and it is now more than ever that residents need a fully staffed library service. Your support is vital to stop excessive front line job cuts at the Idea Stores and libraries.
    510 of 600 Signatures
    Created by * *
  • Public Toilet Facilities for Bristol City Centre
    From our perspective the provision of accessible public toilet facilities is a basic duty of local government to protect and preserve the human rights of Bristol’s residents and visitors. It is also a question of upholding the public dignity of those who need regular access to such facilities. It is also imperative that these facilities include Changing Places facilities for use for those with profound physical and learning disabilities. It is our hope that Bristol City Council will be able to make use of the £30 million fund the Government established to help local councils provide such facilities last year. http://www.changing-places.org/the_campaign/what_are_changing_places_toilets_.aspx https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-53448846 https://www.theibsnetwork.org/about-us/
    557 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Zachary Barker Picture
  • Save John Carroll Leisure Centre - No Cuts!
    John Carroll is the last real community facility available in Radford, one of the most deprived areas in Nottingham, which is now at risk of closure due to council budget cuts. Nottingham City Council has made £272 million worth of funding cuts in the last decade, but rather than standing up to the Government's austerity policies, the Labour-run City Council is forcing the poorest communities in the city to pay the price. John Carroll could become the latest victim in this attack on community services but you can help by signing this petition. For decades John Carroll served as place where children could build the confidence they need to succeed and as a sporting facility for under-funded schools. It has been a polling centre, a base for political campaigning and a hub for Notts County to inspire local budding sport prospects. It has even served as an information and confidence building point for victims of Female Genital Mutilation. Most importantly, John Carroll Leisure Centre has served as a meeting place for a diverse range of groups and plays an enormous role in fostering co-operation and trust between people in the community. The centre is a vital asset for the residents of Radford who now, more than ever, need support to keep their community centre going. Help us get to 5,000 signatures! Save the John Carroll!
    3,117 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Save John Carroll
  • Save our Libraries in Tower Hamlets
    Tower Hamlets Council seems to think libraries are a thing of the past. When I talked to my 10 year-old granddaughter about this recently. She was shocked when I told her Bethnal Green library is under threat. Before COVID, she used to go there regularly with her school, as her mum did before her. She says children need real libraries and real books. Libraries are vital to the future of our community, now more than ever. Many people don't have access to the internet, or space to do homework and not everyone wants to read a book on a screen. Our libraries also play a vital social role, for children, schools, older people or those who are isolated or lonely. COVID has also reminded us that not all children have access to remote learning. That's compounded in Tower Hamlets, where hundreds of children live in cramped, overcrowded homes. Tower Hamlets Council should join with other local authorities to demand the government provides the money to keep our libraries open.
    2,587 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Glyn Robbins
    I see on your website that you are closing our local branch Glynnneath in Feb next year. It also says that the next available bank is in Swansea 16.4miles away ......... or Measteg 9.6miles away. If you are working on these calculations, THEY ARE WRONG. IT STATES ON YOUR WEBSITE THAT OUR BRANCH IS IN NEATH AGAIN, WRONG!!! IT IS IN GLYNNEATH - over 10miles further up The Valley than NEATH. Swansea is 21miles away or 3hr round trip by bus Maesteg is 24.1 miles or a 5hr 30mins round trip by bus !! This is without waiting around for a bus to arrive. The population of our village/small town is nearly 4,300. It has a very large quota of elderly people. They do not have the ability to travel even the shortest of those choices. Most do not possess the ability to use your online facilities. They find this action of closure totally dicscriminatory against the elderly and those with mobility issues. An absolute betrayal of their loyalty to you over many years. Many do not have children living near to be able to help. This bank has been the mainstay of this village. You are the only bank of any kind left with 11miles of our village. I therefore urge you please reconsider this action. I understand that financial decisions have to be made, but, there are also moral issues here. The people of Glynneath have supported your bank for decades and feel totally abandoned at this decision. Hopefully now, you are more aware of the huge impact your decision will have on our community. Please would you reconsider your decision.
    462 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Clare Beynon
  • Save G15 youth project
    ⚠️⚠️ G15 YOUTH PROJECT UNDER THREAT OF CLOSURE ⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️ 50% cut in funding ⚠️⚠️ Dear parents of G15 Youth Project Members Due to recommendations from Glasgow city council Glasgow community fund future funding, G15 youth project is set to receive 50% reduction in our funding. This decision will have a devastating impact on the future of the project and the support to local young people of which your son or daughter maybe a member. G15 is also the lead support for Drumchapel D60 which hosted all your community events like D in the park, Halloween in the hills and Winter wonderland/Free Santa’s Grotto that we organise each year. G15 youth project is in danger of closure due to this decision and we need your voice and support to express your value of the service and to help save G15 Youth Project. This can be done by writing or contacting your local elected members MP and MSP expressing your concern. (please see their email contacts below) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] We have always appreciated your support and would welcome your voice in this difficult situation. WORKING TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE
    709 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Gary Kelly
  • Save West Denton swimming pool
    Many people rely on this pool to stay fit and healthy, many have no transport to get to a pool in another area. Children rely on learning a valuable life skill with swimming, I pay for my son to learn how to swim, the other areas are fully booked so he just has to do without this skill. We need the council to listen, more and more houses are being built and more and more facilities are being removed. Stop the closure of West Denton pool, the council have an obligation to keep this open one way or another.
    5,518 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Gavin Young
  • SAVE our local Radio Presenter Dicky Dodd from Axe
    He is a Wolverhampton Born and Bred. He truly understands Wolverhampton and promotes it at every opportunity. Signal 107 is a local radio Station in Wolverhampton. Listen to there listeners.
    906 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Susan Roberts
  • Save our Camden Canal Bins!
    Protecting the canal
    565 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Romany Smith Picture
  • Properly fund our local councils
    People left sleeping on the streets. Elderly people stuck without the care they need. Children with no local library or youth club. Our councils are being pushed to the brink because of years and years of government funding cuts. The new government has said time and time again that austerity is over. That they’re injecting cash across the country. But so far, they aren’t putting their money where their mouth is. The new Chancellor Rishi Sunak has got just a few weeks to write his first ever budget. A huge petition, signed by hundreds and thousands of members of the public, telling him to properly fund our councils will show him council funding has to be at the top of his agenda.
    57,488 of 75,000 Signatures