• Allow wheelchair accessible vehicles into rubbish and recycling centres
    I am a wheelchair user myself and my vehicle is 3.5 ton and lately I have had a lot of rubbish and I have needed to go to the recycling centre but as the rules are in Shropshire, I cannot because my vehicle is over the weight limit. I have recently had a phone call with Telford and Wrekin Council and I was trying to prove the point that it is discriminating against disabled people to not allow them into the recycling centres when most disabled people’s vehicles are over 3.5ton. There is such thing as an equality act, and so I believe, that means everything is meant to be equal, clearly in this case it is not equal and it is not fair that disabled people are not allowed to go to the recycling centres due to the weight of their vehicles. The weight of the vehicles is also heavily added to due to adaptations for most people due to lifts or ramps and other equipment. As we all know disabled people such as myself would not choose to have the conditions we have, and live our lives this way. The government and local councils do not understand how hard it is for disabled people to be as independent as possible and by taking our rubbish to a recycling centre we are able to support ourselves. So please, please may you all support this campaign and sign this petition because like most disabled people, I need to get to the recycling plants to get rid of my rubbish.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Corey Haseley Picture
  • Save Swanley Age Concern Charity Shop From Closure RACDV
    Our successful charity shop is the only visible support in the Swanley area for the elderly and sells really useful clothes and goods at low prices to help those in need in our community. We also have a 5-day a week walk in advice and information service and we help in tackling isolation and loneliness for the elderly in our community. It has also helped older volunteers gain the confidence to get back into other employment. The shop is profitable so us volunteers are at a complete loss as to why the trustees are closing it and want them to reverse their decision to fulfil their remit as trustees and in the best interests of the elderly in our area.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Sherlock
  • Closure of special educational needs base Laurence Haines school
    Our daughter attends a speech and language base, she has been there for almost two years, in this time not only has her speech come on (she hardly spoke when first attended) but her confidence has grown too. All the staff are brilliant and have built up a lovely relationship with her. She struggles when she goes into mainstream class in the afternoon with the amount of children and noise. She really wouldn't be where she is today if it wasn't for 'the base' at her school so please please help to try and stop the closure of other bases. Our daughter is one of many children with special educational needs that really need the help, care and support these bases offer. This will have an impact on the surrounding schools and bases for all these children with special educational needs. Why should they be the ones who suffer!!!! Please sign the petition Thank you
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Herbert
  • Ban the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements by Employers who have breached The Equalities Act
    The Government want to get 1 million disabled people back in to work, but we as a community face bullying and harassment that is routinely covered up and victims gagged. I was bullied repeatedly and then bullied again to take the deal - threatened with no reference if I don't. I need to work, want to work and am very capable. British businesses have been negligent in my case and have paid me more than £100k to not go to tribunal. With no reference and a family to support, I had no choice but to take the deal, and nothing has changed. Settlement agreements have their place in business, but should not be used to gag victims of a crime. Employment tribunals should be available to hear these case and 'educate' businesses as best they can. NDA's are a cover-up, a way for a business to protect it's image and limit the damage. The human impact for me is so much greater, money can't fix it for me.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Annie Mouse
  • MRI screening
    People are having to fly hundreds of miles for an mri scan. Many people have suffered injuries and should not have to travel so far, especially as there are 2 mri machines in Raigmore hospital. Some people are not allowed to fly because of insurance purposes and a 9 hour journey by ferry then car/public transport is long. From my own experience I was told I wouldn’t be allowed on the plane as I could not bend my knee so my only other option was the ferry. I was really struggling with pain and there was no way I could spend that amount of time in a car, especially as I was struggling with really bad pain after being in the car for 20 minutes. It is unfair to ask patients to travel so far for a diagnosis. Some of the poorest countries in the world have far more advanced technology than the uk which doesn’t seem right. The cost of nhswi paying for flights for patients is ridiculous too, I know people go away for other things but surely having their own mri scanner would save them money in the long term.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Marie Macleod
  • 144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by steven fraser
  • Save Heysham Swimming Pool.
    Cllr Margaret Pattison, Cllr Janice Hanson, Cllr Darren Clifford and Cllr David Whittaker are very concerned with living in a seaside area such as Morecambe and Heysham that children should have a local pool to learn to swim. The pool has 54.000 visitors a year with 16 schools using the pool for swimming lessons and groups helping people to keep fit and healthy, if closed this would effect the health and safety of the people in Morecambe.
    1,066 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Cllr Margaret Pattison.
  • Universal Credit Helpline should be FREE
    People in receipt of benefits are generally, by their very nature of having to claim a benefit, in a vulnerable financial situation. The changes to the benefit system as JCP centres roll out the Universal Benefit programme is causing considerable and maybe severe financial disruption for some of our most vulnerable members of society. These persons SHOULD NOT HAVE TO FINANCE the rollout by having to pay 55p p/min to make a call with a query they have about the changes that are affecting the fabric of their lives. Many people end up on hold - AT 55P PER MINUTE! It is immoral to charge people to use this helpline.
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Price
  • Resident parking spaces and junction box in Killin drive
    People block up our street so much that an ambulance wouldn’t get in for the severely disabled child living in a house at the end. Parking for the people who actually live there not people visiting Academy house offices. Reduced speed limit to stop them speeding through street before someone is knocked down!
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Pratt
  • More funding for SEN students in schools
    As students ourselves, we feel that some children are at a disadvantage with their education. This is because they are not receiving the support they need to learn. It could be down to various reasons, but we feel that giving schools extra funding to tackle this issue, is essential. If we want future generations to help Britain grow, we need to invest now.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heather Forknall
  • Legally recognise ADUK Dogs as Carers for Direct Payments
    These are amazing carers who maintain and promote independence for people who have various and complex care and social needs. Our assistance dogs care for us 24/7 who should be legally recognised by the government and save the government millions a year in care charges. The government needs to offer people the right to be able to claim for these costs to be able to keep us independent and motivated and socialised within the community. The average homecare cost is £200 per week the average cost of an ADUK is about £50 per week. Some more progressive councils allow for these amazing carers to be honoured and covered by a direct payment, whilst other councils take the guideline discriptor of carer ( meaning human ) as literal- this should be addressed to show the change since it was written. It will also help with the crisis in the health and social care situation.
    315 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Forbes
  • Have a Limit on Standing for Workers
    Standing for long periods of time at work can cause many health problems, including pain in many areas of the body (such as the back, legs and hips) as well as varicose veins, problems during pregnancy, heart and circulation issues and more. This does not even begin to cover the issues people with existing health conditions may face. More than eleven million workers in the UK are standing for a prolonged period of time, risking their health and unable to take the weight off of their feet.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M Laing