Force Exam Boards to give FULL refunds to UK schools this year (2021)This year UK examination boards have charged schools IN FULL (which is thousands of pounds per school). For what? Under normal circumstances schools pay the boards to a) generate examination material such as exam papers and b) pay examiners to mark and moderate said examination papers. This year, exams have been replaced with "assessments" - exams in all but name and additionally what is essentially old style coursework. These are being marked in their entirety by school staff, FOR FREE and at exceptionally late notice, thereby saving private examination boards huge amounts of money in examiners' fees. The exam boards have not even generated new exam material - merely regurgitated past exam papers. At a time when the vast majority of schools are struggling under the continued underfunding of the education system and staff are at breaking point from the demands of Covid-induced special procedures, we the undersigned feel that tax-payers money would be better spent ON SCHOOLS as opposed to lining the pockets of the boards who are charging for services either not provided at all or rendered lazily. We demand that government intervene to force exam boards to refund schools IN FULL - and not the paltry partial refunds offered thus far.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Burgon
Give Us The Graduation We DeserveWe pay £9,250 each year for our course to at the end receive a formal congratulations which we deserve. The excuses UoS have made are not adequate and with clubs opening in June, and concerts opening, we are more than disappointed we can’t have a graduation, even if it is altered to be more safe e.g. done outdoors, socially distanced, smaller groups. GIVE US OUR GRADUATION!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lauren Ward
Make first aid mandatory for new parentsTo help save the lives of babies, allowing new parents to have the skills to know what to do to prevent a Baby from choking, or in an emergency.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Soph Davis
Schools to teach more about LGBTQ!Not enough people actually know what LGBTQ is6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Aaron B
Boycott government's tutoring schemeIt is a huge waste of public money, paying a third party at exorbitant rates when schools are well placed to select tutors for themselves. This is an example of cronyism at its worst.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anne Harrison
Vaccinate our Teachers!Our teachers are key to keeping the country going! School is the biggest childcare service I know. Who has been looking after the children of Doctors, nurses, gp's, emergency services, and other essential services during the pandemic? TEACHERS have! Now all children are returning to school our teachers are going to once again be put at significantly higher risk of catching covid -19. Whilst children do not generally develop life threatening illness from covid-19, they can still transmit the virus and teachers being in close proximity are going to be at more risk than ever! Especially the early years and primary school teachers. If large numbers of teachers get ill with covid who is there to look after the children of our key workers? If 1 or 2 teachers in a small school, (like my own children go to) are struck down with covid its not only the poor teacher that suffers and they families- our children do to! Teachers cannot be furloghed, they can not work from home, they have no choice but go to their place of work to care for our children! So please Boris do what's right and vaccinate our precious irreplaceable teachers ❤!81 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jemma Peacock
DTMH ExamsMany of us took extensive study leave and committed personal funds to undertake DTMH qualifying courses. We are now trying to plan our lives as we, hopefully, head towards the end of the Covid pandemic and so we deserve to know what the RCP plans. There are now 2 cohorts of students from each course who are living with this uncertainty. Having put in extensive work it is demoralising and frustrating that the RCP will not enter into communication with us about its plans. Even knowing that there are no plans to hold an exam in 2021 would be more helpful than our current state of limbo. Many of us, including me, are working out our plans for the year, and any proposed exam date will hav a signficant impact on this.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mandy Fry
Refund University feeStudents are paying full fees for a compromised quality of teaching and learning. Students didn't have chance to enjoy the experience of University life. Online teaching is not like the actual learning experience of University, yet students are having to pay full fees. This is not fair at all. Also, students have to pay rent for their accommodation when there is no need to be physically present on campus!20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fouzia Khan
Take the pressure off of parents, schools not to stipulate full uniform from 8th MarchIt is important for two reasons: 1. The ease of sourcing uniform which will not always be available online 2. Will give time for schools to prepare their second hand shops, especially for parents under financial pressure6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nicola South
Children in Scottish Schools need to repeat the School YearSince March 2020 children in Scotland have spent the equivalent of 6 months home schooling. In the majority of public sector scenarios this has involved little or no direct teacher contact. Children need and benefit from being 'taught' by teachers. Reading and self guiding through work is not an adequate substitute. Our Curriculum for Excellence promises an education which considers every child and their needs individually. This cannot and has not been delivered over 2020/ 2021. Not all children can learn in the same way. Self guided material is impossible for the less able particularly when children's home circumstances are so varied. There is no guarantee of parental support. The gulf between the have's and have not's grows ever wider. The negative impact on our children's mental health over these months is unimaginable. Do we want to ramp this pressure up a level by returning them to school under the cloud of needing to catch up on all the education missed? We need to acknowledge how much we value 'teaching' and allow children in Scotland to move forwards together by repeating the last academic year.66 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gillian Smith
Fake news consequences - Educate UK teensJust check your social media feed - it won't take long.......... Fake news is becoming a regular occurrence in everyone's social media feeds. However, youngsters in the UK are the first generation to be exposed to this radical fake news whilst being at their most impressionable age. According to the National Literacy Trust (2021a) only 2% of children and young people in the UK have the critical literacy skills they need to tell if a news story is real or fake. Moreover half (49.9%) are worried about not being able to spot fake news (National Literacy Trust, 2021b). Fake news not only increases anxiety among teens and damages their self esteem, they can also reduce teens trust in formal news. All this can have far-reaching and dangerous consequences, such as when teens lose the fear of dangerous diseases, start to exclude and separate on the basis of political propaganda or trivialise radical groups and to the extent they can be brainwashed into becoming members. This is never more important, with the government delaying the online harm bill until 2022, we need to act now to protect our children's mental health and futures. Please help by signing our petition and united, we can spread our message across the length and breadth of the UK.43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sharon Sinclair
Captain Sir Thomas Moore daythe day Captain Tom passed is a day that should be celebrated in the calendar by everyone. Espescially the younger generations who didn't know about Captain Sir Thomas Moore and the amazing things he did and acheived in his lifetime. He was a hero and a hero he shall remain, but it wont be too long before his efforts and acheivments are. and will be forgotten. r.i.p Tom92 of 100 SignaturesCreated by frank pickard
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