• Toys For Disabilities
    This is an issue which needs to be addressed in order to help the development of children with disabilities. Having recently visited a store with my 7 year old nephew, who has down syndrome, we were shocked to discover that there was not a single section designated to children whose needs differ from normal children. They require sensory toys, often with lights and sounds to aid their development but all that is available in store is similar toys designed for babies and small children not for older children who despite having a disability still need to work on skills such as counting, just through different means.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Smith
  • Industrialized Discrimination (Against Disabled People)
    Disabled people like myself are being left to try and tidy up there property without any help from the authorities, which is causing a lot of Stress and needless suffering for all Disabled People in similar positions to myself, with Disabilities that affect how a person functions, like walking, preparation of food and Mental Health Problems which can cause communication breakdowns quickly without the appropriate help.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stuart Ongley
  • Delayed DBS checks
    These checks are important to anyone who has a job working with the sick, disabled, or children. All care/support workers, nurses, and teachers cannot legally work in the uk without a current DBS check. However the government currently has a back log of over 150.000.00 people (and rising) who cannot start work in much needed services such as the NHS and community support as they are still waiting for their DBS.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael McNamara
  • Help Stop 200% Penalty Fines From NHS Business Services
    Holders of NHS Tax Credit Exemption Certificates are disadvantaged by low incomes and sometimes by medical conditions. This might make keeping track of the certificates expiry date difficult and treatment may be unknowingly accessed when the certificate has recently expired. The current system enforced by the NHS Business Services Authority targets vulnerable people in various ways. Firstly they do not send any reminders when the certificate is due to expire - can you imagine if insurers took the same approach! Secondly if your card has expired and you receive medical treatment, even though you might still meet the criteria to be eligible for free treatment you will still be fined. I found this out first hand. Thirdly this fine is approximately 200% of the cost of the medical treatment. I offered to pay the cost of treatment but that wasn't enough, the NHS are demanding a 200% fine - how is this fair? Lastly when you are told of the fine the letter tells you that if you still met the exemption criteria to call them. I tried this and when you call they reprimand you for the certificate expiring and are not interested that you were still exempt. If the financial industry worked in this way the ombudsman and or government would take action to resolve this. The NHS is actively discriminating against vulnerable people and making their situation worse. How can this be legal? It certainly isn't ethical and I want to start this campaign to protect others who find themselves in this situation. Please sign and demand a fair and just situation for vulnerable people.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natasha Senior
  • National Rules and Legislations for Taxi Companies Regarding Access for Guide Dogs and their Owners
    At the moment there is no set national legislation for rights and responsibilities for taxi companies towards guide dogs and their owners. This is currently dealt with on a regional level and not a national one. Nationally, there are no penalties in place to deter these companies, or their drivers from refusing guide dogs with their owners. Our aim is to impose penalties on drivers and the companies that they work for if they refuse anybody with a guide dog. Refusing guide dogs and their owners by taxi companies leaves individuals in a precarious and vulnerable position, especially if they are out at night. This needs to be stopped.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by imran arshad
  • Mental health curriculum
    There are charities that are doing amazing jobs getting into schools to run mental health awareness sessions but it is not regular enough or even existent in some schools. I struggled hugely growing up in school and struggled with mental health but did not know what was wrong with me until I experienced a mental breakdown at around 15 years old. I have trained with 'Mind' as a youth wellbeing trainer and delivered mental wellbeing sessions in schools and it really is needed permanently.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Reece Kyriacou
  • Stop Councils from taking people's disability benefits to pay for their care
    Since the introduction of the Care Act, many local authorities are reassessing people's ability to pay for their own care and/or support. My daughter relies on her support worker to help her to live independently. For the last 6 years she has received funding from the Local Authority to pay a support worker to help her cook meals, shop, keep her flat clean, deal with correspondence, go to medical appointments and get out and about. Without any warning or discussion, it stopped on the same day she was visited to 'check' she was receiving the right amount of benefits. A subsequent letter informed her that after the general living allowance was deducted from her benefits, there was enough income left to pay for her own care. The Government 'say' that she needs £x amount to live on then our Local Authority say she can live on less than half the benefit amount. It is very wrong and very soon you will be talking to someone who is affected by these assessments (parents of disabled adults, people with aging parents and/or people who need care). Please support this campaign to force Local Authorities to ignore disability benefits when assessing people's ability to pay for their own care so they can exercise choice and control over their lives.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Cooper
  • Dorset #NoVoice
    The forums are made up from elected representatives from the 9 regions in England. These representatives talk to government and other Organisations such as the NHS & CQC to give the opinions and voice of people with a learning disability. Without the forums, the voice of people with a learning disability will be lost. We are worried that when the government stop supporting and listening to people with learning disabilities others may stop too. More people with a learning disability could end up isolated and alone with nowhere to turn. Please sign this petition and show our local MPs how important the voice of people with a learning disability is. We would really like them to speak up for the people in their communities that have #NoVoice. We want MPs to tell government that their local community think people with a learning disability should be included at a local, regional and national level. We think the Department of Health should reconsider funding the vital work of the forums. http://nationalforums.co.uk/
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kerry Martin
  • More SEN Training for teachers and TA'S in schools
    This very important because we need to help our children cope in society, prepare our children for a happy and meaningful life. My daughter is 12 years old, though out her primary school days struggled with going to school, crying a lot, her anxiety levels were through the roof. Only when my daughter was in year 4 the school had noticed my daughter had communication problems I was never told about until year 5. When my daughter was 3 years old I had taken to the GP, she was very violent so our GP referred my daughter over to the community paediatric services I got my local MP involved. After all those years of stress, anxiety, we finally received a outcome, on the 6th Dec 2016 my daughter was finally diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
    228 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Andrea Yates
  • Collect Tax from British Offshore Tax Havens to Fund Free Elderly Care
    Various governments have had no adequate policy for caring for the elderly in England and Wales, leading to dreadful suffering, as well as strain on the NHS. Its a moral imperative to change this and bring in the Scottish system that provides non- means tested home care for the elderly. That way, they are safer at home and not bed blocking the N.H.S. ( Community Care & Health ( Scotland) Act 2002.) The Government says there is no money to pay for the Scottish system of elderly care in England and Wales. That's because successive governments chose to collude with the corporate elite, rather than care for us. This also causes too much tax burden paid through P.A.Y.E., which should reduce if the elite loop holes that lose the welfare state budget billions of pounds were closed. A proper policy to enforce tax collection from British offshore territories, including political support and resources to bring vigorous tax collection cases, would raise billions of pounds for home care and convalescent homes for the elderly as well as fund other public services.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J Bradwell
  • Fining the homeless
    With homelessness increasing across the UK and Northampton we should be dealing with the causes and spending money providing shelter, food and helping folks out of this situation. People asking for food and money are usually in need of society's help not punishment. People not in this situation are damn lucky though with societies safety nets being burnt by this government we may be far from being homeless or in need, so please support this petition.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Luke Young
  • Give us a lift - Warwick station.
    I'm sure we are not the only residents who've had to carry our kids up the station steps in a buggy, before running to the front of the station and back again just to get a ticket? As residents we are now called to join the fight to ensure disabled travellers and parents with pushchairs do not lose out on the vital upgrades.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lawrence Jackson