• Stop First Bus from carrying out devastating cuts to timetables in South Worcestershire
    Many people rely on these services to enable them to carry out every day tasks such as going to work, doing the shopping, attending medical appointments and meeting with friends & family. South Worcestershire is a largely rural area where public transport is limited and isolation a real risk. In addition to this an over reliance on car use is having a detrimental impact on air quality and health and well-being. These drastic cuts would be devastating.
    800 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Natalie McVey
  • Saving St Aldhelm's Play Park
    Wiltshire Council have closed St. Aldhelms play area citing it is too expensive to maintain, having neglected it (and other parks in the area and across Wiltshire) for a sustained period of time. It is a hugely important amenity which is well used by children of all ages, and must be saved for the community.
    209 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dom Newton
  • Save Penny Pie Park
    Barnsley Council are wanting to build a gyratory on Penny Pie Park in Pogmoor effectively turning the remaining park into a roundabout. The objections are: It’s a much loved and used green space by a variety of people from young children, teenagers, dog walkers, disabled, the elderly, people reading papers and everything in between. Obesity levels are on the rise and to take away one of the few large green spaces would be a detriment to the community. Children would end up on street corners or in their bedroom Both noise and air pollution would rise due to the felling of healthy trees We should be discouraging cars rather than creating ways to encourage them to come into town so improvements should be made to our public transport system The park is a lifesaver as the Yorkshire Air Ambulance lands on the park due to the hospital not having a helipad this is usually to support the Embrace service The park creates an income as the Scott Pullen & Son Fairground comes several times a year The park is maintained by a Community group who organise events throughout the year. They have been nominated and won awards including Pride of Barnsley. They have raised funds to provide a pathway, trees, shrubs and are still doing the good work. Tree sculptures have been created around the park incorporating a story/nature trail for the younger children.
    2,883 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Lyndsey Darren Picture
  • Dont cut school funding for school buses
    It is important so my son and other children get to and home from school safely
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Walton
  • Meet and protect the rights of disabled children, adults and their families.
    I’m a mother, but no one has ever called me mummy. I’ve resuscitated my child, but I’ve never put a plaster on his knee. I’ve not been fined for taking my child out of school for a holiday, but I’ve been fighting to get him into school for almost four years. I’ve gone for months at a time with little sleep - but not with a baby, with a child who stops breathing. There are no family days out, because there’s nowhere to change my immobile and incontinent teenager. For four years, I have to sedate my child to travel because his wheelchair doesn’t fit and causes him pain. I’ve said goodbye more times than I can count - not for a school trip, but because I was told he would die. Our first community nurse told me to visit a morgue so I could get used to the idea of seeing my son in a freezer. I was told by a care company manager that if I complained about her staff, she’d ensure my son was put in a home. They were asleep when he wasn’t breathing, they overdosed his medications and they forcibly strapped him down to his own bed to stop them needing to move him. I’ve had to plan and write down all of the details of my child’s funeral. We have lost our home, jobs and self esteem - sponging from society, because care and education has not been sufficiently funded to allow us to work - to support our own family. I was a teacher, I fought for the children of others, I loved my job. Now, I have to fight for my son and his rights, to be his ICU nurse, to try to find time to be his mum when I’m so tired and so sad. My husband cared for people with MND or dementia, supporting them and their families until the end of their lives. Now he can only support us. Our lives revolve around keeping our son alive, well and comfortable.
    688 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jo Atrill Picture
  • Don't cut funding for children's school buses
    In September Thetford Academy are cutting funding to Lewis Coaches so that they no longer run the bus service for our children to get to school. I have no other way of getting my 12 year old to and from school. And many other parents are in the same position. Please don't compromise the safety or education of our children.
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Walton
  • Save Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau
    This is a vital service for many people across Renfrewshire. Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau took on almost 3000 new cases in 2016-17. Demand for their services is growing as welfare reform continues to impact the poorest communities; as the number of people who privately rent property rises and as the scurge of precarious employment shows no sign of going away. Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau offers a comprehensive service to people that no other organisation does. If Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau is not funded properly or fairly for the work that it does, it will see desperate people with no where else to turn to, become even more desperate.
    928 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Lauren
  • Hourly Bus Service between Ascot and Legoland
    The first bus to Windsor from North Street is 10.05 am, therefore people are unable to get to hospital appointments or their places of work. The last bus from Windsor to North Ascot is at 3.46 pm, therefore anyone working or going to late hospital appointments , or travelling from Slough is left stranded. This bus service has been changed to a 2-hour service, so anyone missing a bus has to wait for 2 hours.
    289 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Bruce Singleton
  • Keep Herefordshire libraries safe. No to outsourcing
    We deeply regret that, despite strong arguments against it, you and your Cabinet colleagues decided on 28th June to press ahead with a tendering exercise to outsource the County’s library service. Given recent national experience, we are convinced that this is misguided. There is no material evidence that outsourcing libraries in Herefordshire would be cheaper or deliver a better service – we know of no contractor with a successful track record of running a library service in a rural setting comparable to Herefordshire. The current management and staff of Herefordshire libraries are doing a fine job under strained circumstances.
    1,534 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tom Harvey
  • Save Woodchurch Leisure Centre
    If this proposal is passed we feel it will be the start of the demise leading to permanent closure of this very valued community Leisure Centre. We are all being urged to keep healthy and fit by both the Council and NHS England and swimming is one of the ways they advise, so closing a popular pool is not acceptable. Woodchurch Leisure Centre needs investment not closure. Please sign this petition and help us stop these unwanted changes.
    633 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Vincent Atherton
  • Stop the Velo South Cycle Event - 23rd September in West Sussex
    The event will hold hostage thousands of residents in their own homes around the 100 mile route for up to 8 hours, cost local businesses real money, risk the livelihood of farmers and welfare of farm animals, all for the commercial gain of Velo South. West Sussex County Councillors were not able to democratically vote on this and neither were Chichester District Council nor the Parish Councils.
    2,878 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Alan Pearson
  • Stop cuts to 666 bus services between Faversham & the William Harvey Hospital Ashford
    The recent changes to the 666 bus service are a barrier preventing access to vital healthcare services. Timetable changes introduced on the 3rd June 2018 have seen an already limited service dramatically reduced. Prior to this date Stagecoach ran 7 daily services on weekdays between Faversham and the William Harvey Hospital. The new timetable changes now mean only 2 services per day run between Faversham and the William Harvey Hospital. These changes adversely discriminate against those with limited mobility, the vulnerable and the elderly users of this bus service, who previously used the 666 as it served as a direct route to essential health services at the William Harvey. For many users, the increased journey time and problems of changing onto a connecting bus at Ashford Park Street has made this journey dangerous and distressing.
    204 of 300 Signatures
    Created by JACK BRIGHT