• Maintain funding for Homeless and Disabled Supported Housing
    The cuts to funding will hinder people with learning disabilities, who want to live independently, as well as homeless projects, potentially creating a Postcode lottery. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/dwp-disability-cuts-supported-housing-mencap-womens-refuges-homeless-hostels-a7309466.html#gallery Ministers say it is needed for efficiently, but picking on vulnerable members of society, will only increase problems further down the line. Steps to tackle corporate tax dodging would be a better way of making these savings. As someone who is disabled myself, I feel very strongly, that people like us should be able to live independently, and contribute to society, and not be made to feel we are being cast out. Growing up, I was made to feel a second class citizen by peoples attitudes, and have felt we have made a lot of progress through coverage of the Paralympics, being a great example.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Blakemore
  • The breach of rights for profit must stop
    This has created a massive impact on the UK welfare population that goes all the way to mothers caring for their disabled children, charging people ludicrous fines and causing much suffering for those affected. For example of this here's links to supporting articles such as a woman accused of being married to a dead pensioner http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/37339981 http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/teen-mum-tax-credits-stopped-8825953
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jade Halford
  • Allow Sativex on NHS prescription in the rest of GB not just Wales
    I've suffered with chronic back and leg pain for 16 years and have to rely on morphine based pain relief which has many bad side effects which control my life. I've been told lots of times to try cannabis and how good it is for pain, but I no longer smoke and do not know how to use it in food or where to get hold of a good quality product. Sativex is legally prescribed in Wales and is cannabis based. After years of testing it has been proven to give pain relief to people with MS, ME, Fybromyalgia,and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome all of which are terribly dibilitating illnesses. All l would ask for myself is a trial period just to see if it offers help with my pain so that I could get some of my life back and get off morphine which is in so many ways a poison to my body after being on it for over 10 years.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by john hanson Picture
  • Removal of Disabled Families from the Troubled Families Policy
    We don’t consider this positive policy to be associated with Disabled Parents or Children we request you support our removal from this Troubled Families Policy. Troubled Families Policy. As it stands the categories are: Parents and children involved in crime or anti-social behaviour Children who have not been attending school regularly Children who need help Adults out of work or at risk of financial exclusion and young people at risk of worklessness Families affected by domestic violence and abuse Parents and children with a range of health problems We may require extra support at times but do not accept the this make the classification as Troubled Family. We request that you fully support our complete removal from this program and for public consultation to be launched. Into why it was even deemed acceptable in the first place for our inclusion in this policy.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Cameron
  • Improve disabled access in Portsmouth
    So that wheelchair/Frame/Scooter users can travel around the beautiful city easily and hassle free. Personally as a young wheelchair user living in Portsmouth I know how hard it can be to get around the city and into buildings without having to take longer routes or going into the back entrances of buildings due to lack of disabled access.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Faith Martin
  • Speech and language support to home educated special needs children
    Our son who is now 14 falls between severe and moderate learning needs, he is autistic, has chronic lung disease, requires gastric tube feeding and is prone to infection. He also is partially deaf and cannot process words easily. Surrey Education agreed with us that home education was his best option due to the issues he has. However this removes access to speech and language therapy and other communication support as the budget goes to the special needs schools, not the child. This has to change to allow his parents to provide the best support for him. We can of course go private but due to cost this is not a viable option. We need the law changed to give the education and special needs budget to the child. Educating at home is not an easy option to choose, but to limit our options is not only unfair but boarding discrimination.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Searson
  • Torbay about to Fleece Disabled people - Will your council do the same?
    If Torbay council can get this through, then every council in the land will be punishing the disabled and poor families, for being poor. What is being proposed? They are proposing to make ten changes that are listed below to the current scheme from 1 April 2017: Reducing the maximum level of support to 55% of the council tax charge Restrict the maximum level of support to the equivalent of a band C property charge Savings limit of £3,000 Removal of the family premium Reducing backdating for new claims to one month Basing the reduction on a set minimum income for self-employed earners after one year’s self-employment Reducing the period a person can be absent from Great Britain and still receive a reduction to four weeks Removing the work related activity component for new ESA applicants Limiting the number of dependent children within the calculation to a maximum of two Removing entitlement to Severe Disability Premium where another person is paid Universal Credit (Carers Element) The last one is really poisonous, remove entitlement to Carers!!! Please spread this story, you never know when you may be struggling with sickness. Thank you for your time.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John James
  • Disabled people to be treated with respect and dignity by Atos
    It creates fear, anxiety, distress and an exacerbation of a disabled persons conditions. If somebody has to travel out of area for an assessment it may cause the individual pain, anxiety, panic attacks and other symptoms of their illnesses. People have the right to be treated with respect and dignity. It is not the individuals fault that they are sick and need to rely on the state for financial support. Many people with disabilities have worked and been active members of society. Illness can happen to any of us. People are human with feelings and should not be made to feel humiliated and undeserving whilst attending assessments. An empathetic nature is vital when carrying out health assessments. Nearly all disabled people want to continue working, Nobody wants to struggle financially, have their independence taken away and experience life changing illnesses. The assessors need to be aware of this. It's important to ensure that if somebody is suffering from a mental health illness they are assessed by somebody that works in the Mental health field. If somebody has Parkinsons Disease they need to be assessed by somebody who works in Neurology. An assessor can not understand and individuals needs if they have no knowledge of the illness. Claimants have been unable to attend their assessments because it has been too far to travel. This must be taken into account . It's obvious that if somebody is in a wheelchair it's going to be difficult for them or if somebody is agoraphobic getting to an assessment centre may be impossible. Claimants should not be sanctioned if they have a genuine reason for not being able to turn up. There should be a complete overhaul of the way assessments are devised, dealt with and carried out by Atos and DWP. Disabled people are committing suicide because of the way they have been treated by this organisation the number of which is being hidden from the public. The true statistics should be published
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Adams
  • Please invoke International Law on Ryanair or amend British Law
    Ryanair threatened to leave two disabled octogenarians and myself aged 76 at Malaga airport because we were unable to download inbound boarding cards, which they do not allow to be downloaded before the outbound flight. We could not download them in Spain because we do not own smartphones. We were humiliated at the airport and forced to scrabble around for the cash. The stress has had an effect on all three of us and spoiled what had been a recuperative holiday. Michael O'Leary, the Chief Exec. of Ryanair told me personally that I should have bought on at an internet café or an hotel." Why not just allow them to be downloaded before flying?" I asked him. I have not yet had a reply to this simple question. Many people have been fined in this way and I would like them to sign this petition. I have two letters from O'Leary refusing to return our money.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Ruaune Picture
  • Stop people with mental health being arrested.
    I am a carer.I was looking after a lady with Autzimers when she became violent and distraught and attacked me.I called an ambulance for her thinking they could help.They called the police and she was dragged off screaming frightened and becoming more violent.She was handcuffed and locked in a cell for at least 2 days before she was referred to a hospital.This poor lady was now a criminal as she attacked a police officer out of fear.I cant believe this was the answer to helping a vunerable person with a mental health issue.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Madeleine Fuggle
  • Protect Welfare For Disabled People
    The current 'austerity' policies are hurting only the poorest & most vulnerable people, whilst the wealthy have only gotten wealthier. This has led to the country being more divided than ever in recent years. The 'Brexit' vote is a prime example of this; where the disenfranchised voiced their feelings & now we need our Government to heal these wounds & bring us together, rather than promote further division. Disabled people are suffering particularly as a result of the cut-backs in public spending & we feel victimised. We have a right to try to lead as normal a life as possible & cutting benefits in what is one of the wealthiest nations on Earth is both unjustified & shameful. Many disabled people are genuinely frightened of where these policies might lead & what our future lives may be like. We've seen other people who claim benefits being used as a scapegoat in the media & we worry, 'are we next?'. We want assurances that this will not happen & that we will remain both valid & valued citizens. We hope & pray that these promises to halt these divisive & harmful policies are kept & that our worries are alleviated.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian McDaid
  • Improving provision for Autistic individuals in Derbyshire
    My name is Jenn Layton. I had an autistic meltdown on the 11th June and ended up in A&E twice in 24 hours with overdoses. I had been referred to the Home Treatment and Crisis Team the day before. When I called them before I took my first overdose to tell them I was on my own and felt risky I was told to go for a walk. I assaulted a member of the hospital staff trying to help on my first admission because I could not cope with the sensory input and left the house in handcuffs when I refused to cooperate with paramedics. I self discharged and went home and overdosed again on alcohol and drugs because I was in a state of physiological shock and unable to behave rationally. I really wanted to die and stop feeling the pain I was in. I am feeling better now but am terrified if this happens again at a weekend and I am still not understood the same thing will happen again, or worse. NHS Derby City and Derbyshire estimate there are approximately 11,000 people in the County somewhere on the Autistic Spectrum. Lack of provision mean we are often unable to achieve anywhere near or full potential. We are stuck between NHS teams, with no dedicated pathway, and often encounter poorly prepared and dangerous situations that can worsen already difficult circumstances. Mental health staff, hospital staff, police and social care are working with no dedicated training or joining up of services. Families, parents and partners are being left alone to pick up the pieces because of the lack of provision, making life miserable and harder for everyone. The number of people on the spectrum is increasing all the time as diagnosis improves. Please add your name and story and make life easier for everyone, Aspies, Autists, their families and the services and save some money for the county in the long term by avoiding countless crisis situations that are occurring every day, in homes and public places in Derbyshire.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jenn Layton