Pay Student Nurses on placement until COVID-19 no longer is a pandemic.Student nurses have to complete 2300 hours of placement to be a registered nurse and with all the disruptions due to the pandemic this has been made difficult. Students have had to leave part time jobs to catch up on hours or are forced to make up time if they have to isolate. We aren’t entitled to sick pay and therefore we can find ourselves in financial difficulties very quickly. Acquiring COVID from placement could mean not only a high volume of hours to catch up on but also time off part time work. We are exposed to the same things qualified health professionals are however we have no protection. This can’t go on and there either needs to be pay for student nurses or a reduction in the hours that must be completed to allow time for those who end up suffering with COVID time to recover or isolate or a full refund in university fees for all the contributions student nurses make to help the NHS cope in these unprecedented times.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anonymous 1
Stop taking child element from student fianceStudent finance only covers for rent, bills and equipment for the student. Not for the upkeep of children.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Liane Carver
University’s to provide free, advanced wifi to student households.Broadband is imperative for productive home study due to limited library access.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lexi Greenstein
Abolish School Exclusions in the UKIn the UK we exclude around 8,000(APX) pupils each year We are 3x times more likely to exclude Black Caribbean Pupils SEND students are also hard hit In 2011 the Government changed the way in which schools were held to account for the permanent exclusions they decided to issue. The Independent Review Panel (the only Independent part of the school exclusions appeal process) could no longer allow (reinstate) a pupil to return back to the school if they deem the exclusion to have been wrong. The removal of such a vital safeguard to protect young people from putative and discriminatory sanction used by Headteachers across the UK- allowed for a steady normalisation of the exclusion figures of children to loom at around 7,800 each year. We believe this should not be the norm. In Scotland, last year they only permanently excluded 3 pupils. The Government’s disregard for the outcomes of young people has led to this community coalition demanding the complete removal of the ability to exclude children from schools. The Secretary of State is failing its international Human rights obligations of ensuring non- discrimination, and its obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. .74 of 100 SignaturesCreated by BLAM UK
Stop the seclusion of Black boys from schoolsThere needs to be a dismantling of systemic racism in our schools. Organizational policy and structures need to change in order to support our children who are the future. The current frameworks of education allow racism to thrive and be cultivated. Seclusion of Black boys add to the culture of youth violence, criminality and mental health problems. Children need to be educated in schools.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carol Webley-Brown
Student transport assistanceA lot of parents cannot afford to pay daily bus fayre for their children to attend school or college on top of school meals and uniforms and normal daily bills and spends. Children have to attend school and we encourage college in order to progress education for our future economy. Currently children that live more than 3 miles away receive massively reduced bus fayre, yet those that live less than this are expected to pay full bis fayre. This is personal to me as my daughter has started college and there will ne times when we cannot take her and as the cold dark nights creep in there will be time when she has to walk home alone, in the dark for a 49 minute journey. We live 2.5 miles which might not sound much but 49 minutes in the cold and dark is plenty. Ironically enough, any children 5 mins around the corner from us are able to get the bus for 50p a day, £1.90 a day cheaper than my daughter all because she lives 5 minutes closer. So a 54 minute walk warrents travel assistace yet a 49 minute walk does not. How is it that students are given student discount on an array if items because it is deemed they need the discount, yet traveling to school and college safely is not paramount. I am not saying it should be free, all I am is saying is that all students should receive a consession when it comes to travel. Ultimately we want our children to be safe and get to school or college on time without the worry or a massive hole in the wallet.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Cook
School uniformsSo No child feels excluded as parents are very worried and can’t afford to send their children back to school as the costs run into hundreds of pounds when uniforms can be bought cheap at local supermarkets.68 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Beverley Mullaney
We need a long term strategy for educationTo give our children as much security and stability as possible during the pandemic, and hope for their futures12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Liz Storrar
Refund University Fees for Periods of Missed TeachingStudents deserve to be reimbursed for the period of teaching that was heavily disrupted by this year's unforseen circumstances. Due to the disruption, university students were suddenly transferred to online teaching, most of which was sub-standard allowing only a small portion of the missed period to be made up. This does not warrant the extortionate fee of up to £9,250 for a university education. Students should be offered full reimbursements of fees as compensation for the poor quality of teaching including, but not limited to, online lectures, online discussion forums as tutorial substitutes, cancelled field trips, unnecessary accommodation fees and delayed grading. Alternatively, students should be given the opportunity to repeat periods of missed teaching caused by the strikes or the COVID-19 pandemic, without incurring any extra fees.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ciara Savvides
Dudley MPs: BACK OUR KIDSKids in Dudley deserve to obtain the grades they have worked hard for and to not be disadvantaged.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rebecca Dupree
A level resultsThe education system has to be fair for all so the country doesn’t miss out on some excellent students due to an unfair algorithm.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jon Blakeley
Downgrading of ExamsFor somebody from a deprived area to attain an A* in an exam takes more effort and ability then someone who has all the advantages handed to them.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Goodall
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